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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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I blame Provinces for this.

Provinces (like always) are being the dicks making it complicated

IMO, we should give more Central Powers to Ottawa.

Fuck Provinces

I don't see why its the provinces fault on this one. I mean, yes you have Quebec coming out saying they are against it, but the other provinces have been dying for quite some time to get some other form of revenue that doesn't involve raising taxes. Give them the choice and they will jump on it in an instant


I blame Provinces for this.

Provinces (like always) are being the dicks making it complicated

IMO, we should give more Central Powers to Ottawa.

Fuck Provinces
Huh? How does legalization have anything to do with provinces? Certainly nothing in the article suggests that the roadblocks are provincial oriented
Huh? How does legalization have anything to do with provinces? Certainly nothing in the article suggests that the roadblocks are provincial oriented

As it stands, they're apparently looking at a distribution model similar to what we have now with alcohol. If the provinces aren't on board with that, it makes it more difficult.

This is a little misleading. Blair's statement was in response to Marc Emery's wife standing up in front of the Senate today, demanding that they stop enforcing all pot laws effective immediately. It's not like he sat down and immediately started threatening to arrest everyone who smokes pot.

Is the government still planning deficit spending even with the "bad" Conservative numbers that they inherited?

Yes? Haven't you read any news in the last day or so? The combination of terrible economic management by the CPC + the price of oil being below $20/barrel (when even the Liberals, with their planned deficits, had been projecting $35-40 -- lower than what the other parties were assuming, but still twice as high as reality) means that our finances are a mess. As someone else said, hopefully they really do make massive investments in infrastructure.


This is good. Certainly if we can save money on this we ought to.

It's pretty sad that our procurement process is in the state it's in. Hopefully this helps kickstart things.

This is good. Certainly if we can save money on this we ought to.

This is actually good news for now.

No matter what anyone says, there is no way we will be able to spin up our own design committee, or even join an international one to get at least a Partially Canadian design before our ships have been completely worn out (And even now they are being held together with duct tape). Really, all we can do is bite the bullet this once, then set things in place so we can have something for the next time procurement comes up


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Don't know if this goes into a new thread or what, but HOLY SHIT!:

The vast majority of students whose families make under $50,000 will receive free college and university tuition under changes to student aid made in this year’s Ontario budget that represent the most radical shift in decades in how the province delivers loans and grants to postsecondary students.

The changes eliminate multiple loan and grant programs, and replace a complicated system with one program, the new Ontario Student Grant. Finance Minister Charles Sousa said the cost of the OSG will be “roughly the same” as the current level of $1.3-billion in aid.


Moving away from the tax credits and putting it directly towards tuition costs is brilliant.
Don't know if this goes into a new thread or what, but HOLY SHIT!:


Moving away from the tax credits and putting it directly towards tuition costs is brilliant.

This should have been done long ago. Student debt shouldn't be a thing people have to deal with, ever.

NDP Leader Andrea Horwath dismissed the budget as lacking a plan to create jobs, improve health care and invest in education.

Oh fuck off, Horwath.




Canadians burned my passport
Yo damn, if nothing else that's quite a change. Focuses on aiding students on less than well off families versus the fool-ass proposition of giving free tuition to poor and rich families.

Yeah, this is good stuff. Haven't heard anything positive from the Wynne government in a long time.


I don't even like the Wynne government. My dilemma is that there's nobody I want to replace them with >.>

Maybe the Greens, idk.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I like that quote in the article discussing how useless the tax credits for education are, to students who can't even get their foot through the front door.


Black Canada Mafia
I'd make a new thread about the Ontario free tuition stuff for all the Gaffers who are in Ontario and don't read this thread, it's pretty huge from what I'm reading


I'd make a new thread about the Ontario free tuition stuff for all the Gaffers who are in Ontario and don't read this thread, it's pretty huge from what I'm reading

Do it~~~

We must show the world (USA) the extent of our brilliance.

As is tradition :3

Fucking hell, I just graduated too. Should have waited a couple years and I would have been effectively debt free.

Yea, I graduated November 2015, so I'm a bit pissed right now, lol
Do it~~~

We must show the world (USA) the extent of our brilliance.

As is tradition :3

Yea, I graduated November 2015, so I'm a bit pissed right now, lol

It's fucking amazing news, but I'm just honestly feeling pretty slighted right now. That said, make it a new thread, we need more "Go Go Canada!" threads


Canadians burned my passport
Getting fucked over by the government over your education is an Ontario right of passage. At least this time something good comes out of it


Very good on the Ontario government. I haven't attended post-secondary due to health reasons, but that'll be great for when I'm able to jump back in.
So I'm going through the budget and I found this little tidbit right at the bottom of "Social Assistance"

One area of research that will inform the path to comprehensive reform will be the evaluation of a Basic Income pilot. The pilot project will test a growing view at home and abroad that a basic income could build on the success of minimum wage policies and increases in child benefits by providing more consistent and predictable support in the context of today’s dynamic labour market. The pilot would also test whether a basic income would provide a more efficient way of delivering income support, strengthen the attachment to the labour force, and achieve savings in other areas, such as health care and housing supports. The government will work with communities, researchers and other stakeholders in 2016 to determine how best to design and implement a Basic Income pilot.



Damn. If Only I wasn't finishing up in April that tuition news would be massive.
The other parts look promising as well
As it stands, they're apparently looking at a distribution model similar to what we have now with alcohol. If the provinces aren't on board with that, it makes it more difficult.


Quebec's Premier is Liberal by name but governs with a small (c).

The Couillard government are cold on Marijuana legalization, and their provincial finance minister said out loud that their Alcohol stores ''S.A.Q.'' (our version of LCBO) are NOT going to sell Weed

Provinces are the biggest problems in this country when it comes to progress


So here in Edmonton, where Uber was legalized a few weeks ago but still needs the province to approve hybrid ride-sharing insurance from Intact in order to operate after March 1st, Uber is staging a rally at the Legislature tomorrow and rides to and from the rally are free.

It's kind of amazing how Uber turns customers into lobbyists. I'm not sure any company has ever been able to do this to the same degree.


It's kind of amazing how Uber turns customers into lobbyists. I'm not sure any company has ever been able to do this to the same degree.
Certainly not to the same degree, but I'm instantly reminded of a couple of incidents.

FanDuel had about 100 of their employees protest for them outside the NY AG office during the Daily Fantasy Sports ban kerfuffle.
Last Week Tonight: Daily Fantasy Sports

And from this morning: Disney's CEO is asking their employees to contribute to their Political Action Committee.
Disney CEO asks employees to chip in to pay copyright lobbyists


Certainly not to the same degree, but I'm instantly reminded of a couple of incidents.

FanDuel had about 100 of their employees protest for them outside the NY AG office during the Daily Fantasy Sports ban kerfuffle.
Last Week Tonight: Daily Fantasy Sports

And from this morning: Disney's CEO is asking their employees to contribute to their Political Action Committee.
Disney CEO asks employees to chip in to pay copyright lobbyists

Those are employees, though. With Uber it's their customers (as well as drivers, I assume).


There was a Uber love-in a week ot two ago in Montreal. The "speeches" by their customers sounded like they were written by Uber's director of communications. I'm sure they all got a nice gift card.

I can't think of another company getting such a free-pass to do whatever it wants just because "our customers like us". The taxi industry being broken ain't a good argument either.

edit: I'm sure Apple would have no problem finding custumers to lobby for them. Or any company with uber fans (Nintendo, Sony, Google, etc.).


There was a Uber love-in a week ot two ago in Montreal. The "speeches" by their customers sounded like they were written by Uber's director of communications. I'm sure they all got a nice gift card.

I can't think of another company getting such a free-pass to do whatever it wants just because "our customers like us". The taxi industry being broken ain't a good argument either.

edit: I'm sure Apple would have no problem finding custumers to lobby for them. Or any company with uber fans (Nintendo, Sony, Google, etc.).

The taxi system being broken is more than a good enough reason. It's an incredibly broken system, particularly in Canada where people seem to think it's unionized but it isn't in most places.

Edmonton's bylaw is actually pretty great, and allows opportunities for taxi companies to actually compete with Uber on a level playing field. Of course, they still hate it because all they really care about (particularly the people with one of the limited vehicle licenses worth >$100k on which they get to extract a reliable income from people who don't have one and work for peanuts) is maintaining their monopoly.

I have literally waited three hours for a taxi in this city. I've never waited more than 15 minutes for an Uber. Rarely more than 5.

I respect more TÉO, an electric taxi service being set up in Montreal that respects the law, pays taxes and is home grown

But would that even be happening if it weren't for the threat of Uber?
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