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Castlevania DS


Now that it's been officially announced I am very eager to know more about this game. is it 2D or 3D.(2D I hope) Does it follow the SotN concept? Does it take use of the dual screen or other DS functions, etc.

Hopefully we'll get some media from TGS next month.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
jenov4 said:
I predict one of the screens will be used for a map/inventory. ;p

Heheh, yeah no kidding. But I think Castlevania is one of the few games that I would welcome the idea of using the second screen as a map since I'm always checking my map when I play.
JC10001 said:
Heheh, yeah no kidding. But I think Castlevania is one of the few games that I would welcome the idea of using the second screen as a map since I'm always checking my map when I play.

Yeah, exactly.. It'll be kind of nice to not constantly be flipping back and forth to the map.
not to mention they could let you switch items/equip on the fly by simply touching the touchscreen rather than having to pause and navigate menus.


but then again, you'd still pause the action to do so... which pretty much makes it pointless imo. I'd rather have them integrate something new than menus on a secondary screen.


belgurdo said:
I just hope it's something different from the last five or six games

Actually, I hope its not. I love the formula. The three GBA Castlevanias and the two Metroids are my most played games this generation. I can't get enough of it.


RevenantKioku said:
Actually, I hope its not. I love the formula. The three GBA Castlevanias and the two Metroids are my most played games this generation. I can't get enough of it.

They are cool and all, but I can see why some are tired of them. Frankly, I would love something more traditional. Super Castlevania 4 is still one of my favorite games.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I think it would be a pain in the ass to constantly be switching from stylus to the button layout, castlevania is an action game, that would be the best way to lose your stylus :p


ge-man said:
They are cool and all, but I can see why some are tired of them. Frankly, I would love something more traditional. Super Castlevania 4 is still one of my favorite games.

The 3 Castlevania's on the GBA were about as close to the classic style as you can get. I really hope this DS title will similar.


I think it would be a pain in the ass to concentrate on a different screen for menus or a map, Castlevania is an action game... oh wait.


Lathentar said:
How about being able to tap on the screen where you want to whip?

hey, that has potential.

I think it would be a pain in the ass to constantly be switching from stylus to the button layout, castlevania is an action game, that would be the best way to lose your stylu

you can use your fingers though


ge-man said:
They are cool and all, but I can see why some are tired of them. Frankly, I would love something more traditional. Super Castlevania 4 is still one of my favorite games.

I can see why some would be tired of them too, but frankly I don't give a shit.

Give me my Metroidvanias!


You could put a little touch controlled slider on the second screen that cycled through your inventory and then you would have room for a map as well.


Personally, I think the stylus is going to end up being the most gimmicky aspect of the DS...I see very little use for it that couldn't be done with buttons.
I have to admit, I would probably pause the game to use a menu, so I don't know what the best use might be, unless it has a map normally and a menu when you pause.

I love the Metroid style castlevania games, but they feel too similar. They ought to keep the gameplay, but let you explore the countryside and various castles/manors ala Castlevania 2. Complex towns would be nice as well. I am tired of traversing the same areas in the castle.


That depends on the software and game developers. Of course it will be gimmicky if the only thing the DS is going to get is stuff like Castlevania or console/PSP ports. Fortunately, my hopes haven't been dashed with software currently announced. I also think Nintendo will do a lot to support the various features of the DS.


Buggy Loop said:
And more importantly, sound good :D

Speaking of which, what kind of sound capabilities does the Nintendo DS has? How do you know it's going to sound "good"? :p


I haven't heard many reports (although it does have double the channels of the GBASP and the carts are of course a hell of alot bigger, so that definitely helps, and there is also the stereo speakers on the unit itself now) but some of the people who played Mario 64 x4 at E3 said the music was spot on identical to the N64 version (and that is a very good thing)


Lost Weekend said:
I haven't heard many reports (although it does have double the channels of the GBASP and the carts are of course a hell of alot bigger, so that definitely helps, and there is also the stereo speakers on the unit itself now) but some of the people who played Mario 64 x4 at E3 said the music was spot on identical to the N64 version (and that is a very good thing)

Hehe, no it's not. :p


Diomedeskun said:
I love the Metroid style castlevania games, but they feel too similar. They ought to keep the gameplay, but let you explore the countryside and various castles/manors ala Castlevania 2. Complex towns would be nice as well. I am tired of traversing the same areas in the castle.
i think this is the best idea anyone's had. well, because i had it too... but still, i think that would be excellent. different enough to mix things up, but same enough to not throw away what's so nice about the ones we have going now.

personally i am not much of a fan of the old style linear castlevania, especially in this day and age.


All we know about DS sound specs is...

-Sound 16 channel ADPCM/PCM (Max 8 channels can be set to PSG) Microphone input

...and that audio is handled through the Data Sub Processor (ARM7TDMI running at 33 MHz) which will also run the wireless protocols. The unit has stereo sound as well. Should be way above what N64 audio was capable of... Pana even suggested a perfect port of SoTN wouldn't be a problem on DS.


It would be great that the second screen was used to show you the location of an enemy that pursues you through the castle and you have to avoid him.


ourumov said:
It would be great that the second screen was used to show you the location of an enemy that pursues you through the castle and you have to avoid him.

Yeah, that sounds like a cool idea, and also similar to Grog's Revenge (I think it was called) for C64. :p


jenov4 said:
I predict one of the screens will be used for a map/inventory. ;p

That is actually the last thing I hope they do. You will still have to pause the game to look at the map even if it is on another screen for fear of getting killed.


Vargas said:
You will still have to pause the game to look at the map even if it is on another screen for fear of getting killed.
Just like if you were really exploring a medieval castle plagued by hordes of the undead.

Honestly though, this wouldn't be too bad. Sure, if you were studying the map you'd have to be in a lull spot, but I sometimes just take quick glances to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. Besides, any drastic changes to the Castlevania formula in its DS iteration and you'll have the fans screaming bloody murder, regardless of functionality.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Besides, any drastic changes to the Castlevania formula in its DS iteration and you'll have the fans screaming bloody murder, regardless of functionality.

What's why I want to see something new in CVDS. I want just once for a company to say, "damn the fans" and just release the game they want to make


If I remember correctly, Igarashi said he wouldn't start making a game until he could think of a good use for the screen. Unless they got someone else to do it, I'm hopeful that it'll take advantage of the DS's capabilities.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
They need to fiddle with the gameplay in some form, just to give it a fresh feeling. I like the idea of bringing the countryside and towns and whatnot back into it. I don't really care what is done, I really enjoyed Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow (and Harmony of Dissonance to a much lesser extent) but after those three and two Metroid titles, I'm simply tired of the formula no matter how good they are. It's just been too much in too little time.


belgurdo said:
What's why I want to see something new in CVDS. I want just once for a company to say, "damn the fans" and just release the game they want to make

See Wind Waker which then led to a return of a more "mature" Zelda.


belgurdo said:
What's why I want to see something new in CVDS. I want just once for a company to say, "damn the fans" and just release the game they want to make
That happens all the time, especially with licensed games. Disgruntled developers want to punish people for actually enjoying a license when the holders are stupid enough to auction it off for the cheapest budget.

Hey, if Iga has a great idea for the DS I'd love to see it. I'm more worried that he'll be inclined to try something gimmicky not because he thinks it's pretty cool, but because he wants to utilize the second screen. But I have faith in the man, assuming it's another side-scroller, that is.


belgurdo said:
What's why I want to see something new in CVDS. I want just once for a company to say, "damn the fans" and just release the game they want to make
who says IGA doesn't want to make those sorts of games? you don't know. i've certainly never read or it heard him say it.

aria of sorrow was -- by far IMO -- the best castlevania since SOTN. bully if they want to take that concept and expand it and make it better. it certainly isn't running dry yet, as long as they work at it.
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