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Carbs are awesome

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Screw this "no carbs" BS that seems to be the latest diet trend. Carbs rock! Mmm, rice, bread, pitas, and potatoes! I can't live without sandwiches. And what the heck happened to the old idea of eating a little bit out of every food group daily? Anyways, I've been on my own diet for the past month and a half and I've lost about 15 pounds eating what I want, but just eating less of it and getting some regular exercise.

This is the official carbs appreciation thread.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Pfft, I'm on the all-carbs diet. It consists of doing and eating what makes me happy, and not worrying about forms of moderation that will tack a few extra days on the crappier years of my life. They'll have to dump my corpse in the ground with a wheelbarrel!!
I dont know what I would do if I couldnt eat any type of pasta or potatoes. Or all kinds of breads. Its all about moderation and exercise. Allthough over the last few weeks I havent followed that line of thinking, luckily Im still of normal weight.


Hang out with Steve.
At the end of March, I changed my diet, reducing carbs and fat. I eat lots of vegetables, very little red meat, and very little bread, rice, potatoes, etc. I lost 30 pounds in 2 months doing that -- and that was without exercising as regularly as I should have.


Word! Let's all go eat a pizza with breadsticks, drink some beer and then kick the shit out of the weak, carb-starved shitheads!


People following this 'no carb' diet honestly don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They're grouping fat/calories with carbs as if they're the same type of thing, when they aren't.

Why just today I went to a Blimpie's on campus, and these two girls walk in, and one goes: "Um, do you have anything that's low fat?" The woman behind the counter looks puzzled so the girl continues: "Like, do you have anything with no carbs?"

Prime example of why the carb diet is the dumbest fucking trend going in America right now. Taking away carbs from your body can lead to serious brain complications down the road, and people need to realize it.
I eat a bagel every morning, wheat bread at lunch, and pasta/rice/potato with dinner. I hit the treadmill/exercise bike 3-4 times a week to keep my 5'10' frame at 165.

Yep, life without carbs would suck.


Tritroid said:
People following this 'no carb' diet honestly don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They're grouping fat/calories with carbs as if they're the same type of thing, when they aren't.

Why just today I went to a Blimpie's on campus, and these two girls walk in, and one goes: "Um, do you have anything that's low fat?" The woman behind the counter looks puzzled so the girl continues: "Like, do you have anything with no carbs?"

Prime example of why the carb diet is the dumbest fucking trend going in America right now. Taking away carbs from your body can lead to serious brain complications down the road, and people need to realize it.

That's exactly the type of stuff I'm talking about. It's all about having a good balance of nutrients and not over-eating. Sure, once in a while everyone will splurge, but if you just eat what your body needs and combine that with even a bit of exercise every day then you're on your way to a healthier life.
I tried the Atkin's diet about three or four years ago, and it really worked great. However, after about three weeks, I could tell it was doing some bad stuff to my body. I started to feel weird, and I was getting heart palpatations... not good. I immediately stopped the diet, but since I kept up my exercising, I didn't gain back any weight. Of course, that was a few years ago, and now I'm heavier than I've ever been, not exercising, and I feel like a fucking slob. I think I'm just in some period of my life where I just don't give a shit anymore (I suppose that's what happens after enough depression) and just eat whatever. I keep telling myself that I'm going to eat right and exercise, starting next week. For some reason, next week always turns into next week.
The 'no carbs' craze has gone too far. Low-carb Coke and 7UP is ridiculous.

Moderation and exercize is all people need (as was already said). Calories in vs. calories out.









FnordChan, okay, all of that stuff just made me REALLY hungry. Mouth is watering. I think it's time for some lunch!

What's that movie about?...


Really, I think the Atkins diet is the only of the more popular "low-carb" diets that can be abused in a very heinous way given its abundance of saturated fats. The other popular diet nowadays, South Beach, isn't really that bad as it isn't a no-carb diet and merely does the whole two-week extremely low-carb thing to get you off of any cravings and kick your body out of any hypoglycemic-like behavior a too high carb diet may have you going through.

In fact, South Beach, reads very much like a "clean eating" plan that's pretty balanced. It just tries to make sure you get enough fiber and stuff along with the carbs so that you don't get an insulin rush and feel hungry again five minutes later, which would completely wreck any "moderation" you were trying to do.

Of course, I'm not really a huge carb person aside from bread and sweets. I hate potatoes, and I can do without rice or pasta (aside from pasta just being so quick and easy if I need quick and easy). It's the bread that kills me and I have a massive sweet tooth, but it's not like I can't go on a bread fast, I just doubt I'd ever be one of those people that can say, "I haven't had a slice of bread in two years." I'm a HUGE poultry person though, mmmmm, chicken!!!


Hang out with Steve.
Atkin's is stupid. The idea is, it's OK to eat FAT calories because it gets burned right way, it's quick energy, whereas carbs are generally stored & processed for energy later.

If you're trying to lose weight -- that is, get rid of excess fat -- you need to reduce your TOTAL caloric intake. That means reducing fat AND carbs, along with exercising. This whole "eliminate entire group X" is dumb. Mixing it up and moderation are much healthier.

But there are a lot of calories that you can get rid of by reducing carbs. First, NEVER drink soda unless it's diet. 240 calories per serving adds up REALLY fast. Fruit juices are the same way -- tons of sugar carbs there, even in the "no sugar added" kind. Water is the best, but if you need flavor go with diet drinks. Bread, bagels, etc. are all really high in carbs in general, but there ARE low-carb variants, and reducing how much you eat can go a long way. Eat HALF a bagel instead of a whole bagel, for example. Pasta is just really really high in carbs. If you're trying to lose weight, I'd definitely recommend laying off pasta (and rice, for that matter) until you've reached your goal, and then keep the quantities down. It just doesn't provide enough nutritional value to justify the caloric intake when you're trying to lose weight. Potatoes, corn and carrots also have a surprisingly high amount of carbs, so stick to yams and other vegetables & keep the others to a minimum. Red meat is also good to avoid as much as possible. Lots of saturated fats there. Better to eat fish, chicken, and lean pork, and much less beef. Also, apples and oranges are fairly high in sugar carbs, but berries have less. Eat more strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc. and fewer apples & oranges during the strict part of your diet.

Finally, eat at least 3 meals a day. Don't save it all up for one big meal -- you need to keep your body's metabolism up, and if you do the one big meal thing, your metabolism will crash afterwards. Evening things out is much better for losing weight.

Here's a typical day for me, when I was on the stricter part of my diet:

Breakfast: Small bowl of Cheerios with skim milk.
Lunch: mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette, chicken or fish, lots of vegetables (we have a cafeteria at work). At home I'll often eat a half bagel with sliced tomatoes, cheese, and salad dressing for lunch.
Dinner: Large salad, maybe a half bagel. Mixed berries for dessert -- with cool whip sometimes!
To drink, water or diet soda.

I did that for 2 months & lost 30 pounds. YMMV of course.

Now I tend to include a few more carbs & fat, and my weight has been pretty steady.


Atkins was a Commie! Don't let the nutritionists hide the conspiracy or else we could all end up brainwashed!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
SteveMeister said:
Atkin's is stupid. The idea is, it's OK to eat FAT calories because it gets burned right way, it's quick energy, whereas carbs are generally stored & processed for energy later.

If you're trying to lose weight -- that is, get rid of excess fat -- you need to reduce your TOTAL caloric intake. That means reducing fat AND carbs, along with exercising. This whole "eliminate entire group X" is dumb. Mixing it up and moderation are much healthier.

Actually, the reason Atkin's works (and hardly anyone seems to know this) is because it does indeed reduce your total caloric intake. Because you end up eating foods with such high protein levels, you feel full quicker. I can't remember why that is, but there's something about protein which makes the body feel full. So, while you are eating as much as you want of the foods you're allowed, you're not actually wanting that much.

I still think it's ridiculous though to eat so much of one type of thing. I mean, you can lose weight just eating mayonnaise as long as you have less calories of it per day than you burn, but that's never going to be classed as healthy. I guess we'll see the side effects of Atkin's at some point down the line.


And even i am moderately surprised
People who bang on about how people following the Atkins diet have no idea what they are doing need to know what the ATkins diet actually is before shooting their mouths off. Sure, some retards will go ZERO CARBS FOR LIFE which is retarded - but if you are following Atkins, you do this for TWO WEEKS in induction, following which you build (over a series of 3 other phases) a better more balanced diet.

Fucking Anti-Atkins people are worse than the evangelists.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Really? I've never actually read the book, because, well, I don't need to lose weight, but some of the people on the diet I know really aren't following it then. Perhaps they just see the results in two weeks and see no reason to change or something.

I've also seen a documentary which completely ignored that. Bad documentary!


And even i am moderately surprised
You are actually supposed to be eating at least some veggies in the induction phase too, but the idea is that you should be not drinking alcohol or caffine, but also eating a lot of eggs/cheese/fish/chicken/red meat.

You do lose a crap load of weight at this point. Now, if you are retarded , you just stay in this phase for ever and do yourself a lot of damage.

However, what you are supposed to do is basically phase carbs back in. You monitor (roughly) how much carbs your body can take without you gaining weight. It`s as simple as that - the net result is you end up eating pretty much what you used to , minus the overload on carbs. That doesn`t mean you don`t eat carbs ever again, it just means you don`t eat a ton of them (well, in my case it did - i was a carb heavy eater).

and yeah, i`Ve seen a number of articles about Atkins which basically just examines the induction phase and doesn`t mention that it`s for two weeks, instead implying that that is what the diet is like for the full term.
i have never folloewd the atkins plan according to the book..

i just lowered my carbs to near nothing-moderate amounts, and have been toner because of it.

i got my 8pack going now, and i seriously dont think i could have less fat on my body.. actually i probably could, but i barely have any fat, just a thin thin thin layer on my lower section of my abs, but almost so thin as to be non-existant.
There's no fucking way that I, an Italian (pasta) Canadian (kraft dinner), would ever be able to go on one of those stupid diets, even if I wanted to.

It's really not difficult to lose weight normally if you have the motivation. Just lower your proportions and, more importantly, caloric intake. So fucking simple.


Both Atkins and South Beach are made out of phases. I don't really remember Atkins' phases aside from induction, but South Beach has three - a very low-carb part similar to Atkin's induction phase, a second phase where you reintroduce some more carbs, and a third phase where you reintroduce some more.

The first phase, like the Atkin's induction is to break your sugar/carb/starch addictions and you generally have big weight-loss in that two week period (like 8 -12 lbs. or something like that), then you go into phase 2 and, at least in South Beach, reintroduce some more carbs. Phase 2 is still a weight-loss phase, just slower, so you stay in phase 2 until you reach your target weight, at which point you go to phase 3 which has the most carbs and is basically how you should eat the rest of your life - with the occasional cheat day for special occassions. I believe both diets allow you to go back to phase1/induction if you, for instance, go on a vacation and gain back a good amount of weight and need to take it off quickly. Phase1/Induction is the only real low/no-carb portion of each diet (Atkins restricts you to 20g of carbs a day in induction I believe).

Basically, the point of both diets is to say that if you just eat carbs without any good fibers or proteins the carbs get digested so quickly you feel hungry much sooner and in fact screw up your blood sugar, which makes you hungry, hence you eat even more. They're trying to make sure you eat the right carbs, and carbs combined with the right kind of fiber/acids/proteins so that it's digested slower and hence you aren't nearly as hungry.


I personally eat an incredible ammount of carbs and am by no means fat. I do exercise A LOT, and actually I know I couldn't do without some sort of carb intake. Of course its important to have a valanced diet, but carbs are a great energy source and bur out fast, so as long as you do exercise even a little bit eating carbs is wise.


Hang out with Steve.
The point is if you ARE overweight, you need to seriously reduce your caloric intake so that your body starts processing your stored fat, instead of just processing the food you DO eat and leaving the fat there. So yeah, if you're already thin there's no point in cutting back on carbs -- unless you're diabetic :)


So what carbs are good carbs? FFS, why's it all so much work?! I like my pasta, my cereal, sandwiches, rice etc etc
Carbs are the bodies preferred source of energy. Long macromolecules of polysacchrides just waiting to be broken down and absorbed...yum.


The point of the Atkin's diet is not to eliminate all carbs from your diet. Its point is to find what your individual tolerance for them are. Everyone is different...some eat all the carbs in the world and never gain an ounce. Most gain weight, however, and they gain the weight because they are consuming more carbs than their body needs.

1st 2 weeks on Atkin's.................less than 15 carbs a day
Every week after........................Add a couple of carbs until you find your balance.
I was overweight in highschool so I just stopped eating, dropped 30 pounds, now I eat about a meal a day, sometimes I dont eat at all.

Sure it sounds fucked up, but I figure im doing a better job than most americans.


Junior Member
Some days I will heat a whole loaf of bread with butter for a meal. I have lost 40lbs since last year. If I dont get enough carbs I will start to shake.
Raoul Duke said:
Word! Let's all go eat a pizza with breadsticks, drink some beer and then kick the shit out of the weak, carb-starved shitheads!

Once I heard that the low carb diet is not down with Jack and Coke, that notion was thrown out the window.

Actually, I never considered it, and people who rely solely on eating steaks and bacon will be dead in 5 years. I won't knock the diet cause I've seen guys lose a lot of weight and it makes them feel better about themselves. I will join you in kicking the shit out of these pussies though.


I couldn't live without pasta and rice, I love that crap. But I eat a reasonable diet i guess, a bit light on the veggies, but I'm trying to eat better. There just arent that many vegetables I really like.


DCharlie said:
People who bang on about how people following the Atkins diet have no idea what they are doing need to know what the ATkins diet actually is before shooting their mouths off. Sure, some retards will go ZERO CARBS FOR LIFE which is retarded - but if you are following Atkins, you do this for TWO WEEKS in induction, following which you build (over a series of 3 other phases) a better more balanced diet.

Fucking Anti-Atkins people are worse than the evangelists.

The book may say that.

But the ad campaigns, the Atkins hype machine, and the various companies coming out with low carb versions of their products/menus sure as hell don't.

Also, the fact that this is primarily a diet people go on for cosmetic reasons rather than actual HEALTH reasons makes it that much more retarded.


Mike Works said:
There's no fucking way that I, an Italian (pasta) Canadian (kraft dinner), would ever be able to go on one of those stupid diets, even if I wanted to.

It's really not difficult to lose weight normally if you have the motivation. Just lower your proportions and, more importantly, caloric intake. So fucking simple.



MrAngryFace said:
I was overweight in highschool so I just stopped eating, dropped 30 pounds, now I eat about a meal a day, sometimes I dont eat at all.

That sounds like what i'd have to do to lose weight. I basically stay at 190-200 pounds regardless of food and exercise, but I suppose complete starvation would change that.

Not that I'll do it. No eating. Sheesh, that's even worse than the no carbs stuff.


Junior Member
Aye, carbs are very important. They give you your energy, and help you build muscle. Not to mention too much fast is just generally un-healthy. As long as you eat right, and just don't enjoy pigging out on complete garbage, there's no reason you can't maintain a Carbohydrate diet.

I mean, stuff like Atkins is okay for a short term, to lose abit of weight fast, but it's certailny not healthy as a lifestyle change. Then again, all diets in my opinion should be a lifestyle change, not just a short attempt to lose abit of weight. Because if you treat it like that, you'll just put it back on again anyway.


needs to show more effort.
for people that absolutely need potatos, try mashed califlower instead. Just try it. There is a difference but not much of one.

me, I just take pills that are supposed to remove some of the carbs you eat. They don't seem to be working when battling my macaroni and cheese diet :(


Mike Works said:
There's no fucking way that I, an Italian (pasta) Canadian (kraft dinner), would ever be able to go on one of those stupid diets, even if I wanted to.

It's really not difficult to lose weight normally if you have the motivation. Just lower your proportions and, more importantly, caloric intake. So fucking simple.

When you say "kraft dinner" are you talking about macaroni and cheese?


And even i am moderately surprised
"Also, the fact that this is primarily a diet people go on for cosmetic reasons rather than actual HEALTH reasons makes it that much more retarded."

Well, i guess i'm not seeing the ads bombardment that i guess is happening in the UK and US - the Japanese would never be able to do it given the rice part of their diet, but anyways i digress

For me, I actually started the diet primarily for health reasons. After going for my check up i scored high cholesterol which was due to "fat around my organs seeping into my veins" (ugh) - now i wasn't UTTERLY massive (84 Kg but not too tall (5ft 6?)), but it was obviously a problem. My diet consisted mainly of pasta and bread (Arribiata with garlic bread... drooool).

My Cholesterol level is now perfectly fine, and i'm around 66 Kg, and have a much healthier/balanced diet which has much less in the way of carbs than it used to, but i now eat way more veg than i used to.

And obviously the cosmetic difference and being able to see "Little Charlie" is an added bonus ;)
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