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Capcom employee talks about RE4 -> PS2 on GameFAQs

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Mr_Furious said:
Let me get this straight. You were going to by the GC version but because the PS2 version will have more content a year later, you're now going to buy neither? I'm going to go out on a limb and call bullshit here. Either you really don't care much about RE4 to begin with, in which case no one cares about your point, or you're going to end up buying RE4 eventually anyways. "Fans" aren't going to be able to refrain from wanting this game, regardless of the platform. Notice I said "Fans". If you aren't one then your point has always been moot.

I am not a big fan, but I do own both RE0 and REmake. I frankly do not like buying a video game knowing that a version with more extras will come out later.

Oh and this is a quote of mine from the RE4 to PS2 topic

Why I lose:

If I buy GC version:

Ps2 version will come out later, probably cheaper and contain more extras
The gamecube version will feel incomplete to me

If I buy PS2 version:

I would have to deal with a lot shittier graphics and a lot more slowdown
I would have to wait a year longer
I just hate the PS2 load times
GSG Flash said:
I am not a big fan, but I do own both RE0 and REmake. I frankly do not like buying a video game knowing that a version with more extras will come out later.

Oh and this is a quote of mine from the RE4 to PS2 topic

that's stupid. 1 fucking year? And you don't know what extras will be in there - its probably going to be lame to like unlocking a new Megaman X11 demo or something. If you do own a gamecube; I don't see why you haven't killed yourself when you heard about Monkey Ball+


GSG Flash said:
Why I lose:

If I buy GC version:

Ps2 version will come out later, probably cheaper and contain more extras
The gamecube version will feel incomplete to me

If I buy PS2 version:

I would have to deal with a lot shittier graphics and a lot more slowdown
I would have to wait a year longer
I just hate the PS2 load times

Why the fuck would it be cheaper on the PS2?

It will be down to at least $40 on the Cube by the time the PS2 verison comes out and you'll probably get places having specials on it so it could be as low as $30-$35. There's no way the PS2 version does not come out at $49.99 especially since Capcom NEEDS the cash. If it does then Capcom is stupid since their who reasoning for making it on the PS2 was that they needed the money.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
TheGreenGiant said:
If you do own a gamecube; I don't see why you haven't killed yourself when you heard about Monkey Ball+

I did bitch about Sega and Monkeyball about a month and a half ago.

Oh and if the extra does turn out to be some gay demo, then I will buy the Cube version,but until then I will wait for it to go to bargain bin price.


DJ Demon J...
There is no way to prove that if the series stayed on PS it would've sold *that much* better.. Again, the series peaked at RE2 (sales/popularity) and seemed a bit deluded 'cos of all the ports and milking...bringing the series to Nintendo gamers, alot of which never played all the games & were yearning for a nice mature themed franchise to play, is like introducing the series to a new market. Granted, PS2 has the higher user-base and most of the RE fans probably migrated to PS2 instead which would've probably meant the games would've sold better there, but the problem is counting your chickens before they hatch. Onimusha & DMC did great...so CAPCOM counted thier chickens before they hatched when they released the sequel's to those games and when they underperformed they were up shit creek. Yeah, maybe the RE games would've done better on PS2, but no so much that it makes up for the underperformance of other games...not to mention real estate problem's whish is what initially put them in the read to begin with.

Then you pigeon-hole me in this "GAMECUBE crybaby Nintendo kid" category. Not all Nintendo fans are like this! I wasn't one of the retards who jumped for joy for the CAPCOM 5. I was happy, but also realistic...those games were untried and unproven...don't get me wrong, I like 'em so far, but I wasn't one of the Nintendo fans who said this would save GAMECUBE and proclaimed every game as a future million seller...hell no!

When you look at GAMECUBE's support from CAPCOM, it's nice, and I thank them for thier support, but deep down let's look at these games:
-RE Remake...a remake
-RE Zero...a prequel originally planned for GAMECUBE
-RE 2...dirrect port at full rpice
-RE 3...dirrect port at full price
-RE CV X...dirrect at full price
-Dead Pheonix...cancelled
-P.N.03...didn't cost much to make...I liked it, but you can tell it was a throw away game
-Killer 7*...looks good, but like alot of the "CAPCOM 5" it is unproven
-VJ*...2D game in a 3D market...surely didn't cost too much to make
-VJ2*...the original must not have underperformed THAT much, otherwise this one wouldn't exist
-RE 4*
*-games that were promiced as meant to be/promiced as exclussives and yet are also on PS2...might be adding asteriks by RE remake & RE Zero soon too

I think CAPCOM is just in trouble due to bad decisions. RE: Outbreak should be on X-BOX Live...it just makes too much damn sense. When that Onimusha multiplayer melee game was announced I *swore* it should've been on GAMECUBE (could you imagine a 4 player version of this game on GAMECUBE???). Maximo should also be on GAMECUBE...I mean if it's art style & nostalgic gameplay doesn't fit with the GAMECUBE audience, what does? Then the whole idea of giving RE "exclussively" to GAMECUBE without thinking it thru (as a company) then sending mixed signals to PS2 fans pretty much telling them, basically, to wait. The whole counting thier chickens before they hatch mentality and thusly underperforming on ALL platforms (not just GAMECUBE). And right now, announcing this BEFORE the GAMECUBE version comes out sorta sabatoging it's sales??? No wonder Mr. Okamoto left and it's no wonder they're in the red.

I really don't care about the initial announcement so much anymore. I'm over it, it's coming to PS2 too...big deal. But it pisses me off that Nintendo (and thier fans) get chewed up and spit out due to the industry just dumping on GAMECUBE every chance they can. Nintendo still makes millions...and I'm still happy with my GAMECUBE, but it's just the whole idea that I and the company I like are ridiculed so much. I shouldn't care about how things look and the whole image deal...but you have to admit that this seems like a carefully planned dismantling of Nintendo. I mean the PSP pricepoint followed by this is just devastating to thier image. Again, image shouldn't matter so much, I should be happy that I get the game first and get it way before the PS2er's do...BUT...just when I was about to get to the point where I didn't care, suddenly this CAPCOM PR guy comes out and "sets Nintendo fanboys straight" on this issue. First off, it should be Mr. Mikami or someone who worked dirrectly on the game to talk about this 'cos I know the first thing from thier mouths would be "we appologize". A sincere "it was out of our hands" woulda worked, but no, this guy comes out to quell the "crybabies"...not with any appologies, but instead lame excuses, BS about how exclussives "aren't really" exclussives and how GAMECUBE is killing CAPCOM bla bla bla and that us Nintendo fans need to be taken to business 101.

You're right though, I shouldn't complain...this is still way more than N64 ever got!

I agree, this guy going to GameFAQ's saying what he said was like pouring salt on an open wound. As far what you said about how people (I assume me) think they know how to run a company better than they...no...I'm not saying that. I realize that CAPCOM has to bring this game to PS2 'cos there's money there. I just think they shouldn't have announced it NOW. Nor should some employee come out and try to "set me straight" as a Nintendo fan as he did. Better yet, maybe the higher ups shoulda kept Mr. Mikami's mouth shut sooner if (no if's, they knew, deep down we all knew) they knew the games weren't gonna be exclussive.

Read what I said to DJ Demon J, and to it add that I only called it sick 'cos this guy (and people here) are blaming CAPCOM's financial situation on GAMECUBE. No. Thier games underperforming on ALL platforms, reality problems and bad business decisions have hurt them...not JUST focussing a couple of games on GAMECUBE (that later get cancelled or ported anyways).

I realize I was reaching with the Dino Crisis 3 thing, but look, X-BOX got it truly exclussive and it got SF:AC & Genma Onimusha...none of which are on GAMECUBE. Even with all of CAPCOM's "support" even X-BOX get's more serious efforts...I wish SF:AC was on GAMECUBE...but I guess they decided that these games were for every system (even DC) *except* GAMECUBE.

I never said Mr. Mikami had the authority to dictate where his games ended up. But he sure talked like he did though didn't he. Maybe CAPCOM's management shoulda been more in touch with him and discussed this whole business of "exclussivity". Maybe they shoulda found a midground of "equal support" instead which woulda worked better for everyone 'cos the games would reach more gamers and they wouldn't have to break promices of exclussivity or loyalty.

You're right. Yeah, I was sorta upset by the initial announcement 'cos I wanted to proclaim RE4 as a game on MY system, but there's nothing I can do to change thier decision, so I am over it. But I am still upset about the timing...you can say shareholder this or informing RE fans to stick to thier PS2's, but in turn that hurts the sales of GAMECUBE going into this Christmas and it hurts sales of the GAMECUBE version of RE4 too. Maybe not that much, but this is about image too. This announcement doesn't hurt me, or Nintendo dirrectly, but the already tainted image is now darker shade of grey. To me, it feels like CAPCOM gave Nintendo a half-hearted chance and then gave up, which probably doesn't mean good things for thier relationship next generation.

You're also right about it being "too late" for GAMECUBE. But image means alot to the market. And when gamers see that a great game won't stay exclussive to a certain platform, they won't buy that platform and instead wait for the port to thier system. Fine for them, but the platform I want doesn't seem to get the same back. I mean, it wouldn't hurt so bad if we got a port of DMC, Onimusha, etc...but no, it's 'cos publisher's just don't take Nintendo seriously, which in turn means retailers, the press and gamers don't respect them either...which means less games and less support and a worse image. It may be "too late" for GAMECUBE, but whatever happenes to the system sets Nintendo up for the next generation...if the industry still can't take them seriously this generation, how do they expect them to do it next?

GSG Flash...
I was pissed about Super Monkey Ball (another "exclussive") going to X-BOX in a superior, cheaper double pack with extra's no less. Does Sega *really* expect the game to do that well on X-BOX that it desserves a port? Okay, fine, money is money, too bad it doesn't work the other way around though. How about Outrun 2, Panzer or JSRF Sega? Oh yeah, I'm a Nintendo fan, which means my request is going into the Sega/Sammy filing trashcan!


You can either rent the GC version, complete it, and then buy the PS2 version when it comes out (for the extras), or buy the GC version, and then rent the PS2 version when it comes out.


AniHawk said:
Since the Dreamcast? What about the Saturn? They were one of the last supporters for that system too.

I haven't read the post since, I don't really care to. My main question isn't screwing over userbase or anything, it's why the hell they announced it two months before the GC's release when it was a year away on the PS2. Unless I'm missing something here (and I probably am), the could have maximized their profits had they held off on announcing the PS2 version until mid-February or March or E3.
I was also considering the Saturn in my mind...but then I realized that their late support was just 2D fighters and nothing more. They are my favourite genre but I can't consider the release of them on SS being a huge risk...It was more a strategy of getting benefit from a niche sector that was very strong on SS.


SMB already has done its sales on GC. Why make a fuss about that going to the other consoles? Its safe.

Ranger X

Gakman, regardless any other shit around that you could become sensitive about, remember one thing: The PS2 is where the $$$ is made. Not the Gamecube. Games aren't made like "ok we have a multiplayer offline project, let's make it on GC". No. It's like "ok we have a new game project, where it have more chances to sell? PS2? Shit i wanted it for players offline! Then do it 4 player online or 2 player offline. Ok let's change the game guys." Gaming is a BUSINESS. Nobody cares for your little heart. You all should be cold consumers that are freak about their investments and really thinks ala "me myself and i" when you shop for games. Your money VS quality of entertainment you will get should be the ONLY thing that matters to you all. Fuck where the game is, fuck who's making it, fuck everything.


At least DC & Saturn got those kind of games in thier "dying days"...GAMECUBE can't even get them. I mean, it's not like it took too much time/money/effort to bring that kind of a game to another system...a system which doesn't have that many kind of fighters making it ripe territory. Oh, lemme guess it's 'cos of no online, a "bad" controller (they could just make anniversary controllers for GAMECUBE like they did for PS2) and the only games that sell on GAMECUBE are Nintendo games right? Pfft, lame excuses not to bring a cheap 2D port over. They can port all the GAMECUBE games they want, just port some of those games back.

Again, they can port all of GAMECUBE's "exclussive" games all day long, but why can't they port some back in good favor. I'm sure there could be money made on a SF:AC port or a JSRF port, Outrun 2 or that four player Onimusha, etc, etc.

I'm sorry, I do care. I'm a poor maa-mugga, so I can't afford 3 different systems every generation just so I can make sure to get games that I want. Next generation I won't change to another system 'cos the games I want most are Metroid, Zelda & Mario...which will only be on Revolution...so yeah, I care if 3RD parties don't give proper support to Nintendo, 'cos it's thier games that fill in the holes and gaps in Nintendo's own library. They can port all of thier GAMECUBE games...even once promiced exclussives...but can't they port *some* back in return? NO!

Ranger X

DrGAKMAN said:
I'm sorry, I do care. I'm a poor maa-mugga, so I can't afford 3 different systems every generation just so I can make sure to get games that I want. Next generation I won't change to another system 'cos the games I want most are Metroid, Zelda & Mario...which will only be on Revolution...so yeah, I care if 3RD parties don't give proper support to Nintendo, 'cos it's thier games that fill in the holes and gaps in Nintendo's own library. They can port all of thier GAMECUBE games...even once promiced exclussives...but can't they port *some* back in return? NO!

Well, what you buy or don't buy is a choice. You should be at ease with your choices because they must be well thought out. If they aren't, they should.
I mean, i'm just having a PS2 and a GC. I miss alot of great stuff on the Xbox but i don't complain. Actually, the PS2 is popular and get a freakin lot of games. I don't even have time to play more games. I decided not to stop at "getting sensitive over a game i don't have on Xbox". And if there was a game i would die for on my PS2 that is ported on the Xbox a year later, i would care even less! - i'm still playing it.
DrGAKMAN said:
I'm sorry, I do care. I'm a poor maa-mugga, so I can't afford 3 different systems every generation just so I can make sure to get games that I want. Next generation I won't change to another system 'cos the games I want most are Metroid, Zelda & Mario...which will only be on Revolution...so yeah, I care if 3RD parties don't give proper support to Nintendo, 'cos it's thier games that fill in the holes and gaps in Nintendo's own library. They can port all of thier GAMECUBE games...even once promiced exclussives...but can't they port *some* back in return? NO!
If all you own is a GC then that's your own fault. I sense a hint of bitterness in your buying decision because it sounds like you obviously care very much about 3rd party. Maybe you might want to go to where the 3rd parties are going? I'd suggest ditching the 'only one console' owning mentality and broaden your horizons. With all the money you saved by the apparent lack of 3rd party support for the poor ol' GC, go buy yourself a neat lil PSTwo and be happy.

Regardless how choked up you get, video games are a business. Having mature themed games ported to the least attractive hardware for that target demographic (like you're suggesting) does not make one bit of sense to me and quite frankly, I'm surprised it took Capcom this long to make the decision they did. Good for them and I hope this move will generate more revenue for the company to help ensure it's survival. I love Capcom and want to see them around for a hell of a long time.

I'm still baffled that you (or anyone else) would get this worked up over such an announcement.


Mr_Furious said:
If all you own is a GC then that's your own fault. I sense a hint of bitterness in your buying decision because it sounds like you obviously care very much about 3rd party. Maybe you might want to go to where the 3rd parties are going? I'd suggest ditching the 'only one console' owning mentality and broaden your horizons. With all the money you saved by the apparent lack of 3rd party support for the poor ol' GC, go buy yourself a neat lil PSTwo and be happy.

No bitterness here, it wasn't a bad decision. Why? It was/is the cheapest system (again, I don't even have enough money for all the games I want on GAMECUBE & GBA, let alone any other system). It's made by Nintendo, my favorite game company. It's the only place I can get Metroid, Zelda & Mario. I'm just mad that publishers aren't giving Nintendo equal treatment...all of the good "exclussive" games Nintendo has gotten this generation have all ended up being ported...but these same companies ignore the idea of porting other system's games to GAMECUBE in return.

Mr_Furious said:
Regardless how choked up you get, video games are a business. Having mature themed games ported to the least attractive hardware for that target demographic (like you're suggesting) does not make one bit of sense to me and quite frankly, I'm surprised it took Capcom this long to make the decision they did. Good for them and I hope this move will generate more revenue for the company to help ensure it's survival. I love Capcom and want to see them around for a hell of a long time.

I'm not "choked up". This announcement upset me initially and I admit that vocally, but I'm over it. At least they didn't take the game away, and I still get it first and way ahead of PS2er's.

I agree, it doesn't make much sense that CAPCOM let Mr. Mikami declare the series exclussivly to GAMECUBE knowing that in the end they were gonna have to port them to make more money. The upper-management is just really outta touch with thier employee's when stuff like this happens...hence why I think Mr. Mikami is no longer a producer and it seems he's been muzzled about this topic. Also...it would make sense to have RE: Outbreak on X-BOX Live!, it would also make sense not to expect as much as they did out of the Onimusha & DMC sequels, it would also have made sense to bring that multiplayer Onimusha over to GAMECUBE since it would be a fit with the party games GAMECUBE already has, likewise with Maximo...nostalic romps do well on Nintendo systems, it would've made sense to have decided what the whole exclussivity really was before they let people who didn't have the final say promice it exclussivly to the "wrong" system. CAPCOM, overall, isn't hurting 'cos of supporting GAMECUBE, it's hurting 'cos they've made bad decisions throughout this whole generation.

I love CAPCOM too...thier creative game makers and thier top notch franchises, but I hate thier upper management for how they've been running the company lately.

Mr_Furious said:
I'm still baffled that you (or anyone else) would get this worked up over such an announcement.

Again, I'm not "worked up" about the announcement really. What really has me steamed is this PR dude comes out and tells me as a Nintendo fan to stop crying, gives me lame rationals and excuses and basically blames GAMECUBE for why CAPCOM is in trouble now.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Sharing exlusives is like sharing girlfriends.

(At least for us.)
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