M3Freak said:When you see Toronto, your jaw will drop. You can see people from almost every single country in Toronto - I shit you now.
Now, there are many much better looking cities than Toronto. But, it's not ugly. All the different people makes up for all of that, including the incredibly low crime rate (compared to U.S. cities).
Now picture that, but cleaner, less obnoxious, more beautiful, and a better overall cultural scene (especially in summer), and you've got Montreal.M3Freak said:When you see Toronto, your jaw will drop. You can see people from almost every single country in Toronto - I shit you now.
Oh jesus.. you can here (NFLD.. it was like 32F with the windchill/fog today). But it's unpredictable.. a couple fridays past we were up to 90F. :lolfennec fox said:I want to escape summer heat forever. Can Canada provide this?
You probably get like 3 weeks of HARSH winter weather in January
6.8 said:HARSH? You've never lived on the East Coast have you?![]()
Mike Works said:Alabama is much better than all of Canada, you guys should all move there.
Or Kentucky. Can't go wrong with Kentucky.
Shut up, mormon.AlteredBeast said:I went to Alberta one time, it`s like a windier, colder Western Nebraska.
and you can only drive like 60mph on their freeways...
My advice, a crapping-out US is still better than Canada
Guileless said:All I know about Vancouver is the level from the first NBA Street (city seemed nice), but how did it lose the Grizzlies to the sinkhole of urban depravity that is Memphis?
Do you remember anything about the Grizzlies? Habitually depressing, worst franchise in history, etc etc? Attendance was still relatively OK, tho. A new owner came in and promised that he was in it for the long haul - he'd help make the team a success. He even came and watched the games! A brief love affair ensued.... he moved the team south one year later. :lol Few people shed tears. Once upon a time.......but how did it lose the Grizzlies to the sinkhole of urban depravity that is Memphis?
You mean the Otis Thorpe trade and the Big Country contract weren't good ideas?Socreges said:Do you remember anything about the Grizzlies? Habitually depressing, worst franchise in history, etc etc?
Not really, it's pretty hot and muggy with occasional relief via heavy rainstorms. Fall is the best I feel. Winter is winter and spring is pretty schizo.Mugen said:I mean it's the best in summer yah
Mugen said:If you guys gonna move to Canada, at least move to Vancouver... I just can't stand the Toronto weather. I mean it's the best in summer yah but it could be the worst in winter too. Toronto is like New York with a lot more snow. Vancouver I heard it rains so much so I don't mind that since I love rain.![]()
jenov4 said:Heh, don't forget Vancouver's the most expensive city to live in Canada and I think one of the top 10 in North America.
Azih said:Not really, it's pretty hot and muggy with occasional relief via heavy rainstorms. Fall is the best I feel. Winter is winter and spring is pretty schizo.
No, no. My site was metropolitan, yours was strictly city. That's why there's such a big difference.Azih said:The 2001 census is a bit out of date Socreges.
48% of toronto citizes were born outside of Canada.
Socreges said:Shut up, mormon.
The three provinces between British Columbia and Ontario don't have to be named. Just like everything outside of New York is irrelevant in the USA.
SickBoy said:Re: Alberta, I must say that a) it surprises me to see it bashed by someone from Utah, and b) Alberta has two redeeming natural qualities:
....of course there's a divide of plains in between, but once you get east of picture #2 you're in for a flaaaat ride for a province plus change.
IMO, outside of B.C. and the provinces I've never been to (read: Maritimes and the territories ), I'd say Alberta has some of Canada's finest nature.
Can I ask if anyone has ever taken a similar trip, and if so, what advice they can give? They're concerned about the feasibility of camping across such a notoriously cold country, but I've been advised the (three?) summer months should be relatively felicitous ...
Not in a "where should I live?" thread.maharg said:Alberta is practically keeping Canada alive, economically. It sure deserves to be named.![]()
Gorgie said:After living in the Edmonton region my whole life, I can't stand the high humidity that is in Vancouver.
Yeah, everybody wants that. Plus an interesting life to spend all that money on...maharg said:If you want to get paid well for easy jobs and pay next to no tax it sure is.