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Carbs are awesome

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And why don't people distinguish between complex and simple carbohydrates? Complex carbohydrates are good for you esp. since you body needs to expend more energy to break down complex carbs than they do for simple carbs.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with my weight nowadays and I'm not even on any real sort of diet. I do try to keep my protein intake higher than before but I by no means cut out carbs. And the protein I do consume is normally of the low fat variety, like chicken, turkey, skim milk, fat free cottage cheese, protein bars (at least the brand I get is low fat), egg whites, etc. Also I'm sort of a weekend warrior in regards to exercise so I can splurge on the weekends and consume some not-so-healthy but very tastey items that don't cause me to gain weight due to the exercise. Of course I'd like to incorporate more exercise throughout the work-week but I haven't gotten around to it yet, i.e. too lazy so far. :p


Mike Works said:

Ate that stuff literally EVERY DAY as a kid.

Granted, I was also really fat as a kid.

I have an obsession with macaroni and cheese, if I see a variety or brand I haven't tried, I have to buy it and eat it. Sometimes I save the empty, or buy a new box to save unopened. I'm usually pretty drunk when I eat them though, so I don't remember the subtlties. It makes the whole thing a bit of an empty exercise, yet I persist. Apparently I'm borderline underweight as well, so go carbs!


DCharlie said:
"Also, the fact that this is primarily a diet people go on for cosmetic reasons rather than actual HEALTH reasons makes it that much more retarded."

Well, i guess i'm not seeing the ads bombardment that i guess is happening in the UK and US - the Japanese would never be able to do it given the rice part of their diet, but anyways i digress

For me, I actually started the diet primarily for health reasons. After going for my check up i scored high cholesterol which was due to "fat around my organs seeping into my veins" (ugh) - now i wasn't UTTERLY massive (84 Kg but not too tall (5ft 6?)), but it was obviously a problem. My diet consisted mainly of pasta and bread (Arribiata with garlic bread... drooool).

My Cholesterol level is now perfectly fine, and i'm around 66 Kg, and have a much healthier/balanced diet which has much less in the way of carbs than it used to, but i now eat way more veg than i used to.

And obviously the cosmetic difference and being able to see "Little Charlie" is an added bonus ;)

And there aren't that many fat people in Japan are there? I would guess the cholesterol problems you were having could primarily be attributed to the things you were putting ON the bread and pasta. Like how a lot of the garlic bread I've seen has a good deal of grease/butter on it. And of course, pasta and all those sauces. Egg-based noodles may also hurt, though it depends on the brand and kind, of course. I don't think carbs or bread or pasta by itself has been linked to high cholesterol. I eat mostly wheat bread when I'm at home or when given the choice while eating out.


Unconfirmed Member
A couple of my friends lost a ton of weight on the Atkins shit. Good for them. They both exercised as well.

I plan on going on the "eat right and exercise" diet soon here... though, huh, people seem to have forgotten about that one.
Japan ruined my Atkins lifestyle. I was on for a year and a half and was doing great. Then I went to Japan and discovered beer and curry rice.

I'm back on now though. We'll see how long it lasts. Alcohol has destroyed my willpower to avoid unhealthy foods...


I ingest practically nothing but carbs. To give you an idea, just one serving of the shakes I drink after lifting weights has 89g of Carbs.

Yet I'm in great shape. Probably because I walk/bike everywhere and play sports at least once a week. I'm sure a carb-free diet helps and everything, but people should be more focused on exercise.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I lived in Japan for a year and came out the thinnest yet.

Ain't nobody telling me not to eat no rice.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What's funny are those low carb alternatives...Hardy's thick cheeseburger without bread, subway's bacon/cheese wrap, ROFL. You'll lose weight. But you'll die in 5 years from a heart attack/stroke.

Even if you do atkins right, you're screwing your insides over. Your body NEEDs carbs, much like you need sleep. You could deprive yourself of them, but they'll be consequences.

Atkins will make you lose weight because your body can only convert so many proteins and fats into energy, so you'll eat a lot but your really starving. All the excessive proteins and fats doesn't go so well for your health, and lacking carbs will make you drowsy all the time.

Losing weight the right was is relatively easy. But if your really fat, it may be hard to start because they say you actually get addicted to food at a certain point. Just do 40 minutes of continuous cardio 3 times a week and eat good carbs....whole wheat carbs and no soda or beer.

Continuous cardio for 40 minutes is important because your body uses carbs as fuel for muscles for about 10 minutes of excercise. After that, fat surrounding the muscles being worked is the main energy source. If you stop and take breaks, your body will reload your muscles with carbs.

"And there aren't that many fat people in Japan are there?"

I don't think it would matter so much. Other parts of the world generally eat better food for the heart. The japanese drink lots of green tea and eat a lot of soy protein. Green tea is so powerful that some smokers over there that drink green tea live longer than the average american.

The French drink red wine which allows them to eat fattier and have a lot less heart problems.
teh_pwn said:
What's funny are those low carb alternatives...Hardy's thick cheeseburger without bread, subway's bacon/cheese wrap, ROFL. You'll lose weight. But you'll die in 5 years from a heart attack/stroke.

Even if you do atkins right, you're screwing your insides over. Your body NEEDs carbs, much like you need sleep. You could deprive yourself of them, but they'll be consequences.

Atkins will make you lose weight because your body can only convert so many proteins and fats into energy, so you'll eat a lot but your really starving. All the excessive proteins and fats doesn't go so well for your health, and lacking carbs will make you drowsy all the time.

Sooooo... have you been reading? Let's recap.

1) Atkins is about not OVERloading on carbs. You start at a low carb level, healthy ones from vegetables. You add them in slowly, reaching an equilibrium where you don't gain weight, but don't lose it.

2) Atkins is not about eating five pounds of bacon every morning.

3) No, really. It's not.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
That's not how the general media is taking it.

Still you need carbs. What's wrong with people is that they drink soda all the time and eat white bread and other sh*t quality carbs that are no better than sugar.
teh_pwn said:
What's wrong with people is that they drink soda all the time and eat white bread and other sh*t quality carbs that are no better than sugar.
That's another reason why it works. You stop eating everything that's awful for you. No more soda, Doritos, Ring Dings, and no more sugar.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
If people followed that, then the diet would work.

It would be hard to get fat off carrots.
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