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Canadian businessman and reality TV star Kevin O'Leary is running for the leadership

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I think he has a good shot.

Hydro prices are the #1 political issue by far right now (in Ontario), and people are looking for alternatives.

Different levels of government. And thinking that the big issue today will be the big issue three years from now, one year after the provincial election, is misguided at best.

Speaking to my MLA, it seems leitch is in the lead in terms of the leadership race, I rather have learys neoliberal economics, which is also seen in some factions of the fed libs, than Leitch's social conservatism and ethnic nationalism

Headlines don't mean she's in the lead. She's second in fundraising, but she's way behind in terms of endorsements. It's hard to imagine she has any people supporting her as their second/third/fourth choice, which is what matters in a preferential ballot system.

O'Leary basically has all her baggage (with the added bonus of a decade-plus of saying stupid things on TV), but none of the money or organization, and everyone else in the field has had a huge head start on him. There's zero reason to believe he has the talent to make up the difference between now and May, and as others have noted, he's writing off a quarter of the country with his inability to speak French. And trying to label Trudeau as #SurferDude comes off less like Crooked Hillary, and more like "Hello, fellow young people."


Great! The you'll get to vote in the next election!

Yup. I'll already have to vote in 2017 to stop Marine Le Pen from ruining my country even though I despise every other candidate. I just hope I won't have to vote in 2019 to stop leitch/O'leary from ruining my second home.


Yup. I'll already have to vote in 2017 to stop Marine Le Pen from ruining my country. I just hope I won't have to vote in 2019 to stop leitch/O'leary from ruining my second home.

Well welcome to the country!

All the best in France, i really miss it since my last visit 2 years ago.


Different levels of government. And thinking that the big issue today will be the big issue three years from now, one year after the provincial election, is misguided at best.

Headlines don't mean she's in the lead. She's second in fundraising, but she's way behind in terms of endorsements. It's hard to imagine she has any people supporting her as their second/third/fourth choice, which is what matters in a preferential ballot system.

O'Leary basically has all her baggage (with the added bonus of a decade-plus of saying stupid things on TV), but none of the money or organization, and everyone else in the field has had a huge head start on him. There's zero reason to believe he has the talent to make up the difference between now and May, and as others have noted, he's writing off a quarter of the country with his inability to speak French. And trying to label Trudeau as #SurferDude comes off less like Crooked Hillary, and more like "Hello, fellow young people."

The #surferdude isn't even bad. oh so he knows how to have fun and you can't point to anything that hes done for the country the whole time hes been in power that is terrible? or the horribleness of the man. Trudeau has that great hair, O'Leary just can't compete

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Most people in Canada never even heard of Kevin O'Leary before last year. Calling him Canada's Trump is quite flattering for him.
BRITAIN: Brexit is the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could undertake.
USA: Electing a reality show businessman as leader of the free world was a monumental mistake.
CANADA: Hold my poutine.

No worries, we've got a couple years to watch these test cases unfold before our next election.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Thank god we have a Westminster Parliamentary system. Dumb fuck thinks he's going to slide on in like Trump lol.


I hope the liberals run the harper-esque smear ads against him, "He just isnt ready", and "He didnt come back for you". The economy has to be in the gutter for any conservative candidate to stand a chance against Trudeau.

AYF 001

You guys should probably start investigating him right now, to make sure he doesn't secretly have stock in Gazprom or something. Brexit and Trump weren't coincidences, so don't assume this will be any different.
You guys should probably start investigating him right now, to make sure he doesn't secretly have stock in Gazprom or something. Brexit and Trump weren't coincidences, so don't assume this will be any different.

It is different though. Trump and Brexit were voted for by the low information masses. That's not how party leadership elections work in Canada.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I hope the liberals run the harper-esque smear ads against him, "He just isnt ready", and "He didnt come back for you". The economy has to be in the gutter for any conservative candidate to stand a chance against Trudeau.
"Nice hair scalp though."


"Oh man, those crazy Brits Yanks sure fucked up! Good thing it can't happen here."

While stupid things can happen here (see harper, see ford), this one is just beyond stupid. If (and hopefully when) we reject this idiot, I hope the US and UK look back and realize not every western country is as bad


If you register for the CPC you can vote in the leadership election to ensure that O'Leary/Leitch don't win. You can cancel the membership afterwards.

Everyone has a responsibility to stop those two.

I'll do my part and try to motivate some of them to register and vote. Thanks for the info.

Two concerns with this:

1) When I read the fine-print on membership and voting, it seemed we are past the point of becoming a vetted member in good standing for the x amount of months required to get a vote in the leadership election.

2) There was an article recently that a sweep of social media was in progress aimed at compiling a list of the real names of people potentially joining the party without the intention of staying, only to swing the vote. Apparently, we're seeing active bait posts on Twitter, Facebook, et al. by conservative figures recently, and a knee-jerk dissenting reply is enough to get the responder's account noticed (and real-name checked-for). Names on the list would be cross-referenced with the list of new CPC members. From there, it's no trouble for one's leadership vote to be rendered null, or membership cancelled, if challenged. That's part of why the party asks applicants to declare all their social media accounts—to allow other party members to scrutinize the validity of their intentions.

EDIT: Found the article,
”We call it Operation Flytrap," Kouvalis says. ”We did it knowing that people who aren't real Conservatives can't help themselves, so they post something negative about me, or Kellie. Some of them use real names. We find out who they are, and check them against the membership list. I'm going to challenge as many as I can."

EDIT 2: To be clear, it's not necessarily a wide-scale effort from within the party proper, and it may not actually be realistic or feasible for Kouvalis and company to challenge thousands of memberships at once. Going public about his "strategy" is probably as much of a scare tactic as anything, to minimize the number of Canadians joining the party hoping to vote moderate.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
If only England had a Westminster system... oh, wait.

When we start putting the position of Prime Minister to a referendum, I'll start worrying. Harper for all of his faults, is a million times better than either O'leary or Trump.


The difference is you (probably!) can't seriously run on an anti-immigration agenda in Canada like Trump did, but you can be sure as shit that a lot of people don't trust the Liberals with their money. That's the easy in, especially among the middle class.

Yup! It also doesn't help the federal and provincial liberals are going full-bore on the environmental angle at a time when our economy is a dumpster fire. Forcing a carbon tax on the provinces isn't going to go over well.

Trudeau and his team need to start making the economy and jobs their number one priority asap or else. Never ignore the middle/working class.


When we start putting the position of Prime Minister to a referendum, I'll start worrying. Harper for all of his faults, is a million times better than either O'leary or Trump.

Trump is on a whole other level than O'Leary and Harper.

I'd place Harper around the same level as O'Leary, just in a different way. He was a cold, calculating control freak, who got his cabinet puppets to do his song and dance for him. He didn't have to answer questions that way, and the cabinet members could take the flak for him. Don't forget how he muzzled scientists, made the census optional to dry up the well of facts, and ended media availability.
Two concerns with this:

1) When I read the fine-print on membership and voting, it seemed we are past the point of becoming a vetted member in good standing for the x amount of months required to get a vote in the leadership election.

2) There was an article recently that a sweep of social media was in progress aimed at compiling a list of the real names of people potentially joining the party without the intention of staying, only to swing the vote. Apparently, we're seeing active bait posts on Twitter, Facebook, et al. by conservative figures recently, and a knee-jerk dissenting reply is enough to get the responder's account noticed (and real-name checked-for). Names on the list would be cross-referenced with the list of new CPC members. From there, it's no trouble for one's leadership vote to be rendered null, or membership cancelled, if challenged. That's part of why the party asks applicants to declare all their social media accounts—to allow other party members to scrutinize the validity of their intentions.

EDIT: Found the article,

To your first point: no, the membership deadline hasn't passed. According to the CPC website, people can join up to March 28th.

And to your second, Nick Kouvalis is a troll, an idiot, and Kellie Leitch's campaign manager (not that those three things are mutually exclusive). Just because they challenge someone's membership, it doesn't mean the CPC has to go along with it. I doubt the Party would be willing to refund tens of thousands of dollars in membership fees, or that the other dozen members would just let him wipe away all the members they'd signed up.


I think he has a good shot.

Hydro prices are the #1 political issue by far right now (in Ontario), and people are looking for alternatives.

Quebec and Ontario will soon sign a deal to exchange energy, which could help that problem.

The guy has zero canadian values.

Hope he tanks in Quebec.


Recipe to defeat Trudeau:

1- Undermine the importance of foreign policy, always pivot to domestic issues.
2- Say taxes are too high
3- Say you'll unleash small businesses and self-employed people' potential.
4- Say people need to be able to have a choice when it comes to healthcare and which schools they send their kids to.
5- Attack Trudeau's "elitism", being out of touch with the people, which can be done through point 1; every time Trudeau goes abroad or meets with foreign leaders, say it's elitism.

Done, Canadians will fall for all of that stupid crap easily.


While everyone is focused on O'Leary one of Harper's friends is currently crushing his opponents currently in a provincial leadership race for a conservative party on a platform to
unite that political with the Wild rose party of Alberta which will destroy that political party in the process.That guy is a bigger threat in Alberta politics then O'Leary is at the moment in federal politics.


Recipe to defeat Trudeau:

1- Undermine the importance of foreign policy, always pivot to domestic issues.
2- Say taxes are too high
3- Say you'll unleash small businesses and self-employed people' potential.
4- Say people need to be able to have a choice when it comes to healthcare and which schools they send their kids to.
5- Attack Trudeau's "elitism", being out of touch with the people, which can be done through point 1; every time Trudeau goes abroad or meets with foreign leaders, say it's elitism.

Done, Canadians will fall for all of that stupid crap easily.

Sadly this is all too true.
Recipe to defeat Trudeau:

1- Undermine the importance of foreign policy, always pivot to domestic issues.
2- Say taxes are too high
3- Say you'll unleash small businesses and self-employed people' potential.
4- Say people need to be able to have a choice when it comes to healthcare and which schools they send their kids to.
5- Attack Trudeau's "elitism", being out of touch with the people, which can be done through point 1; every time Trudeau goes abroad or meets with foreign leaders, say it's elitism.

Done, Canadians will fall for all of that stupid crap easily.

5 might actually be hard. Trudeau is the guy who goes to Tragically Hip concerts in jeans and a Hip tee even as Prime Minister. He's the guy he pops out of a cave to the surprise of Canadian hikers.

He's down to earth... that's why O'Leary went surfer dude route...


Different levels of government. And thinking that the big issue today will be the big issue three years from now, one year after the provincial election, is misguided at best.

They are all connected. Just over two years from now, and the fact you think it won't be a big deal shows how little you know about it. This hydro fuckery is about a decade in the works, and will probably take another decade to fix. I'm not saying Hydro alone will decide the election, but I highly doubt it's going to go away before the next election. I can guarantee Wynne will not win the 2018 provincials, and you can be sure that will impact the 2019 federal.
Recipe to defeat Trudeau:

1- Undermine the importance of foreign policy, always pivot to domestic issues.
2- Say taxes are too high
3- Say you'll unleash small businesses and self-employed people' potential.
4- Say people need to be able to have a choice when it comes to healthcare and which schools they send their kids to.
5- Attack Trudeau's "elitism", being out of touch with the people, which can be done through point 1; every time Trudeau goes abroad or meets with foreign leaders, say it's elitism.

Done, Canadians will fall for all of that stupid crap easily.

1) Canadians generally don't care about foreign policy anyway beyond maybe our relationship with the United States, so this is irrelevant.
2) Maybe effective, but then the Liberals get to trot out their Middle Class Tax Cut line -- it was a huge plank in their platform in 2015, and I'm sure they'd welcome the chance to bring it up again.
3) Sounds like standard political boilerplate, so I doubt it'd be that effective.
4) Healthcare and education are both run by the provinces, so not only would the person saying this sound like they knew nothing about Canadian politics, they'd end up fighting with all the premiers afterwards, too. Plus basically promising to privatize health care? That'd be political suicide.
5) Might be kind of effective, though showing pictures of Trudeau with other world leaders could just as easily backfire, and remind voters that their PM, unlike his Conservative predecessor, is actually respected (or even noticed) by other countries' leaders.

I'm not saying Trudeau is invincible in the next election, but I am saying that if the CPC want to do it -- and especially if Kevin O'Leary wants to do it -- they'll have to try a lot harder than what you're suggesting.

They are all connected. Just over two years from now, and the fact you think it won't be a big deal shows how little you know about it. This hydro fuckery is about a decade in the works, and will probably take another decade to fix. I'm not saying Hydro alone will decide the election, but I highly doubt it's going to go away before the next election. I can guarantee Wynne will not win the 2018 provincials, and you can be sure that will impact the 2019 federal.

And as I said, the fact you think that you can predict the outcome of the Ontario election two years out or that the Ontario election will be predictive of the next year's federal election shows how little you know about politics. When the last federal election campaign started, the Liberals were in a distant third, while NDPers were measuring the drapes for 24 Sussex. Or look at Alberta in 2015: when that election was called, anyone who didn't think the PCs were going to win again would've predicted a Wild Rose victory. A lot can change over the course of a few weeks, to say nothing of a few years.

As for conflating federal and provincial elections, just because you can't separate the two out doesn't mean you represent the rest of the province. Just look at 2011: the Harper Conservatives won 44% of the vote and 73 seats in May of that year. Five months later, with the exact same riding boundaries, McGuinty and the Liberals won 42% and 71 seats. That's no historical fluke, either. In the '90s: Liberals won every single seat but one federallyin Ontario in 1993, then the PCs under Harris won 82 seats in their provincial majority in 1995, then the Liberals won all but two seats in the 1997 federal election. Or look at the 40 years the Tories were in power, from the 1940s through the 1980s, which coincided with the Liberals being in power federally for all but about six years of that time -- which ended with a PC landslide in 1984, followed by the Tories finally losing in Ontario the very next year. Or hey, just look at opinion polls today, which show that, unlike you, most Ontarians have no trouble simultaneously liking Trudeau and disliking Wynne. If you've got some proof of what you're saying, let's hear it, because otherwise it sounds like you're saying something with no basis whatsoever in reality.


They are all connected. Just over two years from now, and the fact you think it won't be a big deal shows how little you know about it. This hydro fuckery is about a decade in the works, and will probably take another decade to fix. I'm not saying Hydro alone will decide the election, but I highly doubt it's going to go away before the next election. I can guarantee Wynne will not win the 2018 provincials, and you can be sure that will impact the 2019 federal.

If Wynne loses the next election, then it just increases Trudeau's chances in his next one. Ontario tends to vote for the opposing party in provincial and federal elections as a way to keep both levels in check.


If Wynne loses the next election, then it just increases Trudeau's chances in his next one. Ontario tends to vote for the opposing party in provincial and federal elections as a way to keep both levels in check.

Maybe, maybe not. We don't currently have opposing parties, so anything is possible.


5 might actually be hard. Trudeau is the guy who goes to Tragically Hip concerts in jeans and a Hip tee even as Prime Minister. He's the guy he pops out of a cave to the surprise of Canadian hikers.

He's down to earth... that's why O'Leary went surfer dude route...

The dude was a high school public school teacher. No one can being up elitism, specially when the one bringing it up is a billionaire
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