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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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I had no idea there was any confusion that the BC Liberals were right. Is it just people who didn't grow up in BC that didn't know? People who were born and raised there should know? Really confused.


I had no idea there was any confusion that the BC Liberals were right. Is it just people who didn't grow up in BC that didn't know? People who were born and raised there should know? Really confused.

Honestly it is truly remarkable how clueless people can be. Turnout in this election was only around 57%. Plenty of people pay zero attention to politics other than the circus that is the US presidential race and then come BC election time they're wondering why the BC Liberal signs are blue instead of red.

For reference if anyone still doesn't understand BC politics maybe this will help clarify:


via https://twitter.com/vyassaran/status/862849483616395264


Subete no aware
Weaver has named his terms for the Greens' support (assuming the current seat totals stand):

1) Campaign finance reform banning corporate and union donations.

2) A commitment to a proportional representation electoral system (I'm not clear if this means another referendum or to just ram it through the legislature, but seeing as BC has already had two referenda on this point, I don't think they could get away with changing the process there).

3) Official party status for the Greens.
All of this seems like a no brainer for token support from the Greens.
Patrick Lagacé from La Presse blasts Eric Duhaime (Radio-poubell/ Rebel) for his denial on Thursday about his envolvment on translating portions of the MacronLeaks into English for Rebel's Jack Posobiec


Eric Duhaime pretends to be semi-mainstream whil hosting a radio show in Quebec City part time but then works for Rebel who are anti traditional media at the same time.

he guy does not shy from semi-defending Trump and Le Pen in the past but then goes off on wishy-washy denials

in this article. Duhaime denies Posobiec's clams of Duhaime colaboration.

Lacacé is right; Duhaime is toxic and full of shit


Regarding electoral reform an NDP/Green coalition doesn't have enough votes to pass it when you take the speaker into account. A likely outcome is that the BC Liberals propose a electoral reform referendum for some point in the future to gain Green support, then aggressively work to undermine support for electoral reform.

With absentee ballots still to come, there's actually a small double digit chance that the NDP could pick up one more seat. PR supporters should hope that happens, as that would provide the breathing room for the Greens/NDP to pass electoral reform.
With absentee ballots still to come, there's actually a small double digit chance that the NDP could pick up one more seat. PR supporters should hope that happens, as that would provide the breathing room for the Greens/NDP to pass electoral reform.

I think it's more likely that two NDP seats flip than any of the three Liberal seats, entirely because of the margins. Once you get to 100+ votes in the differential, the less likely it is you see *that* many votes miscounted.

Like I've said many times before: if Singh doesn't win the leadership, he'll go down as one of the worst politicians in history. He has a huge advantage because of the contest's one member, one vote structure: he's from just outside Toronto, so he doesn't have to travel very far to reach NDP members (only Peter Julian, from just outside Vancouver, can come close to that, and judging from the fact the most recent fundraising numbers have him in dead last, he's not doing much with that), and he's Sikh, which should place him at an advantage in getting support from one of the most politically engaged communities in Canada (who also happen to be concentrated in the two provinces, Ontario and BC, that have an overwhelming proportion of NDP members).

I don't know how he'll do in a general election. I know quite a few hardline NDPers who dislike Singh because they few him as far too centrist, which may make it harder to generate enthusiasm from their base. It's also a little odd that a couple of his caucus mates from Ontario have already endorsed his rivals, even though it's been common knowledge he's running for months. But if he doesn't win, it'll constitute a massive upset.


Rona Ambrose quits politics (as per RDI).

edit: Thinking about it, not all that surprising. She has a few days left as leader and then it's all downhill from here. Her stint as leader made her semi-famous. She should get a nice job in the private sector.


Rona Ambrose quits politics (as per RDI).

edit: Thinking about it, not all that surprising. She has a few days left as leader and then it's all downhill from here. Her sting as leader as made her semi-famous. She should get a nice job in the public sector.

Some people want her to run in the future united Alberta conservative leadership race. There's a possibility she may decide to follow in Kenney's footsteps at this point.


I don't know how he'll do in a general election. I know quite a few hardline NDPers who dislike Singh because they few him as far too centrist, which may make it harder to generate enthusiasm from their base. It's also a little odd that a couple of his caucus mates from Ontario have already endorsed his rivals, even though it's been common knowledge he's running for months. But if he doesn't win, it'll constitute a massive upset.

I think that explains the oddity: They know that if the NDP moves further towards the center, they lose the appeal of, well, being the NDP for their base and are unlikely to make up for those lost votes with center or right-wing voters, to say nothing of recapturing seats. Angus and Ashton (the current frontrunners at the moment, if I recall), for whatever faults one may have with them, would not bring the party further to the center or continue to be the Liberal-lite party like they were during the last election, so they're a better choice for the future of the party, at least on the federal level. It would be great to have visible minority as a leader of a major party, mind.


Patrick Lagacé from La Presse blasts Eric Duhaime (Radio-poubell/ Rebel) for his denial on Thursday about his envolvment on translating portions of the MacronLeaks into English for Rebel's Jack Posobiec


Eric Duhaime pretends to be semi-mainstream whil hosting a radio show in Quebec City part time but then works for Rebel who are anti traditional media at the same time.

he guy does not shy from semi-defending Trump and Le Pen in the past but then goes off on wishy-washy denials

in this article. Duhaime denies Posobiec's clams of Duhaime colaboration.

Lacacé is right; Duhaime is toxic and full of shit

It was always known that he was borderline insane. He keeps repeating false information because his listeners like to hear someone saying stuff they think no one dares too. Some of the stuff he says is borderline hatred. He's always on the back of the poor and minorities. He even wrote a book released along his coming out where he talks about the mystical gay lobby and how they get so much public funding.


It was always known that he was borderline insane. He keeps repeating false information because his listeners like to hear someone saying stuff they think no one dares too. Some of the stuff he says is borderline hatred. He's always on the back of the poor and minorities. He even wrote a book released along his coming out where he talks about the mystical gay lobby and how they get so much public funding.



Some people want her to run in the future united Alberta conservative leadership race. There's a possibility she may decide to follow in Kenney's footsteps at this point.

There's almost zero chance she wants to be associated with the Wild Rose at this point though...


It was always known that he was borderline insane. He keeps repeating false information because his listeners like to hear someone saying stuff they think no one dares too. Some of the stuff he says is borderline hatred. He's always on the back of the poor and minorities. He even wrote a book released along his coming out where he talks about the mystical gay lobby and how they get so much public funding.

"C'est mieux de la mauvaise information que pas d'information pantoute!"


There's almost zero chance she wants to be associated with the Wild Rose at this point though...

Yeah. It's unlikely she's going to be involved in that race.She's going back into private life and will stay their probably until she retires.
Some people want her to run in the future united Alberta conservative leadership race. There's a possibility she may decide to follow in Kenney's footsteps at this point.

Surprisingly -- at least to me -- she's moving to DC to work on US-Canada relations at the Wilson Center, according to Bloomberg.

I'd be surprised if she doesn't resurface at some point. She's only 48. By the (low) standards of the Harper Conservatives, she was talented. I could imagine her following the Jim Prentice career path of spending time in the private sector before jumping back into Alberta politics. Even if the PCs & Wildrose manage to unite, they're going to need somebody untainted by either party, and she'd fit the bill.

What's this KPMG thing with the LPC? Is it bad? Or a nothing burger?

Probably nothing. Democracy Watch sees massive scandals everywhere, and basically exist so that Duff Conacher can get his name in the news every so often. If Treasurer for a party is anything like Treasurer on a campaign, it has zero connection to the day-to-day workings and just looks at spreadsheets and financial declarations. Like Sean said, possibly iffy optics, but it won't go anywhere.


What's this KPMG thing with the LPC? Is it bad? Or a nothing burger?

It'll be the equivalent of "her e-mails": A thing for conservatives to rally around and over-exaggerate its severity and consequences, much like their calls for Sajjan to resign from the cabinet last week.
we are now living in a timeline where anything the Prime Minister pales in comparison to the fuckery by the US President.

there is nothing Trudeau can do at this point that can top the noise of Trump's fuckups on news coverage


I've been hearing that type of crap living here for just shy of a decade. Finally, it seems the right wing here is getting laughed at as much as lauded, possibly more laughter now with all the merge-to-win garbage.

With regards to Rona Ambrose; good riddance. Didn't care for her much and all her Republican style empty criticisms.


we are now living in a timeline where anything the Prime Minister pales in comparison to the fuckery by the US President.

there is nothing Trudeau can do at this point that can top the noise of Trump's fuckups on news coverage

This just in: Trudeau caught in selfie with Kim Jong Un, Bashar Assad and thirty pandas.

With regards to Rona Ambrose; good riddance. Didn't care for her much and all her Republican style empty criticisms.

I'd take her over almost everyone running for the CPC's leadership.
Patrick Lagacé from La Presse blasts Eric Duhaime (Radio-poubell/ Rebel) for his denial on Thursday about his envolvment on translating portions of the MacronLeaks into English for Rebel's Jack Posobiec


Eric Duhaime pretends to be semi-mainstream whil hosting a radio show in Quebec City part time but then works for Rebel who are anti traditional media at the same time.

he guy does not shy from semi-defending Trump and Le Pen in the past but then goes off on wishy-washy denials

in this article. Duhaime denies Posobiec's clams of Duhaime colaboration.

Lacacé is right; Duhaime is toxic and full of shit

They need to (somehow) shut crap like this down before we become the US.


Subete no aware
So people's positions against the Trans bill (C-16) is that it infringes on free speech.

What the fuck Canada... what the fuck.


So people's positions against the Trans bill (C-16) is that it infringes on free speech.

What the fuck Canada... what the fuck.

Yeah, it takes a super narrow reading of the bill to come to that conclusion, and there are multiple provisions in the bill that basically say any criminal violations need to meet the test of being motivated hate propaganda - so the idea that accidentally using the wrong pronoun might somehow result in prosecution is almost offensively absurd (no, wait, check that, definitely offensively absurd).

Fuck that U of T professor, too. <-- protected speech

Hate peddlers gonna hate peddle. Good news is the last polls I can find on C-16 indicate support of over 70% of Canadians for both the anti-discrimination and anti-hate crime amendments, which is a little heartening.


So people's positions against the Trans bill (C-16) is that it infringes on free speech.

What the fuck Canada... what the fuck.

Not much of a surprise given people's opposition to M-103 when that wasn't even a law...even if opposition to either is remarkably fucked up. Doubly so for the people whining about the bill that would require training for judges on sexual assault cases.
So has anyone more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Alberta finance laws seen the details of the new United Conservative Party? I don't get how it gets around the fact that Wild Rose has tonnes of money, and the PCs are deeply in debt.

They just got their trade czar in this week. I don't expect this to be some kind of upheaval like he will rant and rave about, small tweaks at best. Unless he'd like to see more of those jobs he promised to create go to mexico/etc

1) Renegotiating/modernizing NAFTA isn't inherently a bad thing. Remember, when it was signed, the internet wasn't even a thing, nor were any jobs associated with the internet or computers. Reopening NAFTA means they can change some of the provisions to make it reflect the modern world.

2) It took them 5+ years to negotiate NAFTA. If it includes major changes, there's a good chance that Trump won't even be around by the time the thing gets signed. That means that either it really is just small tweaks that he can then try and pass off as major achievements, or it'll be so comprehensive it won't get done before he leaves office.

So people's positions against the Trans bill (C-16) is that it infringes on free speech.

"Gotta be able to call men in dresses pansy-sissy boys, dontcha know. They're coming for our bathrooms!"

Luckily, the bill passed through committee without amendment, so the major obstacles to its passage are nearly out of the way. The only hope for the Conservative Senate Caucus to stop it is prorogation -- which, admittedly, may be happening sometime over the summer. If that happens, the good-ish news would be that either a) the House may adopt a motion carrying over any legislation it's passed that hasn't yet cleared the Senate, or b) the Conservatives would lose control of Senate committees, which in turn would mean that there wouldn't be the spectacle of people like Jordan Peterson trying to claim their right to be a bigot was being infringed upon.

Not much of a surprise given people's opposition to M-103 when that wasn't even a law...even if opposition to either is remarkably fucked up. Doubly so for the people whining about the bill that would require training for judges on sexual assault cases.

These people seriously exist? Yikes. Wasn't that a Conservative Private Members Bill, from Ambrose herself?


So has anyone more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of Alberta finance laws seen the details of the new United Conservative Party? I don't get how it gets around the fact that Wild Rose has tonnes of money, and the PCs are deeply in debt.

From here: http://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-conservative-unity-one-step-closer

No assets from the legacy parties can be used to pay down the Tory party’s $600,000 debt. Instead, that party will be asking constituency associations to transfer their cash to the central party body to put it back in the black.


1) Renegotiating/modernizing NAFTA isn't inherently a bad thing. Remember, when it was signed, the internet wasn't even a thing, nor were any jobs associated with the internet or computers. Reopening NAFTA means they can change some of the provisions to make it reflect the modern world.

2) It took them 5+ years to negotiate NAFTA. If it includes major changes, there's a good chance that Trump won't even be around by the time the thing gets signed. That means that either it really is just small tweaks that he can then try and pass off as major achievements, or it'll be so comprehensive it won't get done before he leaves office.

If it were under another administration, I wouldn't disagree that there are aspects that need to be updated (even Chretien has said "it's an old agreement") and that Canada should create a new agreement between its North American trading partners to reflect that. The problem is that those areas aren't what Trump seems to be intent on renegotiating, since his administration has continually railed on NAFTA in relation to sectors where job loss is related to automation rather than "disastrous deals" i.e. the auto industry, or on areas where Canada will not budge i.e. milk imports. Also, given how Mexico has been left out all of these talks thus far, coupled with the infamous plan to pull out of NAFTA entirely via an executive order, all this talk strikes as Trump trying to aggressively reduce the current trade deficit the U.S. has with Mexico without any recognition for how his actions will hurt businesses within all three countries. Renegotiating NAFTA in a manner that is beneficial for all parties may take as long, if not, longer depending on Mexico's upcoming elections as well as our own, but Trump's administration doesn't seem to understand that given how rushed their executive orders and Affordable Care Act repeal have been, not to mention the lack of care with regards to his administration's appointments (see also: the lumber tariff). Frankly, it's understandable why the White House had to call in Trudeau to get Trump to stick with NAFTA: This administration is too incompetent to negotiate anything with anyone.

These people seriously exist? Yikes. Wasn't that a Conservative Private Members Bill, from Ambrose herself?

Yeah, I don't get it either. The bill was supported by all parties in Parliament so it's surprising to hear opposition to it from anyone.


will this cause them to bleed Red Tory votes?

Many high-level PC executives resigned and a few more have been in talks with the Alberta party lately.

For reference though, some PCs are very unhappy with this move. Former MLA Thomas Lucaszk and his constituency association already donated all of their assets away.


will this cause them to bleed Red Tory votes?

Depends completely on who ends up leading them and the policies that they UCP decides to focus on. If the leader and the UCP's policies are not progressive enough they will definitely bleed red tory votes to the AB NDP and AB Party.Their path to victory is appealing to progressive voters. If they fail to appeal to progressive Albertans they will lose the 2019 provincial election possibly in another landslide. Right now they aren't really saying anything or doing anything that makes me think they are guaranteed to win under the UCP banner in 2019.

Danielle smith wrote a piece on global related to the annoucement of the UCP I agree with.


Subete no aware
It's funny how Alberta is turning into a micro-Australia. Labour and Coalition is basically the equivalent of NDP+Liberals vs Tories + Wild Rose. lol
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