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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Subete no aware
Oh that's weird, I always thought Anime North was at the end of summer. They must have moved it out of the way of the crappy convention in August. lol

This is almost like those years when CES was at the same time as the AVN awards and you'd have tech journalists "accidentally" wandering into the porn booths.


Oh that's weird, I always thought Anime North was at the end of summer. They must have moved it out of the way of the crappy convention in August. lol
Anime North has always been in May.
Fan Expo is the big late August / early September con that is essentially our San Diego Comic-Con equivalent and covers all manner of fandoms including anime.



Pure evil united.


Subete no aware
Anime North has always been in May.
Fan Expo is the big late August / early September con that is essentially our San Diego Comic-Con equivalent and covers all manner of fandoms including anime.
I always felt like they were at the same time, because there used to be another independent scifi convention in early summer. But admittedly, I haven't been to any cons in 10+ years.


Whoever the Cons pick just means the liberals already won the next election
If Bernier winds up winning, I can't envision a scenario where this doesn't happen. I'm not sure any of these viable leadership candidates are electable outside of O'Toole who lacks a whole lot of name value and presence but at least has potential to grow. Scheer's just too damn young.
If Bernier winds up winning, I can't envision a scenario where this doesn't happen. I'm not sure any of these viable leadership candidates are electable outside of O'Toole who lacks a whole lot of name value and presence but at least has potential to grow. Scheer's just too damn young.

I was sent a poll that asked which candidate could beat Trudeau in 2019. None wasn't an option, and it really should've been. Of the viable candidates, Bernier is the only one who doesn't signal that they're completely giving up on Quebec (since everyone else's French ranges from mediocre to abysmal), and even then, his stance on supply management could still kill him in farming-heavy ridings. Obviously, 2019 is a long way off, and anything could happen between now and then, but I have a hard time imagining something so drastic happening that the Liberals lose.

Well, while we are posting twitter posts, I found this burn

Aww, came here to post exactly the same thing. Though thanks to Gamergate and the weird convergence of anime avatars and Trump fans, there's probably more of an overlap between the two conventions than either would care to admit.


Subete no aware
Aww, came here to post exactly the same thing. Though thanks to Gamergate and the weird convergence of anime avatars and Trump fans, there's probably more of an overlap between the two conventions than either would care to admit.
Eh, conventions are different from the interwebs, as shown by the "cosplay is not consent" movement a year or so ago.

Sean C

Watching a bit of the CPC convention, Brad Trost has some weird pronunciation. You'd almost think English was his second language.


Watching a bit of the CPC convention, Brad Trost has some weird pronunciation. You'd almost think English was his second language.

That's just the sound of bullshit sloshing around in his mouth as he speaks, because that's all I heard from him in the few minutes I caught of his time on stage


Does anyone know if we'll be able to get the full breakdown of each round of voting? It seems pretty clear Bernier is going to win, but it'd be interesting to get a sense of how big the various groups in the party are, and where they are geographically and such. I kinda wish they'd keep breaking down the votes until there was only one candidate left anyone for these reasons too, especially to see how many people ranked Bernier at all, but I doubt they'll keep going once someone has a majority.


Subete no aware
Does anyone know if we'll be able to get the full breakdown of each round of voting? It seems pretty clear Bernier is going to win, but it'd be interesting to get a sense of how big the various groups in the party are, and where they are geographically and such. I kinda wish they'd keep breaking down the votes until there was only one candidate left anyone for these reasons too, especially to see how many people ranked Bernier at all, but I doubt they'll keep going once someone has a majority.
I mean, they should have all the figures once they scan each ballot and have a computer spit out the numbers. I assume they'd make them all public.

So I was reading this article Globe editorial: How B.C.'s election has changed everything and a sudden random thought/question... How closely tied are the Green Federal and Provincial Parties? Are they the same institution like the NDP, or are they separated?
I assume they're the same base, since that's where the federal Green party is the strongest. Did May show up to any BC Green events?



Around 3 minutes in. Even the CBC picked up the Anime North story. :p


So CBC was just interviewing a millennial on their stream, and she said she had Chong as number one but was curious to hear speeches and select a number two and three.

She decided that no one else was acceptable and sealed her envelope with only a vote for Chong.

Lol the Conservatives are going to bleed so much youth support in the next election. It's remarkable to me that they haven't figured this out.



Which one is the bigger mistake?

So CBC was just interviewing a millennial on their stream, and she said she had Chong as number one but was curious to hear speeches and select a number two and three.

She decided that no one else was acceptable and sealed her envelope with only a vote for Chong.

Lol the Conservatives are going to bleed so much youth support in the next election. It's remarkable to me that they haven't figured this out.

Considering they had roughly 20% last election, it's not hard to imagine how much further it'll drop.

Speaking of, has that 19 year-old MP said/done anything as of late?
meanwhile in Scicily

EM: Kudos Justin; the way you counterd Donald's tug and pull with a left arm block was genius.

JT: thank you Manu. As a boxer, I study my sparing partners every move before engaging them in the ring.

JT: By the way, I am a big fan of the way you crushed every bone in his hand when he tried to give you the hand shake. Man, his fingers went so limp. Awesome.

EM: Merci mon ami

meanwhile in Scicily

EM: Kudos Justin; the way you counterd Donald's tug and pull with a left arm block was genius.

JT: thank you Manu. As a boxer, I study my sparing partners every move before engaging them in the ring.

JT: By the way, I am a big fan of the way you crushed every bone in his hand when he tried to give you the hand shake. Man, his fingers went so limp. Awesome.

EM: Merci mon ami


looks like the Game of Thrones garden walk lol


So CBC was just interviewing a millennial on their stream, and she said she had Chong as number one but was curious to hear speeches and select a number two and three.

She decided that no one else was acceptable and sealed her envelope with only a vote for Chong.

Lol the Conservatives are going to bleed so much youth support in the next election. It's remarkable to me that they haven't figured this out.

To hear Trost talk you'd think was by design.

Sean C

Trivia: If Maxime Bernier wins the leadership today, it will be the first time in Canadian history that the main right-of-centre party is lead by a Francophone.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
We now have an important question to ask. Who would make the best anime leader of the Conservative party? I would say Ash Ketchum to symbolize eternal fail but that seems better fitting to the NDP.
Trivia: If Maxime Bernier wins the leadership today, it will be the first time in Canadian history that the main right-of-centre party is lead by a Francophone.

I was going to point out Charest's tenure following the 1993 debacle, but I guess by then they were no longer the main party on the right.

This boggles my mind, but I guess it explains why they've tended to be so historically unsuccessful. It's hard to win elections when you're basically writing off one-third of the country.

Does that hurt their chances in the West?

If Bernier wins -- which seems like the most probable outcome at this point, though I still maintain Scheer or O'Toole have a better shot than many people realize -- the two main parties will be led by leaders from Quebec, the NDP will be led by a Sikh from Toronto or an aging punk from northern Ontario. Elizabeth May will be the only party leader with a seat in Western Canada, and she's a US-born Atlantic Canadian.

So...even if Western Canada is annoyed by the fact the CPC leader isn't from there, it's not like the other parties will have leaders from the region either.


If Bernier wins -- which seems like the most probable outcome at this point, though I still maintain Scheer or O'Toole have a better shot than many people realize -- the two main parties will be led by leaders from Quebec, the NDP will be led by a Sikh from Toronto or an aging punk from northern Ontario. Elizabeth May will be the only party leader with a seat in Western Canada, and she's a US-born Atlantic Canadian.

So...even if Western Canada is annoyed by the fact the CPC leader isn't from there, it's not like the other parties will have leaders from the region either.

True, but the Cons like to make this mythical Western image of themselves, the cowboys come to tame Ottawa, legacy Reform ideals I guess. None of the other parties try to use Western alienation the same way. Bernier just doesn't seem like he can believably pull off cowboy. Hell, he barely seems like he can barely pull off politician half the time.
True, but the Cons like to make this mythical Western image of themselves, the cowboys come to tame Ottawa, legacy Reform ideals I guess. None of the other parties try to use Western alienation the same way. Bernier just doesn't seem like he can believably pull off cowboy. Hell, he barely seems like he can barely pull off politician half the time.

Bernier's ideology on small government, cutting programes, cutting taxes and decentrilzaion is all that is needed for a non-Westerner to win Westerners over.

Doesn't Bernier look like the "Howard Hamlin" character from Better Call Saul?


Bernier's ideology on small government, cutting programes, cutting taxes and decentrilzaion is all that is needed for a non-Westerner to win Westerners over.
Exactly, in fact most conservatives out West realize that it is a good decision to have someone from Quebec to bridge the East/West gap. As expected most people not from the West assume we want our guns and oil but in reality most of us will vote cons because we want more money in our pockets,less government intervention and less taxes. The West has zero belief that the government is good at doing good things with taxpayers money so less government is attractive.


True, but the Cons like to make this mythical Western image of themselves, the cowboys come to tame Ottawa, legacy Reform ideals I guess. None of the other parties try to use Western alienation the same way. Bernier just doesn't seem like he can believably pull off cowboy. Hell, he barely seems like he can barely pull off politician half the time.

For years he's been branding himself as "The Albertan from Quebec." He goes to the province regularly enough -- and has for years, which is why I've always maintained he had a better shot post-Harper than most people believed -- that Conservatives there believe he shares their views. Personally, I think that picking a new leader who only appeals to the hardest of the hardcore CPC Alberta base is a terrible idea if you want to win an election, but well soon find out how many CPCers realize that.

Sean C

Bernier's ideology on small government, cutting programes, cutting taxes and decentrilzaion is all that is needed for a non-Westerner to win Westerners over.
Exactly, in fact most conservatives out West realize that it is a good decision to have someone from Quebec to bridge the East/West gap. As expected most people not from the West assume we want our guns and oil but in reality most of us will vote cons because we want more money in our pockets,less government intervention and less taxes. The West has zero belief that the government is good at doing good things with taxpayers money so less government is attractive.
Yeah, I don't think Bernier will have any big problems with Westerners.

There is a core of Francophobes in the Conservative base (the people who still get triggered any time official bilingualism comes up), but those people are used to being ignored by now.

Bernier's bigger problem with the party will be his lack of support in caucus.


Exactly, in fact most conservatives out West realize that it is a good decision to have someone from Quebec to bridge the East/West gap. As expected most people not from the West assume we want our guns and oil but in reality most of us will vote cons because we want more money in our pockets,less government intervention and less taxes. The West has zero belief that the government is good at doing good things with taxpayers money so less government is attractive.

Please don't speak for me kthx.
Yeah, I don't think Bernier will have any big problems with Westerners.

There is a core of Francophobes in the Conservative base (the people who still get triggered any time official bilingualism comes up), but those people are used to being ignored by now.

Bernier's bigger problem with the party will be his lack of support in caucus.

Stories like this and http://ipolitics.ca/2017/05/27/bernier-says-hell-remember-who-stood-by-him/ make me think he'll be a disaster at managing the caucus effectively. Every leader rewards loyalists, but announcing you'll punish those who didn't support you won't make it easy to win new people over.


Exactly, in fact most conservatives out West realize that it is a good decision to have someone from Quebec to bridge the East/West gap. As expected most people not from the West assume we want our guns and oil but in reality most of us will vote cons because we want more money in our pockets,less government intervention and less taxes. The West has zero belief that the government is good at doing good things with taxpayers money so less government is attractive.

Holy shit, people still believe the West Wants In garbage?


if only Sophie knew

Further to this, I think they are Facebook official already.

"Sitting down with Emmanuel Macron for the first time, talking jobs, security and climate--looking forward to more conversations, my friend".

In other news, go Scheer and O'Toole (Mr. Rock Rib), I guess. The most crappy of leadership races.


Please don't speak for me kthx.
It should be obvious by now that my thoughts are pretty much polar opposite with the vast majority of posters in this thread. I expect there are single digit conservative leaning posters participating here.


Subete no aware
It should be obvious by now that my thoughts are pretty much polar opposite with the vast majority of posters in this thread. I expect there are single digit conservative leaning posters participating here.
I'm genuinely curious what you think Harper's legacy is, now that we're a couple of years out.

The thing he gets credit for, 2008, was something that came about because of fairly strong banking regulations that he had no hand in implementing. And of course, his investment in oil has seen the Canadian economy tank and the dollar crash.



Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
There is a core of Francophobes in the Conservative base (the people who still get triggered any time official bilingualism comes up), but those people are used to being ignored by now.

While that may be true to some extent, the example you used leads me to believe you're simply throwing the term around.

Ignorant people not understanding why French is on labels because they live in the West where French is irrelevant is not the same thing as Francophobia. Canada is a huge place and official bilingualism is artificial in most of Canada where French is very rarely spoken.

That's just the nature of being such a large country.
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