Hot damn, but this is a good read. I really like this guy and this site. Here's the end of his rant:
So true, so true.
Hot damn, but this is a good read. I really like this guy and this site. Here's the end of his rant:
Doug Thompson said:If Bush loses in November, it will be because he deserves it. Hes an emotional cripple and mental midget who got into office under questionable circumstances and has managed, through nearly four-years of missteps, to destroy Americas credibility with both its citizens and its allies, increase the resolve of our enemies and trample with the constitution and basic freedoms. His vice president is a corporate crook who faces indictment for bribery, money laundering and misuse of corporate assets.
Bush is doing everything in his power to give the Presidency away yet the best the Democrats could come up with was John F. Kerry? This is exactly how we ended up with Bill Clinton in 1992.
Kerry wont be any better. Hes a Senatorial joke, another lightweight who has spent most of his life cruising without any real substance. His running mate is a trial lawyer, for Christs sake, who made millions by milking the deep pockets of corporate America through frivolous lawsuits. When push comes to shove, they will probably fail under the pressure and leave America far worse off than it was when they took office, just as Bush and Cheney have done.
Two losers, leading two parties of losers.
The bland leading the blind.
America should deserve better. The fact that we apparently don't is the saddest commentary of all.
So true, so true.