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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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She ran away with all my money
And she did it for fun
She's probably out there thinking it's funny
Telling everyone
Well, I'm digging a ditch
For this gold-digging bitch
Watch out
She's quick
Look out for a pretty little thing named
If you see her tell her I'm coming
She better run


I'm reading on Twitter that it turned into a white supremacist rally.

Can't tell if it's a joke or not.


You don't say


Crazy people don't seem crazy when the people in charge are pandering to them. Once that stops they come out all crazy like.
yeah WTF, Ontario wants to remove FUN from going out to bars and restaurants by subjecting a nanny state code that takes away sexiness out of waitressing

yeah cause sexiness = liberty = fun lol

let women do whatever they want man

if people go to a diner to see a sexy waitress rather then eat the said food then they need to set their priorities straight


Canadians burned my passport
Restaurants that force their waitresses to dress sexy tend to be shit anyways (Moxie's). Maybe they'll focus on serving good food instead of appealing to perverts like gutter


Someone over in reddit posted this from a tweet


In case there was any doubt, yes it's Alberta.

The NDP literally has zero to do with the global price of oil or the failure of Keystone XL. In fact, the reasons that they elected the NDP is because the Tories FAILED with the petro-economy. Like, are people idiots?


Restaurants that force their waitresses to dress sexy tend to be shit anyways (Moxie's). Maybe they'll focus on serving good food instead of appealing to perverts like gutter

Well gutter, there's always Hooters!
(are those in Canada?)


the negativity over basic income from conservatives makes my head hurt

"Fuck those poor. Their life isn't bad enough as it is. They should have not been born poor. They should lift themselves up by their bootstraps and use the inheritance their rich uncle left them to make proper investments? What are they doing with their time? Working 2 or 3 jobs like suckers?"


The NDP literally has zero to do with the global price of oil or the failure of Keystone XL. In fact, the reasons that they elected the NDP is because the Tories FAILED with the petro-economy. Like, are people idiots?

These people?
I'm gonna go with yes.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
"Fuck those poor. Their life isn't bad enough as it is. They should have not been born poor. They should lift themselves up by their bootstraps and use the inheritance their rich uncle left them to make proper investments? What are they doing with their time? Working 2 or 3 jobs like suckers?"

I think it's more because basic income will lead to a restructuring of society (as it will get the right people in the right jobs) and that they know deep down inside that they'll be the lesser qualified.

But to be honest, BI will lead to a swath of specialization which should trigger another economic boom in the country and will eventually pay itself off and then some.
Our society is slowly turning into a "No Fun Allowed" state.

How you are turning a good thing into a bad thing is beyond me. Nothing in the ruling by the OHRC is saying you can't still wear the items if you want to... just that women (or men) can't be forced into wearing overly sexualized clothing.

IN the restaurant industry which was called out in the ruling, This means you can't force women to wear high heels (which are scientifically proven to be bad for backs) if they don't want to. It means that if a woman wants to wear something a little less sexualized than clothing that barely covers themselves, they can.

This is a good thing, even more so since I just watched the CBC marketplace episode they recently did on the oversexualization of restaurants and how women are held to much higher standards then men by management,


Gutter just sad he may not see as many impractically sexy waitstaff in the future and is deflecting to sexy PM. u_u


Restaurants that force their waitresses to dress sexy tend to be shit anyways (Moxie's). Maybe they'll focus on serving good food instead of appealing to perverts like gutter
Friend suggested going there once because he thought the waitresses would be hot. The food was garbage. Having worked in a restaurant previously could tell that they microwave some of their menu items.


Obama and Trudeau are doing a press conference together. Obama is looking so old. The stress of that job is real.

Wait, they just said this was the first official visit for a Canadian pm in 19 years.


Poor Justin. American media don't care about his visit. More accurately, American media don't care about Obama anymore. It's all about Trump, Trump, Trump.


I just find it funny that they always seem to talk about his looks.

They don't know enough about his policies (or likely care to for that matter) to do anything else. I guess they never got past the '...Nice hair though.' line from those ads


Well, forget American media, it made the front page of Sputnik, and it's amazing:

Canada’s Trudeau Comes to Washington to Get Foreign Policy Marching Ordersl

Canada’s Trudeau Comes to Washington to Get Foreign Policy Marching Orders

"They are doing it anyways to serve American interests, it has nothing to do with Canada," Black says, adding that planes are only being pulled because of economic challenges faced by Canada. "The currency is plummeting like a stone, so it is only natural that they would pull some planes out.”

Black asserts that, despite common sentiment, the Canadian media functions as a propaganda arm, masking the population’s dissent to US-led foreign policy.

He went on to say that the struggling economy is stripping away the kind of independent political thought that Canadians are known for. "Also like the United States, the economy is suffering, people are working longer hours and struggling, and they don't really have a lot of time to pay attention so they go along with what they see on TV, unfortunately."

Black explains that the reason Trudeau won wasn't because people expected something new, but rather because the powerful socialist left, in the form of the New Democratic Party, collapsed after rolling out austerity policies.

Man, I love Russian media. And I salute their ability to find experts useful idiots in every country


Any reason why this is the first official visit from a PM to the US in 19 Years for the dinner? I though Bush and Harper at least got along well enough cause of their conservatism.


I doubt it's a complete list, so I wouldn't trust it for any pre-wikipedia president. I just remember there being quite a lot of press (from US media) about Bush' tendency not to meet with foreign leaders very much. Could obviously be wrong, though.


Man, I needed a good laugh today, sure the fourth quote had a tiny hint of truth to it, but really the rest was unbelievably funny

So does the 5th, if you overlook him calling the Socialist Left NDP "powerful"... or socialist

Any reason why this is the first official visit from a PM to the US in 19 Years for the dinner? I though Bush and Harper at least got along well enough cause of their conservatism.
Chretien and Martin poisoned the well for Harper once he was finally in power
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