Just saw this. If they went for it, would it affect video games in any way?
Enough of the loudmouth quitter. Onward: Is Maxime Bernier now the heir-presumptive? Maybe. This would be a remarkable outcome: handing the party of Stephen Harper to a man who believes that, on the scale of whats possible and needed to restrict the role of government in the nations life, Harper did nothing significant. If Harperism was about a partial rehabilitation of social conservatism on one hand, and a steely incrementalism on the other, Bernier rejects both hands. On social questions hes a libertarian. On economic questions he has no interest in moving slowly. His selection would be an expression of deep frustration with the Harper legacy, by people who spent a decade helping to build that legacy. Itd be a fun experiment, to say the least.
If not Max, then who? Andrew Scheer (medium-right) and Erin OToole (rightish) have been fighting for the mantle of Harperite continuity. Each of their campaigns is sure they see a path to victory. The rest of the field is a mix of quirky gambles (maybe Conservatives want a carbon tax! Maybe Kellie Leitch isnt a self-animated golem!), social conservative proof-of-concept candidacies, and tragically misfiring former ambassadors, whom I wont name but, you know, Is-Chray Alexander-way.
Responding with "We're ready to negotiate when you are" is a good strategy.
If Trump tries to get out of NAFTA without even trying to renegotiate, it's a display of bad faith and shows once more that he has no plan or vision.
The fact he thinks we're going to go and get a worse deal that benefits the US and fucks us over is his one sided thinking coming out.
All Canada has to say is 'you import most of your oil from us, and your constituents won't be very happy when they have to pay more for gas' and they'll back off.
I know I'm being optimistic, but surely Trump knows that domestic oil production is nowhere near what it needs to be to sustain the entire country... right?
Kevin live on CBC:
"Quebec is the Florida of Canada"
Kevin live on CBC:
"Quebec is the Florida of Canada"
Kevin live on CBC:
"Quebec is the Florida of Canada"
Kevin live on CBC:
"Quebec is the Florida of Canada"
That reminds me. Did Chantal Hebert quit the Toronto Star? I randomly picked up a copy of Metro and saw her column in there.
Letich seemed oddly "too happy" today
and tanned
Yeah, but it was weird because they just said she was a Metro columnist with no mention of The Star.Metro is owned by Star Media iirc.
Kevin live on CBC:
"Quebec is the Florida of Canada"
K so bernier wins by default now I guess.
I think Bernier would have a better shot at winning than anyone thinks. He's an idiot, but he's also bilingual, he'd win over a lot of Quebec voters just on the strength of being from there, and he'd be right wing enough to appeal to many parts of the CPC base. Harper also seems to give him a lot more leeway than anyone else, so it wouldn't surprise me if some of his top advisors went that way in an eventual leadership race.
What does getting out of the Baltics asap accomplish other than appease Russia, a country with which we have almost no relations, that produces the same stuff that we do, and that is an even less trustworthy partner than a US-lead Trump?
Because Trump still has a Damocles sword over his head with the whole Russia stuff. He can't afford seeing Russia invade Ukraine. There's a reason he did a 180 recently on NATO.
Heh, I got a robocall from Leitch asking me who I would vote for now that O'Leary is gone. Chong was listed twelf. lol
Yeah, but it was weird because they just said she was a Metro columnist with no mention of The Star.
Because Drumpf still has a Damocles sword over his head with the whole Russia stuff. He can't afford seeing Russia invade Ukraine. There's a reason he did a 180 recently on NATO.
You realize that we don't refine our own oil, right? The oil we pump is sent to the US for refinement and we then buy it back from them.
I'm...leery of Leitch. Her fundraising is better than it should be for someone that's so far behind in the polls. I could see her having quite a few voters who don't want to publicly admit supporting her.
I think he's got a better shot, for sure, but I don't think it's a sure thing. I think it's going to come down to Bernier and whoever emerges from the O'Toole/Scheer battle over who gets to be the consensus fallback choice.
That said, if it ends up being Bernier, I'm totally going to gloat over the fact I said this back at the beginning of our 2015 election thread:
I mean I thought the Quebec advantage could be diminished by a well known name. No one left is that in the same way O'Leary was.
I think the cpc are going to come to really regret their voting system without an obvious strongman at the top.
While O'Leary's encouragement may push some voters to Bernier's side, he was not the consensus second choice of O'Leary's supporters.
Polling done by the Bernier campaign at the end of March showed that just 29 per cent of O'Leary's supporters ranked Bernier as their second choice more than any other candidate but far from a clear preference.
Leitch was the second choice of 23 per cent of O'Leary's supporters in the survey, followed by Lisa Raitt at 15 per cent and Andrew Scheer at 11 per cent.
All of his economic stances will put him at odds with just about everyone.I agree with you guys that Maxime's war with farmers will knee cap him in agricultural regions and sets up him on the defensive
All of his economic stances will put him at odds with just about everyone.
That's what im saying. He might score some points for social issues, but not enough to overcome the tidal wave of negativity from his economic policies being some inept.who would vote for Bernier over Trudeau besides Quebec City Radio Poubelle listeners and Beace region libertarian nutters?
Ontario is doing Pharmacarehttp://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/budget-2017-sidebar-1.4086229for everybody under 25 years of age
As someone under 25 who lives in Ontario, I dig this.
Patrick Brown's response about what i expected. Worse than ether liberal or ndp idea and probably smoke and mirrorsOntario is doing Pharmacarehttp://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/budget-2017-sidebar-1.4086229for everybody under 25 years of age
As someone who is over 25 and lives in Ontario, I also dig this!As someone under 25 who lives in Ontario, I dig this.
Honestly, I'm surprised no one has put forward universal dental care. It's the biggest gap in health care coverage and poor oral health is responsible for a lot of the other healthcare issues that come down the line anyway.
That strange thing is that it used to be free to get your eyes checked, until the McGuinty government killed it. I think it's still subsidized, but since it isn't free, I haven't even thought about getting my eyes checked in 5 years or so.I definitely think it will happen eventually. The problem is that right now the big thing is the news is Pharmacare and how people not being able to afford or get access to the drugs due to cost is the number one-ish reason behind our healthcare not working as it should. Once that's out of the picture people will have to turn their eyes towards Dental Care and then finally Optical Care.
It just sucks because we know it will happen eventually, everybody already wants it to happen, we are just waiting for politicians to play politics until one of them finally acts on what the people want.
That strange thing is that it used to be free to get your eyes checked, until the McGuinty government killed it. I think it's still subsidized, but since it isn't free, I haven't even thought about getting my eyes checked in 5 years or so.
We already have pharmacare for seniors, so having it apply to children up to college age makes perfect sense, particularly for parents who don't have extensive insurance benefits whereever they work. Ideally, everyone should just get covered... but yeah. lol
I wonder if any of these ideas will even last though, assuming the Liberals don't pull out another miracle win. I have to assume the guaranteed income thing will die if the Tories win power, and this probably would too.