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Can't tell if this girl wants to be friends or if she wants me to leave her alone


Update: Followed the advice in the thread and stopped talking to her. Thanks for reading.

I always think that it's such a mistake when I see people posting threads asking for advice, so I recognize this is likely a mistake. On one hand, it'll be good to get reactions from people who aren't going to go easy on me. On the other hand, because most of you don't know me, you'll make assumptions that could be false. Should be fun!

Unfortunately, this is a bit of a long story that can't just be tl;dr summarized. I think the nuances of the relationship I have with this girl are important, and cutting stuff leads to more misinterpretations. Bear with me. I want you all to get the full picture to properly judge. After the introduction to how we met, I'll try to speed it up.

So, last November, as soon as I entered the grocery store in my neighborhood in Japan, and I spotted this girl with bright red dyed hair. I thought, "Whoa, that's uncommon for a Japanese person. Is she foreign?" As I walked farther into the store, we made eye contact, and I looked away. Immediately, my heart started to beat faster. "Oh, shit. She's cute. This is bad." I am very rarely attracted to other people, so this was a surprise. I attempted to just continue my shopping, but she kept coming down the same aisles as me. As I went towards the register, I thought, "My friends have been telling me that I should just talk to girls when I'm out. It's not really my style, but I've been single for a few months. Eh, what have I got to lose? I'd kick myself if I don't at least talk to her." So, after I checked out at the register, I went up to her. Luckily, she was in the middle of my path out of the shop. I waved, and she took off her headphones. "Excuse me, do you speak English?" She says "Yes," with a tint of an accent I couldn't place (she turned out to be Russian). I said, "I hope I'm not bothering you, but I thought I'd regret leaving without talking to you." She smiled, and I asked her for her number. She added me on LINE, an app popular for messaging in Japan. I said thank you, smiled, and told her I'd talk to her soon. I messaged her soon after saying "I'm sorry if I seemed nervous, but I don't really ever talk to strangers." She replied minutes later "Well, I don't usually give out my number in those situations :)"

I asked her out the next week, and she said she wanted to join me. Obviously, it could be a bit vague whether or not this was just hanging out or a date, but due to the circumstances of how we met, it sure seemed like a date to me. We went to dinner, and I paid to make it a bit more obvious that it was a date. I showed her a beautiful spot by a river in our neighborhood that she didn't know about, and we talked a lot. I like her even more when I learn she's going to a music school in Tokyo, which has been a dream of mine. I'd never met a foreigner who had done it. I start to admire her for her ambition. I walked her home. Nothing explicitly romantic happened, but it still seemed like a successful date!

We continued messaging each other, but due to her schedule, she was unable to meet. I thought, "Well, I can take a hint. I guess the date didn't go so well. I'll back off." She kept messaging me, though, despite my aims to kill the conversation. She says she wants to hang out, but every time I offer a plan, she turns it down due to being too busy. Once, she bails on a plan after I was already at the meeting spot. Several weeks later, before Christmas, I told her that I wanted to take her on a date (although honestly, she seemed like too much trouble, so I kinda just wanted to clear the air and didn't care whether she wanted to go out or not). She told me that she wasn't looking to date anyone right now (why would you spend a romantic night with a stranger, then?). I was relieved. "I'm just glad I know now, but I hope we can still be friends!" Again, I take a few steps back to give her some space.

She continues messaging me, despite my lack of initiating conversations.
From here on, I am not attempting to date this girl.

Maybe a month or so passes. One night, she messages me about how she has very few close friends. I feel for her, and I think "She seems torn up about this. Maybe I could be a close friend. We do get along really well, after all." She says she wants me to show her around my favorite neighborhood in Tokyo, because she's going to music school, and said area is famous for its music scene. I oblige. We have fun just walking around the area, and I make her laugh a ton. She seems like she had a really good night. Again, I walk her home.

After this, it's a few more weeks of hearing she wants to hang out, but she always turns down ideas due to her schedule and never offers alternative times. She's very flaky. At this point, I still kinda feel like she's not really interested in hanging out with me, because of how long she takes to message me back (often up to a week for a simple response). I recognize many people just aren't good with keeping in touch, but she always says "I'm sorry I took so long, but I've been really busy." I accept that, but it's also obvious to me that I'm not a priority—and this is understandable.

For Valentine's Day, I sometimes give friends gifts (and it's pretty common in Japan). I ask if she can meet up after I get off work so I can give her something. She meets me in front of the grocery where we first met. I give her a comic she wanted to read that's about bands trying to make it, as well as a candy I know she likes with packaging in her favorite color. I say goodnight. My heart beats quickly on my bike ride home. I still have residual feelings for her, but I have zero interest in dating. I never flirt or act like I like her, although she can surely tell.

Once again, I try to back off. I start sending shorter responses and replying less often. A few weeks go by, and she invites me to a performance for her music school. She is training to be a professional singer. I spend the 2500 yen at the venue just to see her perform, which I'm not exactly happy about, but I want to be supportive. I arrive about 20 mins before she goes on. She sees me and waves. I walk over to her, and she tells me she can't talk until after she performs. I see her sing for the first time, and I'm moved. Her voice is incredible. After she performs, she talks to me for a few mins before saying she should go talk to the other students performing that same day. She says she'll come back over. She doesn't introduce me to any of her friends, which I found odd. I'm standing there for about 30 mins, alone, just watching these people perform whom I don't care about, waiting just to talk to her again before leaving. She eventually comes back over, tells me that bands I might like will be playing in like 30 more minutes. I tell her that I actually just came to see her perform. She gets shy. I tell her that I'll be leaving soon, and she's surprised. I know we can't hang out after, because the event will go until late, and she'll go to an after-party. She says, "Ah--" and cuts herself short, "ah--I'll walk you out." I think, "Okay... does she have something she wants to say away from everyone else?" She walks me out, thanks me for coming, and then she looks like she's trying to think of what to say next. "I'm--glad you came," she eventually manages to say. I smile and wave goodbye.

I don't see her again until a dinner several weeks later in which I meet with her to ask her questions about her music school. I'm wanting to attend for a different major there. She's in a bad mood due to something with her parents. She doesn't walk to talk about it much. Turns out that I'll miss the enrollment period because of my job contract ending too late. My future plans become very uncertain. I feel pretty down. She isn't receptive, because of what she's dealing with. I try to make her feel better. I make her laugh. We walk back home most of the way together, and I tell her I hope things work out. She stops messaging me.

The last time I saw her was on my way home from work. I stopped and waved as she passed me on the sidewalk. She waved back without saying anything and continued to walk away and talk to the friend she was with.

It's been about a month and a half without hearing from her. We get along really well, and we both love music a lot. I really enjoy spending time with her, but she's just not putting in much effort to maintain a friendship. I maybe understand why she doesn't really have many close friends. I just messaged her for the first time since March asking how she's doing. I probably should've just given up and left her alone, huh?

edit: She replied quicker than maybe she ever has before. "Hi, (redacted)!! I was planning to message you yesterday, but fell asleep before I could manage that :) How are you?? Decided on your future plans already? I'm doing well, thank you :)"

Don't know what to make of that. Strange she claims she was, coincidentally, after almost two months of silence, going to message me last night. Keep in mind we have never gone more than a week without talking the whole time we've known each other before this.

Edit 2: Asked her if I maybe did something that bothered her last time since we haven't talked in so long.

"No no no, don't even worry :) I just had a kind of existential crisis...and was still busy with school, which was of no help heh. But I guess it's become better now.

I bet you're anxious! Hope it will be fine, though. :) So you're moving to (redacted)?"

Edit 3: Yes, I have residual feelings nagging at the back of my head. Do I want to sleep with her or date her, though? No. Still, I'm fooling myself trying to be friends with her when, despite legitimately not wanting a relationship because she obviously would drive me crazy, there is an attraction. I followed the advice of many: I stopped replying and removed the conversation. I won't respond unless she asks why, in which case I'll be brief but direct. I cannot be friends with her. I'm not being fair to myself or her. Thank you for the responses.


That's a lengthy, detailed OP. So I might have missed something. Apologies if I have.

- She said she's not interested in dating (hope I've got that right!).

- She's away from home, might feel a little isolated and perhaps wants a network; the flakiness might be down to her working other people much the same as she is you (that sounds judgemental - but it's not meant to be)

I'd say just let it go. By that I mean the hope for something more. If you enjoy her company, when she messages, sure meet up. But only if you're not holding a candle for her.

Good luck and, again, apologies if I've missed something whilst reading and replying on my phone!

Edit: Looking at the thread title, think I've totally missed the point. My posture on friends is pretty laid back. They reach out to me when they want and likewise. But I'm married with kids so my perspective has changed in recent years.


I'd say just let it go. By that I mean the hope for something more. If you enjoy her company, when she messages, sure meet up. But only if you're not holding a candle for her.
That's probably true. I shouldn't try to meet up if I think I still have feelings for her. That's why I didn't reach out for the past month and a half.
Edit: Looking at the thread title, think I've totally missed the point. My posture on friends is pretty laid back. They reach out to me when they want and likewise. But I'm married with kids so my perspective has changed in recent years.
I have extremely close friends back home, and I have two here (but one of them is my ex and the other is leaving Japan in several months), so I have different standards, perhaps. I suppose the willingness to go through the difficulties to be friends with her comes from my desire for more deep connections in this country and fear of loneliness when my best friends aren't available anymore. Most (not all) of my friends here are pretty shallow connections in which I attempt to see them and am consistently blown off.
To me, she appears to be unable to tell you no as to avoid open conflict but she clearly does not want to be close friends or lovers. Delete her number and move on.


Clearly she's not interested in dating, clearly she's not willing to put in the effort to be good friends, but clearly she isn't trying to escape you or she'd stop messaging. Just treat her like the acquaintance she is.
Well she's engaging you so she doesn't want you to leave her alone. Maybe your perception of friendship is someone being in contact more frequently? There are some people I only talk to on Skype about once a month for a general catch up (previous work colleagues/old school friends).


Firstly, good on you for approaching her. That takes balls!

It sounds like she wants to be an acquaintance. Someone you turn to when you're bored or down really and nothing more.

I wouldn't bother with her personally, I mean you must want to be more than friends with her or this wouldn't bother you so much. Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.


Junior Member
Just reply to her when she does and if you don't like the rate of communication, cut.

I swear being in a friendship with a gaffer must be stressful with how demanding you man are.


Firstly, good on you for approaching her. That takes balls!

It sounds like she wants to be an acquaintance. Someone you turn to when you're bored or down really and nothing more.

I wouldn't bother with her personally, I mean you must want to be more than friends with her or this wouldn't bother you so much. Sounds like more trouble than it's worth.
Yeah, I guess I care a lot more than she does. You're right. I should just accept that it's an acquaintanceship more than a real friendship.


Yeah, I guess I care a lot more than she does. You're right. I should just accept that it's an acquaintanceship more than a real friendship.

Just keep living your life, putting yourself out there and hopefully you'll get the sorts of relationships you want.

Actually, I'd imagine it's harder to engineer friendships than significant others.

Good luck man!


I appreciate the genuine, thoughtful responses. I'm getting more than I expected.
Just reply to her when she does and if you don't like the rate of communication, cut.

I swear being in a friendship with a gaffer must be stressful with how demanding you man are.
I dunno. My friends I talked to about her say she's a shitty friend, and I don't think they view me as demanding. I suppose we get along so well and have such a passion for similar things, I felt very drawn to her. It's just not mutual, despite it typically being mutual for me in other friendships. I obviously need to accept that I'm not that special to her.

Actually, now that I think about it that way, she's surrounded by people at school with similar interests. I'm really not so special.
Bro it genuinely sounds like overall she's trying to be polite and chat with you, but not necessarily trying to be friends or more. To me it seemed like at first she was a bit lonely and probably hadn't made friends yet, so she was talking to you more then. Then as time passed by she started making friends and relied on you less and less. You kept in touch here and there but you weren't her focus because you aren't part of her social group and it sounds like you never made it apparent you were interested in dating her so she never got that hint either.

Now as time passes by you are trying to keep in touch with her because you actually ARE interested in being friends, if not lovers, but don't just fucking say it.

This relationship is going to keep bothering you until you establish what the fuck it is. Clearly you're shy. Do yourself a favor and either ask her to a date, or move on. At least if you ask her out and she says no, you can just end that relationship there. You keep saying you aren't interested in dating but everything you posted just screams you are interested in her and want to date her but are too shy to do so.

She rejects you, move on. She accepts, don't screw up the date done. But right now her point of view of you is that you're somebody to talk to when she's bored.
Sounds as though she has several pussy-whipped males like yourself on her speed dial.

Do the following:

- Take a photograph of her for future fapping material.

Do not do the following:

Tell her your home address or personal information. Can end up like the movie Audition and we all know what happened there...
Let's pretend she's a dude.

Now, how forgiving (or not) are you of her flakiness?

She's only interested in being a standard acquaintance. Don't worry about it. You are as free to hit her up and entertain her at your own leisure with the least amount of thought that she is also affording you.

The relationship you two currently have is likely going to remain that way indefinitely. There's nothing to figure out.


Bro it genuinely sounds like overall she's trying to be polite and chat with you, but not necessarily trying to be friends or more. To me it seemed like at first she was a bit lonely and probably hadn't made friends yet, so she was talking to you more then. Then as time passed by she started making friends and relied on you less and less. You kept in touch here and there but you weren't her focus because you aren't part of her social group and it sounds like you never made it apparent you were interested in dating her so she never got that hint either.

Now as time passes by you are trying to keep in touch with her because you actually ARE interested in being friends, if not lovers, but don't just fucking say it.

This relationship is going to keep bothering you until you establish what the fuck it is. Clearly you're shy. Do yourself a favor and either ask her to a date, or move on. At least if you ask her out and she says no, you can just end that relationship there. You keep saying you aren't interested in dating but everything you posted just screams you are interested in her and want to date her but are too shy to do so.

She rejects you, move on. She accepts, don't screw up the date done.
Correction, I did explicitly ask her out and she turned me down. Perhaps you missed that.

Also, not shy at all. Haha. Several gaffers can confirm this. That's like the opposite of my personality.
Sounds like maybe she was interested at the start, but not anymore. Should have made a move sooner when walking her home.

Anyway, if she replies, she replies, if not, then not. Don't go out of your way making plans. If she wants to hang out - and you are OK with being friends - go along and have fun. If not, don't. It's pretty easy really.
I appreciate the genuine, thoughtful responses. I'm getting more than I expected.

I dunno. My friends I talked to about her say she's a shitty friend, and I don't think they view me as demanding. I suppose we get along so well and have such a passion for similar things, I felt very drawn to her. It's just not mutual, despite it typically being mutual for me in other friendships. I obviously need to accept that I'm not that special to her.

Actually, now that I think about it that way, she's surrounded by people at school with similar interests. I'm really not so special.

Do you really? You don't really seem to love music, because when she invited you to that event, you were basically only there for her performance, and didn't watch any of the other talented musicians.


Sorry OP but you sound more motivated than just want to be a friend, otherwise u wouldnt care so much? I am a type of person who want to make friend with people too but to the point of making a thread about it? Not sure.
You need to back off imo. Relationship really shouldn't have these types of issues early on. Even if you're just friends. You say that you're fine with being friends, but it's obvious that you feel a bit more seriously than that. You're just torturing yourself at this point.

She probably got spooked by you asking about her music school all of a sudden. In general, you seem like you're really into her (more than you're admitting) and the feeling isn't mutual. Read it to my wife and she agreed. Said the school thing seemed a bit odd.


Honestly OP I think you're reading into it too much. I also don't think you want to be any more than friends which some people don't seem to understand.

Some people are generally less "active" than others when it comes to being friends. I know for me for example I could go weeks without speaking to one of my Best Friends, but I know if anything were to happen he'd have my back.

The same happens in families. My Dad's family used to speak to each other every weekend and couldn't not talk to each other. My Mum's family however can go months at a time without even saying a word to each other and even then you know they love each other just the same.

People are different. If you don't like her being that way then maybe it's not the best idea to stay friends. Maybe even just ask her, because she may not even think she's doing anything wrong in your eyes.


She's not as interested as you are in being friends. I think you're hoping if you keep in touch that it'll turn into something more. It doesn't seem like that will happen or that she'll be a real friend either. I'd just back off and stop attempting to initiate contact.


Do you really? You don't really seem to love music, because when she invited you to that event, you were basically only there for her performance, and didn't watch any of the other talented musicians.
Say what you want about my feelings for her, but my love of music is 100% real. I moved to this country because of my love for music. Been to many shows and festivals, was in the music club at my Japanese uni I studied abroad at, I had two different bands here so far, I buy albums monthly, I play guitar and piano, and I'm constantly listening to music to the point that my boss accepts that I listen at work with my headphones despite no precedent for that.

I felt uncomfortable at the show since I knew nobody, and a lot of the performances were not good. I had to leave due to other plans. I could've stayed like 30 more mins max.


Junior Member
Sounds like maybe she was interested at the start, but not anymore. Should have made a move sooner when walking her home.

Anyway, if she replies, she replies, if not, then not. Don't go out of your way making plans. If she wants to hang out - and you are OK with being friends - go along and have fun. If not, don't. It's pretty easy really.

First paragraph of your interaction seemed very, "I'll see where this goes." from her end. And that fizzled out very quickly for her.

It reminds me of situations where I think someone is cute/attractive, and admire how forward they are with me, but am actively not "attracted" to them. You end up feeling a bit guilty, and going a bit out of your way to make time for them (which only succeeds in either leading them on or making them think you desire a deeper friendship), when all you're doing is trying to appease/reward them.

Is it stupid? Yes. Does it happen more often than you realize? You bet.

tl;dr people are fickle, let it go.
We get along really well
Do you?
The last time I saw her was on my way home from work. I stopped and waved as she passed me on the sidewalk. She waved back without saying anything and continued to walk away and talk to the friend she was with.
She didn't even want to talk to you buddy.
She isn't receptive
It's been about a month and a half without hearing from her.
Fucking hell.

The reality is this is a super, SUPER casual acquaintance you've known less than half a year and it sounds like 95% of your interactions have been via text. Her behavior is fairly consistent in its inconsistency. She isn't interested. Your counterpoint is (paraphrasing here based on you talking about the latest text messages) "...but she used exclamation points in her last text like she's excited to talk to me".

You're obviously very attached but you're unwilling to admit it for some reason. You're either lying to us or yourself. Just move on from whatever this is.
Correction, I did explicitly ask her out and she turned me down. Perhaps you missed that.

Also, not shy at all. Haha. Several gaffers can confirm this. That's like the opposite of my personality.
I must have missed the part then, you repeated "I wasn't interested in dating" so often I just assumed you were trying to convince yourself you were in it to be friends only.

OK well that solves it mate. You are interested in her as more than friends and as you say still have a crush on her and are hoping this goes further eventually, she has her own social circle and has you as an acquaintance to chat with and get together with when she's bored. She already made clear she wasn't interested in you but can keep you around.

Do yourself a favor and cut off all contact with her and don't respond. See how long it takes for her to give a fuck. I genuinely think she won't give a fuck until weeks later when she's bored. Don't respond then. Move on with your life. She didn't appreciate your friendship then, no reason she will appreciate it now.
You need to back off imo. Relationship really shouldn't have these types of issues early on. Even if you're just friends. You say that you're fine with being friends, but it's obvious that you feel a bit more seriously than that. You're just torturing yourself at this point.

She's not as interested as you are in being friends. I think you're hoping if you keep in touch that it'll turn into something more. It doesn't seem like that will happen or that she'll be a real friend either. I'd just back off and stop attempting to initiate contact.

dont start conversation. only reply to her with short replies every once in awhile.

You're obviously very attached but you're unwilling to admit it for some reason. You're either lying to us or yourself. Just move on from whatever this is.

Agree with all of these. Just move on and don't initiate any conversation. You've already made it more than clear you're open to be friends or more.


Honestly OP I think you're reading into it too much. I also don't think you want to be any more than friends which some people don't seem to understand.

Some people are generally less "active" than others when it comes to being friends. I know for me for example I could go weeks without speaking to one of my Best Friends, but I know if anything were to happen he'd have my back.

The same happens in families. My Dad's family used to speak to each other every weekend and couldn't not talk to each other. My Mum's family however can go months at a time without even saying a word to each other and even then you know they love each other just the same.

People are different. If you don't like her being that way then maybe it's not the best idea to stay friends. Maybe even just ask her, because she may not even think she's doing anything wrong in your eyes.
Right. Clearly, she and I have different expectations. I'm super close with my friends and family. We all message each other practically every day and skype or voice chat every weekend. If we live in the same place, we see each other every weekend or even twice. Used to very different relationships than a lot of people.
Do you?She didn't even want to talk to you buddy.Fucking hell.

The reality is this is a super, SUPER casual acquaintance you've known less than half a year and it sounds like 95% of your interactions have been via text. Her behavior is fairly consistent in its inconsistency. She isn't interested. Your counterpoint is "...but she used exclamation points in her last text".

You're obviously very attached but you're unwilling to admit it for some reason. You're either lying to us or yourself. Just move on from whatever this is.

Spot on. She is barely putting forth any effort.
Your situation reminds me a lot of the trouble I'm having with a long time friend these days. We'll call him Friend A. Friend A has been a part of my life since I was nine. We've kept in touch between changing schools, going to different colleges, and generally living a good 45 minutes away from each other.

Within the past year he finished his second attempt at college and got a job. He got a girlfriend and has a slew of friends I've never been invited to meet. In fact I only met his extended group of friends that he knows both from work and his roommates because his girlfriend invited me to a surprise Birthday party, which she had to sneak my number from his phone because he made a Facebook account, years after I told him he really should make one for work purposes, and never ever added me. Yet all his other friends are on there.

Couple all that with him texting or calling me less to hang out, his interests changing a bit, or him failing to respond to text messages for sometimes weeks at a time it'd sound like he's blowing me off. But we've talked about it, I've even given him "outs" out of the friendship and he hasn't taken them. Heck he even made an effort to try and hang out more for a few months before things went south with his girlfriend and her physical condition (short story: she gave herself a concussion) The reason I bring my situation up is I think my Friend A and your friend have something in common: They are bad at managing their social lives.

The way you talk about her it's clear she does want to be friends and remain in touch, but she doesn't know how to juggle your presence and everyone else she deals with in her life. If I had to guess she's probably a lot like my Friend A: People she goes to school with or lives with take priority in the social ladder as she sees them all the time in the normal day to day. It's easier to make plans face to face, get invited to parties or outings, or just hang out as she's guaranteed to see the more frequently. Then there's you. You exist outside her normal social sphere and she hasn't figured out how to work you into that.

Her inviting you to that concert to hear her perform is a clear indication she does care about you as a friend, but yeah her reaction to introducing you was one of "how the fuck do I do this?" Misread this part, but the way she reacted to you leaving definitely seemed one of disappointment.

So you're in a similar position to me, where you'll need to decide if this sort of lukewarm, sitting on the outside of her social circle friendship is okay with you, where you're basically a second fiddle in some ways, or whether that's not something you really want out of the friendship.
It seems to be like an offline equivalent of an online gaming pal. Sure, when you were gaming together it seems like you're the best of friends, but once you're offline or playing something else the communication drops dead. Occasionally you send a message if the person is willing to play X game again, and it might take a while for a response if you get one at all.

In the end, you were not really friends, but just 2 people enjoying a specific moment in time together. And that time is over.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
She likes the attention and feeling desired by another person, but doesn't like you enough to actually pursue a real relationship with you.
Lol the above example of an old acquaintance is spot on. You are having issues with her that people have with old friends they see trying to get in touch with again but that they've grown so much apart from with time that it just never happens.



Youre friend zoned, move on
Not reading the thread? Friendzone would be an improvement to what this is. Haha
Do you?She didn't even want to talk to you buddy.Fucking hell.

The reality is this is a super, SUPER casual acquaintance you've known less than half a year and it sounds like 95% of your interactions have been via text. Her behavior is fairly consistent in its inconsistency. She isn't interested. Your counterpoint is "...but she used exclamation points in her last text".

You're obviously very attached but you're unwilling to admit it for some reason. You're either lying to us or yourself. Just move on from whatever this is.
Yeah, you're right. I need to accept she doesn't really care to be friends.
Say what you want about my feelings for her, but my love of music is 100% real. I moved to this country because of my love for music. Been to many shows and festivals, was in the music club at my Japanese uni I studied abroad at, I had two different bands here so far, I buy albums monthly, I play guitar and piano, and I'm constantly listening to music to the point that my boss accepts that I listen at work with my headphones despite no precedent for that.

I felt uncomfortable at the show since I knew nobody, and a lot of the performances were not good. I had to leave due to other plans. I could've stayed like 30 more mins max.

Well, fair enough. Also, lol at your new tag! (or is it old? It's fitting for the thread)
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