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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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So that anti-carbon tax rally at the alberta legislature yesterday kinda turned ugly with anti-LGBT signs and signs comparing the carbon tax to various vile things. A speaker at the rally even called for hackers to hack into provincial government systems.


The article above doesn't talk about it but one of the federal conservative leadership hopefuls was trying to lead a vote her out chant which for some reason started as a lock her up chant.
Found an article with a video showing the part were the chant occurred.


So that anti-carbon tax rally at the alberta legislature yesterday kinda turned ugly with anti-LGBT signs and signs comparing the carbon tax to various vile things. A speaker at the rally even called for hackers to hack into provincial government systems.


The article doesn't talk about it but one of the federal conservative leadership hopefuls was trying lead a vote her out chant which for some reason started as a lock her up chant.
Found an article with a video showing the part were the chant occurred.

According to some comments here and there, the actual turn out wasn't in the thousands, but actually around 750.

And that they were bussed in.


So that anti-carbon tax rally at the alberta legislature yesterday kinda turned ugly with anti-LGBT signs and signs comparing the carbon tax to various vile things. A speaker at the rally even called for hackers to hack into provincial government systems.


The article about doesn't talk about it but one of the federal conservative leadership hopefuls was trying to lead a vote her out chant which for some reason started as a lock her up chant.
Found an article with a video showing the part were the chant occurred.

Please let this not be the vile slowly seeping to the top... bus in or not.


Please let this not be the vile slowly seeping to the top... bus in or not.

There's a reason why the Sun News channel and Rebel Media never succeeded in Canada. Our education level, relative lack of inequality, and so forth make it really hard for Trump-like ideas to stick.

It's hard even in Alberta, as many of us are silent hard workers who buckle down when times get tough. To allude to that recent iPolitics piece, we're not crybabies.
I don't suppose you've ever read anything online about Kathleen Wynne?

The next Ontario provincial election is going to be vile.

1 year and a half is plenty of time for her to come up with a rabbit to pull out of a hat.

Canadian voters have a tendency of making up their minds at the last minute


So that anti-carbon tax rally at the alberta legislature yesterday kinda turned ugly with anti-LGBT signs and signs comparing the carbon tax to various vile things. A speaker at the rally even called for hackers to hack into provincial government systems.


Edmonton Journal said:
Some observers have raised concerns The Rebel crossed a line between journalism and activism by holding the rally. But Levant dismissed the accusation, saying people in his organization have always played the role of activists and commentators who also sometimes “report the facts.”

Haha. I know it wasn't meant that way bus still...

Sean C

I have no idea right now who would have Kellie Leitch as their second choice
Chris Alexander supporters, maybe.

I agree, though, Leitch (and Bernier) benefit on the first ballot by staking out distinct positions, but it's less clear that's an asset when the lesser candidates start getting knocked off. I'm not sure who the big beneficiary of that is -- in the past, I've thought it might be Scheer, whose policy positions are fairly standard conservative, and is a somewhat generic presence.
There's a reason why the Sun News channel and Rebel Media never succeeded in Canada. Our education level, relative lack of inequality, and so forth make it really hard for Trump-like ideas to stick.

It's hard even in Alberta, as many of us are silent hard workers who buckle down when times get tough. To allude to that recent iPolitics piece, we're not crybabies.

I wouldn't be so confident. Sun News wasn't basic cable, so it tanked like all non-basic cable news. Rebel Media is just garbage.

We have a lot of impoverished and 'declining' areas in this country. A charismatic populist who convinces them it's someone else's (political elites/immigrants) fault can easily sweep in and form government, especially when they only need 35-40% of the vote.

I don't suppose you've ever read anything online about Kathleen Wynne?

The next Ontario provincial election is going to be vile.

Stop reading online comments lol.
I wouldn't be so confident. Sun News wasn't basic cable, so it tanked like all non-basic cable news. Rebel Media is just garbage.

We have a lot of impoverished and 'declining' areas in this country. A charismatic populist who convinces them it's someone else's (political elites/immigrants) fault can easily sweep in and form government, especially when they only need 35-40% of the vote.

Maybe provincially. I actually think a place like NS where half the population lives in white-as-snow rural counties would be a place that could happen, especially now with an unpopular Liberal and NDP party, and a longstanding distaste for politicians going back on their promises.

Federally? It'd be hard. I don't think you could put together enough votes. The reason immigrants are so sought after by federal politicians is because Toronto suburbs are vote rich, full of swing ridings, and are very heavily populated by minority immigrants. Conservatives already have most rural ridings, so they don't really have many options to gain outside of suburbs.
Maybe provincially. I actually think a place like NS where half the population lives in white-as-snow rural counties would be a place that could happen, especially now with an unpopular Liberal and NDP party, and a longstanding distaste for politicians going back on their promises.

Federally? It'd be hard. I don't think you could put together enough votes. The reason immigrants are so sought after by federal politicians is because Toronto suburbs are vote rich, full of swing riding, and are very heavily populated by minority immigrants. Conservatives already have most rural ridings, so they don't really have many options to gain outside of suburbs.

Rural Quebec can easily replace Toronto suburbs for an anti-immigrant coalition. I wouldn't put too much stock in urban Ontario (sans Toronto/Ottawa) either, although that's more of a long shot. But they're just as "rust belt" and white and not in much better shape than Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania that were previously reliably Democrat but went for Trump. It's not unthinkable that a charismatic enough politician could do it. To Ontario's advantage though, unions haven't been crippled like down south and still play a big role in elections.


I wouldn't be so confident. Sun News wasn't basic cable, so it tanked like all non-basic cable news. Rebel Media is just garbage.

We have a lot of impoverished and 'declining' areas in this country. A charismatic populist who convinces them it's someone else's (political elites/immigrants) fault can easily sweep in and form government, especially when they only need 35-40% of the vote.

Stop reading online comments lol.

The same reason a populist candidate that blames politcal elites and immigrants won't win an election in alberta is the exact same reason they won't win federally. There are way to many urban and surburban ridings in Alberta provincially(Over half of the ridings in AB are in the suburbs or cities) and in Canada federally.

Sean C

Maybe provincially. I actually think a place like NS where half the population lives in white-as-snow rural counties would be a place that could happen, especially now with an unpopular Liberal and NDP party, and a longstanding distaste for politicians going back on their promises.
Provincial politics in Canada, particularly in the Atlantic, is very parochial. I don't think "vote for me to take on the global banking elite" would get you very far there; people know the Premier of Nova Scotia can't do shit about them.

Rural Quebec can easily replace Toronto suburbs for an anti-immigrant coalition.
If it was purely about immigration, maybe, but Quebec is very left-wing on economic matters, for the most part (there's a certain degree of conservatism in the eastern regions, hence where the Tories are, but you couldn't sweep rural Quebec will running on any sort of conventionally conservative economic platform).
I wouldn't be so confident. Sun News wasn't basic cable, so it tanked like all non-basic cable news. Rebel Media is just garbage.

We have a lot of impoverished and 'declining' areas in this country. A charismatic populist who convinces them it's someone else's (political elites/immigrants) fault can easily sweep in and form government, especially when they only need 35-40% of the vote.

Stop reading online comments lol.

As an Ontarian, I agree with him. The next election is going to be blackhole magnitudes of vileness.

In one corner a nearly 20 year Liberal Party Reign of ultimate corruptness that continued the hydro policies of the PC's to ultimately lead us to a Hydro crysis leaving people pissed and poor. In the other, a "Social Conservative" controlled Progressive Conservative Party whose members are openly saying they are against anything progressive, and are 100% against Sex Education in schools who will continue the Hydro Policies of the Liberals, especially after fucking over the cities in favour of rural areas in their journey towards the mythical "Balanced Budget". Finally, in the last corner 100m underground you have the NDP which seems content self-congratulating itself and not doing anything to make voters care for voting for them.


1 year and a half is plenty of time for her to come up with a rabbit to pull out of a hat.

Canadian voters have a tendency of making up their minds at the last minute

Either that or another colossal screw up from the Ontarian PCs. Both are possibilities, though at this point I don't see her party being the favored one.
Quebec has 4 byelections tomorrow:
1 safe Liberal
1 safe PQ
1 supposed to be safe CAQ but where the family of the deceased former CAQ MNA are supporting the Liberal candidate!?!?!
1 toss-up between CAQ vs PQ (outgoing) in St-Jerome

two numbers to watch for is the QS numbers in Verdun to see how much it subtracts currently from the PQ compared to 2014. (Liberals are winning this one safely)

the other is the CAQ versus PQ identity card dual in the other three ridings and how the numbers compare from pevious races


As an Ontarian, I agree with him. The next election is going to be blackhole magnitudes of vileness.

In one corner a nearly 20 year Liberal Party Reign of ultimate corruptness that continued the hydro policies of the PC's to ultimately lead us to a Hydro crysis leaving people pissed and poor. In the other, a "Social Conservative" controlled Progressive Conservative Party whose members are openly saying they are against anything progressive, and are 100% against Sex Education in schools who will continue the Hydro Policies of the Liberals, especially after fucking over the cities in favour of rural areas in their journey towards the mythical "Balanced Budget". Finally, in the last corner 100m underground you have the NDP which seems content self-congratulating itself and not doing anything to make voters care for voting for them.
I hate to correct you but the Liberals have only been governing in Ontario for around 15 years.
The same reason a populist candidate that blames politcal elites and immigrants won't win an election in alberta is the exact same reason they won't win federally. There are way to many urban and surburban ridings in Alberta provincially(Over half of the ridings in AB are in the suburbs or cities) and in Canada federally.

Alberta is really hurting, especially with those oil prices. I don't live there, but it sounds like one of the easiest places for conservative populism to take root, especially since it's very Conservative already. I mean, we're talking about the home of the Reform party :p

If it was purely about immigration, maybe, but Quebec is very left-wing on economic matters, for the most part (there's a certain degree of conservatism in the eastern regions, hence where the Tories are, but you couldn't sweep rural Quebec will running on any sort of conventionally conservative economic platform).

Well, yeah, that goes for both rural Quebec and rust belt Ontario (and Atlantic Canada). If the candidate were nativist/protectionist/anti-"elitist", cherrypicks the correct left-wing economic policies, *and very charismatic*, there's a lot of ridings that go into play.

As an Ontarian, I agree with him. The next election is going to be blackhole magnitudes of vileness.

In one corner a nearly 20 year Liberal Party Reign of ultimate corruptness that continued the hydro policies of the PC's to ultimately lead us to a Hydro crysis leaving people pissed and poor. In the other, a "Social Conservative" controlled Progressive Conservative Party whose members are openly saying they are against anything progressive, and are 100% against Sex Education in schools who will continue the Hydro Policies of the Liberals, especially after fucking over the cities in favour of rural areas in their journey towards the mythical "Balanced Budget". Finally, in the last corner 100m underground you have the NDP which seems content self-congratulating itself and not doing anything to make voters care for voting for them.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing. 2014 was already bad enough, I can only see 2018 getting worse. It's just that the online comments always tend towards being deplorable no matter what. xD
I hate to correct you but the Liberals have only been governing in Ontario for around 15 years.

We are talking about the next election during 2018. That would put them at exactly 15 years meaning that the election would decide if they make it to the 19/20yr mark. So granted it hadn't passed the 20 year mark, but we are getting awfully close, I'm just a fan of rounding when I don't have the exact numbers of the top of my head :p


Alberta is really hurting, especially with those oil prices. I don't live there, but it sounds like one of the easiest places for conservative populism to take root, especially since it's very Conservative already. I mean, we're talking about the home of the Reform party :p

Well, yeah, that goes for both rural Quebec and urban Ontario. If the candidate were nativist/protectionist/anti-"elitist", *and very charismatic*, there's a lot of ridings that go into play.

Oh, I'm not disagreeing. 2014 was already bad enough, I can only see 2018 getting worse. It's just that the online comments always tend towards being deplorable no matter what. xD

In order for a political party to win in alberta they need the cities and suburban areas and to a lesser extent rural areas. A populist party would get crushed in the cites and suburbs and do well in rural areas. It would be a complete repeat of the 2012 and 2015 election where the political party that crushed the other political parties in the cities and suburbs won the election. I wouldn't describe alberta as very conservative anymore. It's more centrist now provincially, but federally it's conservative because how strong the conservative party federally is in the west and the lack of real competition for the federal conservatives in the province.
Leitch looks evil in every picture of hers. Her fake-ass smile and her eyes. Oh her eyes. I would love to read what an expert on human behavior has to say about her.
Uhhhh... guys. Does not look good.

"Albertans chant 'lock her up' about Rachel Notley at rally against carbon tax"


Please alberta. not this way.

They had to bus people into Edmonton for that rally since Ezra Levant's stupid call for a rally literally couldn't muster up enough interest locally.

Alberta also isn't hurting like it used to anymore. In fact, the oil companies are having difficulty now finding enough workers.


Uhhhh... guys. Does not look good.

"Albertans chant 'lock her up' about Rachel Notley at rally against carbon tax"


Please alberta. not this way.

Not a good look, but I've read reports of that rally being 750-1000 people. For a metro area of over 1 million, a province of (estimated) over 4 million, and a supposed conservative stronghold province I'd say the rally wasn't particularly successful. Reeks of desperation and that Brian Jean was in attendance doesn't surprise me at all.

Pipelines going ahead and Ft Mac being rebuilt will mean jobs, and people who are working don't need to spend time bitching about lost jobs. Maybe I'm naive but I'm significantly more confident than gutter_trash that Alberta is moving in the right direction.


Not a good look, but I've read reports of that rally being 750-1000 people. For a metro area of over 1 million, a province of (estimated) over 4 million, and a supposed conservative stronghold province I'd say the rally wasn't particularly successful. Reeks of desperation and that Brian Jean was in attendance doesn't surprise me at all.

Pipelines going ahead and Ft Mac being rebuilt will mean jobs, and people who are working don't need to spend time bitching about lost jobs. Maybe I'm naive but I'm significantly more confident than gutter_trash that Alberta is moving in the right direction.

I hope so. I think there's some good prospects for alberta now that the pipes are being built, rebuilding ft mac and maybe oil prices rising slightly.
Survey on the Electoral Reform:


thanks! I love these.

Maxime Bernier's donor base is bigger and broader than Kellie Leitch's
Quebec MP's distribution of donors gives him edge over Conservative leadership rivals




English link https://www.mydemocracy.ca

The survey seems framed to make the idea of any sort of change as scary and negative as possible.


Letting people with RADICAL VIEWS into Parliament? Sounds dangerous...

There are so many false dilemmas, forced yes and no questions, when in reality they aren't yes/no questions and there are answers in between or other alternatives.


No One Remembers
English link https://www.mydemocracy.ca

The survey seems framed to make the idea of any sort of change as scary and negative as possible.


Letting people with RADICAL VIEWS into Parliament? Sounds dangerous...

There are so many false dilemmas, forced yes and no questions, when in reality they aren't yes/no questions and there are answers in between or other alternatives.

Yeah that's an interestingly worded question... but nothing else on there seemed like that.

I got a Pragmatist.


Also got pragmatist, but tbh, some of these questions felt somewhat manipulative.

The questions are really poorly written. They're so vague that they can be interpreted as being oppressive in either direction.

That prior one in particular I don't know how to read. It could be read that Parliament is expected to give seats to extreme parties for solely existing or it could be read that Parliament will regulate the sort of platforms parties are allowed to run under in the first place.

So not only is it a poorly worded question but I didn't even see any way to comment or add clarity to your response in the survey at all.

Edit: I got Innovator.


That site/survey is a fucking joke and it's rightly getting ridiculed by every pundit.

EDIT: #rejectedERQs on Twitter is funny at least.
Wtf is with the really narrow list of occupations on the demographic section?

I'm actually at a loss to categorize myself, and I think they're gonna have a decent number of software engineers answering this. :p

This whole thing needs more Other fields.

I chose the "applied sciences" one.

I really hate it when occupation fields on forms are straight out of 1983.
English link https://www.mydemocracy.ca

The survey seems framed to make the idea of any sort of change as scary and negative as possible.


Letting people with RADICAL VIEWS into Parliament? Sounds dangerous...

There are so many false dilemmas, forced yes and no questions, when in reality they aren't yes/no questions and there are answers in between or other alternatives.

Strongly Disagree,

Europe is a mess.

I got Guardian, whatever that means. Survey sucked.


They had to bus people into Edmonton for that rally since Ezra Levant's stupid call for a rally literally couldn't muster up enough interest locally.

Alberta also isn't hurting like it used to anymore. In fact, the oil companies are having difficulty now finding enough workers.
Are there people who actually believe Rebel Media is a serious threat? LOL. C'mon people. This is Canada. Stop trying to convince yourselves that there are large numbers of American-like conservative nutjobs in this country.
Wtf is with the really narrow list of occupations on the demographic section?

I'm actually at a loss to categorize myself, and I think they're gonna have a decent number of software engineers answering this. :p

This whole thing needs more Other fields.

Also, https://twitter.com/hashtag/RejectedERQs?src=hash

I got Innovator... sounds about right

That said, that survey was worded weirdly... and what was up with not have "Information Technology" or anything for Software Engineering in the list of occupations. I had to choose Applied Sciences instead


I will give the survey this: I am glad they included a question about making Election Day a statutory holiday. While it's true you're legally allowed to take time off of work to vote, most people don't seem to be aware of this or are aware of this but feel pressured into not taking time off of work. The exact source eludes me at the moment but I recall seeing one survey which found most people who didn't vote cited the fact that they were working as the main reason they didn't vote.

Apparently i'm a "Challenger".

EDIT: Reading the description, it doesn't seem reflective of the choices I made i.e. "Challengers are less likely than most to believe that special measures are needed to increase diversity in Parliament (No, I believe they should take special measures to increase diversity and that's how I answered any questions asking that) and are more likely to see voting as a personal choice than a duty of citizenship (okay, this part is accurate since I don't believe you should be legally obligated to vote like in Australia. Moreover, you should definitely not be fined for not voting since all that does is punish lower-income families who, as I mentioned before, may feel less inclined to vote due to them being pressured into not taking time off to vote). They are split on the question of whether Canadians should have the option to vote online (I am completely in favor of online voting).
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