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Canadian PoliGAF - 42nd Parliament: Sunny Ways in Trudeaupia

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Obama and Trudeau are doing a press conference together. Obama is looking so old. The stress of that job is real.
Obama always looked old.

He's 54 now but you can see his hair was already turning grey before his presidency. Some people just age fast.
Any reason why this is the first official visit from a PM to the US in 19 Years for the dinner? I though Bush and Harper at least got along well enough cause of their conservatism.
It might be because Canada refused to invade Iraq and made fun of the U.S.


Here is what came out of the U.S. state dinner:

12 things Trudeau and Obama agreed on
Blah blah blah, climate change.
CBC said:
8. The two countries agreed in principle to expand customs pre-clearance for passengers to Billy Bishop Airport in Toronto and Quebec City's Jean Lesage International Airport, as well as to rail service in Montreal and Vancouver. They will also "work to convert existing pre-inspection sites in British Columbia to full pre-clearance" and "explore the conditions necessary for cargo pre-clearance and identify opportunities to pilot this approach."

9. The two leaders agreed to establish a "Canada-U.S. Redress Working Group" to deal with complaints about the no-fly list.

10. Canada and the United States will "fully implement a system to exchange basic biographic entry information at the land border ... in a manner that respects our separate constitutional and legal frameworks, and protects our citizens' right to privacy."
Some whining about wood and a few empty words about the TPP.
Hopefully number 9 removes babies off the no-fly list.
LOL. CBC calling the bromance: Trubama

i am proud of our PM and the continued friendship betwwen pur two contries,

may it continue next January when Hillary fills Obama's shoes


PoliGAF updates:

I've finally met with the local G7 planning committee reps that I'll be working with. It's a runaway freight train at this point. I also sold them on sending the project to Iseshima for the world leaders. At this point it's safe to say I'll get to meet Morneau and Lew and their Japanese and European equivalents.

I'm attending an event tomorrow for a 3/11 memorial, I'll be speaking with more local and federal government people there too about it.

Say if I can get a pic with Trudeau and Obama think I can ask them to do gang signs with me or at least something goofy like the Wyld Stallyns?

I love our PM!
Justin Trudeau has vetoed an out-of-court settlement in the long-running dispute over the NDP's allegedly improper use of parliamentary resources for partisan purposes, The Canadian Press has learned.

Multiple sources, not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, say a proposed deal was almost sealed but was nixed by the prime minister, who didn't want to condone what he sees as an abuse of taxpayers' money.

that a boy!!! :D


I think when Jean Chretien had dinner with Clinton, he asked for a bottle of ketchup and poured it on his steak, tapping on the back of the bottle and all.

Or that was Lyndon B Johnson, I forget.
Any reason why this is the first official visit from a PM to the US in 19 Years for the dinner? I though Bush and Harper at least got along well enough cause of their conservatism.

Just went to see if I could find data, not sure if this is a complete list


This is Obama's 10th

Bush had 7

Clinton had 3

There are more complete lists on the State Department historical website, but it's nowhere near as easy to sort through since they do it by year and by country, but not visit type.

As for why it's the first in 19 years...Chretien and Bush, Martin and Bush, and Harper and Obama weren't friendly enough with each other to have state dinners, which means there was really just a 3 year window between late January 2006 and early January 2009 when you had two leaders who were ideologically and personally compatible with each other in Harper and Bush. Harper only had a minority during that period, so he was still trying to seem moderate and not-scary, and he and his team probably figured that pictures of him literally embracing Bush -- who, by that time, was pretty much toxic -- wouldn't do much to burnish that image.

It's kind of crazy that after we just went almost 20 years without a single official visit, we're going to have 2 in a span of 3 months once Obama comes here in June.

Here is what came out of the U.S. state dinner:

12 things Trudeau and Obama agreed on

Hopefully number 9 removes babies off the no-fly list.

Technically babies and kids aren't on the no-fly list -- just people with similar names. On the US side, for sure, they don't put people under the age of 18. I don't know about Canada, since we're not as transparent about these things (we're only now just looking into a redress program, which is something the US has had for years), but I'd hope that any minors on our no-fly list are there by accident.

PoliGAF updates:

I've finally met with the local G7 planning committee reps that I'll be working with. It's a runaway freight train at this point. I also sold them on sending the project to Iseshima for the world leaders. At this point it's safe to say I'll get to meet Morneau and Lew and their Japanese and European equivalents.

I'm attending an event tomorrow for a 3/11 memorial, I'll be speaking with more local and federal government people there too about it.

Say if I can get a pic with Trudeau and Obama think I can ask them to do gang signs with me or at least something goofy like the Wyld Stallyns?

So cool! You probably don't want to ask for gang signs (because seriously, how well do you think it'll go over if you ask the first black POTUS to do a gang sign?), but that all sounds like your students are going to get some neat visitors.

Sean C

I've had some respect for Preston Manning -- certainly in comparison to the conservative leaders who came after him -- but yeesh, based on his recent Globe & Mail article he has an acute case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.

So, people's thoughts on Mulcair's upcoming reckoning? On the one hand, there are two courses for the NDP to plot going forward -- either return to a more leftwing orientation that probably means embracing continued third party status, or go all-in on the strategy of continuing to seek to replace the Liberals -- and I don't really think Mulcair is necessarily the right man for either of those strategies. He's not, at this point, a credible firebrand. And he'll never have a better shot at making the case for himself as a centrist PM than he had last election, and he blew that.

But at the same time, I've yet to see a persuasive case for an alternative leader who would do better on either course.


I've had some respect for Preston Manning -- certainly in comparison to the conservative leaders who came after him -- but yeesh, based on his recent Globe & Mail article he has an acute case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.

So, people's thoughts on Mulcair's upcoming reckoning? On the one hand, there are two courses for the NDP to plot going forward -- either return to a more leftwing orientation that probably means embracing continued third party status, or go all-in on the strategy of continuing to seek to replace the Liberals -- and I don't really think Mulcair is necessarily the right man for either of those strategies. He's not, at this point, a credible firebrand. And he'll never have a better shot at making the case for himself as a centrist PM than he had last election, and he blew that.

But at the same time, I've yet to see a persuasive case for an alternative leader who would do better on either course.

The NDP has the same problems as the CPC when it comes to moving towards the center: a tug of war between their base and the voters they're trying to attract. The Liberals are successful because they straddle both sides of the spectrum -- and are credible because of their long-standing history with it.

The only party that had been truly successful in this shift was New Labour over in the UK... and that shift wasn't without its consequences.

As for Mulcair, it's almost certain that he'll lose his leadership at the convention. My bet is on Nathan Cullen being interim leader soon after.

What? No one wants to buy a nation-wide chain of daily papers? In 2016? *smh*

It's almost as if Postmedia isn't popular anymore!!

edit: Sarcasm off: Postmedia's content has been falling off a cliff ever since they consolidated their newsrooms. I've had to stop reading multiple papers because their content was soooo awful.


listen to the mad man
I've had some respect for Preston Manning -- certainly in comparison to the conservative leaders who came after him -- but yeesh, based on his recent Globe & Mail article he has an acute case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.

manning wants so badly for canada to be american that he actually writes fanfiction pretending to be an american

it's kinda like that time harper wanted so badly to be prime minister that he wrote an apology letter to the US as if he was prime minister


I've had some respect for Preston Manning -- certainly in comparison to the conservative leaders who came after him -- but yeesh, based on his recent Globe & Mail article he has an acute case of Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.

So, people's thoughts on Mulcair's upcoming reckoning? On the one hand, there are two courses for the NDP to plot going forward -- either return to a more leftwing orientation that probably means embracing continued third party status, or go all-in on the strategy of continuing to seek to replace the Liberals -- and I don't really think Mulcair is necessarily the right man for either of those strategies. He's not, at this point, a credible firebrand. And he'll never have a better shot at making the case for himself as a centrist PM than he had last election, and he blew that.

But at the same time, I've yet to see a persuasive case for an alternative leader who would do better on either course.

That Manning article is embarrassing for any Canadian not named Preston Manning. Shameful nonsense.

As for Mulcair, he was damn good in the House, but his move (and the party along with him) to the center and his time during the campaign nearly had me jump to the Good Ship Sunny Ways I was so dissatisfied (to put it mildly). If they stop the trudge to the center or Mulcair was able to convince me he could campaign as well as he holds feet to the fire in the House, I might be okay with him sticking around.
This won't help Mulcair: NDP MP Niki Ashton hedges when asked about support for Tom Mulcair (nor will this: Quebec NDPers call for renewal ahead of Edmonton convention).

I don't know, though. I've obviously never hid my disdain for him, but I have a hard time imaging he gets less than 70% in their leadership review next month. That's a really, really low bar, and unless he and his inner circle are insane, they presumably wouldn't be setting those expectations unless they thought they could surpass them. If there were an obvious successor, it would be a different story -- think of how Martin forced out Chretien, or Mulroney forced out Clark -- but as it stands, there just seems to be low-level, unorganized grumbling. If Ashton's comments today are the beginning of her setting herself up as the alternative, that may change things, but until then, I think Mulcair hangs on.

What? No one wants to buy a nation-wide chain of daily papers? In 2016? *smh*

Why buy them now, when you can just wait for the bankruptcy proceedings in a year and get them for even fewer pennies then?


I don't think Mulcair will be ousted, and if a new leader is needed for the next election I don't think now is the time to choose one. People are still looking at the NDP as some kind of mirror of the Liberals, where factional fights have been du jure for so long. There's nobody organizing for blood in the NDP.

And I doubt there's really all that much pull to bring the party out of the move to the centre that Layton started. It'd be baffling if there was. The NDP has always had a small element that pushes hard left, and it's an important part, but I don't think they have nearly as much sway as people seem to think.


I think Mulcair should stick around for a little longer while the NDP recuperates. They absolutely need a new party leader for the next election but right now, Mulcair should remain as interim leader while the party sorts itself out. Mulcair earned my respect with his handling of the niqab ban. I heard that he did stood against it without notifying the campaign managers pissing them off. I know that many of you guys don't like him but at least he keeps it real when it matters.

I feel that he's an important asset to the party so I would hate to see infighting to oust him. I hope they come to a mutual agreement for him to step down as party leader before the next election but I want him to stay in the party after that.


Yeah I was happy with the way Mulcair performed in the campaign *until* he made balanced budgets a major policy plank. That was ridiculous on pretty much every level. Other than that he stood on principal on the niqab issue even though he had far more to lose on that than Trudeau did which I personally appreciated.


Two weeks ago, Jamie Hall got the Manitoba Liberal candidacy for a riding in Winnipeg. A few hours later, this was discovered.

Believe it or not, it actually gets worse.
CBC said:
In a YouTube video promoting [his] book [7 Deadly Women], the main character describes "seven types of women that I have found to have taken control of my story," including "the slut," the "good girl," "the virgin" and "the crazy bitch." In the novel, he compares explicit sex acts by women to driving a race car.
CBC said:
Hall also maintained a blog about dating. And as a bar promoter, he has filmed videos promoting "sexy ass" female bartenders.

When asked about all this, Hall responded.
CBC said:
Hall apologized for his tweets, but told reporters, "My actions speak louder than my tweets."

Hall said he is not sexist and some of the tweets were meant to be humorous. One, in which he said "feminists are so sexist," was a quote from comedian Bill Maher, he said.

"I have countless friends that are women — my girlfriend, my mother, my sister, my grandmas who are no longer with me — and I am not by any means sexist," he said.
He then went on to talk about how great freedom of expression is in Canada and refused to remove his posts because he didn't want to be fake.

Naturally, the NDP called for his removal but Hall struck back. He pointed out the past of the NDP candidate running in the Manitoba Liberal leader's riding. Wab Kinew is a former hip-hop artist that used to sing about bitches and hoes.
CBC said:
"I don't think the NDP has many legs to stand on in that regard, considering one of their candidates that they have," Hall said.
There is a difference between Kinew and Hall though. Kinew actually apologised for this stuff a while ago and even published a book last year apologising for his mistakes. Still, it doesn't look good.

After a day without comment, Liberal leader Rana Bokhari finally condemned Hall's comments and sacked him. She admitted that her party dropped the ball when it came to vetting.


Good riddance.


I kept reading UK cutting their benefits like health care and stuff. ksharp must be really happy. This could mean more tax break for him if he goes back.
Wow, GT in the wild all in up there.

I found gutter_trash in the comments of that Niki Ashton article.

That's not me lol

I'm not the only one who was critical of Thomass' shopping for a Federal party no matter the colours

I don't even know who Nikki Ashton is.

edit: okay, I did some reading on her (I misspelled her name), she seems like a real Socio-Democrat and she is young.
IMO, the NDP needs youth. She would be a good pick
This is probably going to go viral very soon. Quebec’s anti-corruption squad has arrested seven high-ranking members of the provincial Liberal party, including two former cabinet ministers.

Granted Quebec is the most corrupt province in the country, it's going to add fuel to the fire for the people still upset that Harper and his Neo Cons lost,

Quebec Liberals are not affiliated with the Federal Liberals. Affiliation was severed in the 1960s

Currently, the Quebec Liberals are small (c) Conservative


Canadians burned my passport
I am continually baffled by the number of Canadians still upset over the fact that we're not directly bombing Daesh anymore.


This is probably going to go viral very soon. Quebec’s anti-corruption squad has arrested seven high-ranking members of the provincial Liberal party, including two former cabinet ministers.

Granted Quebec is the most corrupt province in the country, it's going to add fuel to the fire for the people still upset that Harper and his Neo Cons lost,
I've noticed stories like this in the past but I can't understand what makes Québec so different when it comes to corruption.

I wonder what this means for the next provincial election. I'm afraid the more racist parties will benefit from this. I hope the NDP takes this chance to enter Québec.
Man just abandon reddit already. That site is such a broken racist, sexist, hateful cesspool.
It really is horrible but I occasionally use world news when I'm bored. I just read the headlines and click on the links because the comments are just soulsucking.


I've noticed stories like this in the past but I can't understand what makes Québec so different when it comes to corruption.

I wonder what this means for the next provincial election. I'm afraid the more racist parties will benefit from this. I hope the NDP takes this chance to enter Québec.

It won't mean anything. Nathalie Normandeau was already considered a crook by the populace after the Charbonneau Commission. Actually, it might help the PLQ because it will put an end to the conspiracy theory that they obstructing justice to save their friends.

Quebec isn't probably all that different from other provinces. It's just that we're currently airing our dirty laundry.

edit: The government just posted a $2 billion surplus.


I'm not really familiar with oil stuff but TransCanada just acquired Columbia Pipeline Group for $13B. I'm reading that this is a big news (at least on CBC). Why?


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