CD Projekt Spent Roughly $125 Million Turning Cyberpunk 2077 Around Post-Launch


Gold Member


CD Projekt spent $125 million on Cyberpunk 2077 post-launch, repairing the game's reputation with the Edgerunners and Update 2.0 patches alongside the well-received Phantom Liberty expansion.

CD Projekt announced on October 5 that the expansion starring Idris Elba cost a hefty 275 million Polish Zloty (around $62.7 million) to develop and approximately 95 million Polish Zloty (around $21.6 million) to market.

Chief financial officer Piotr Nielubowicz also said during the CD Projekt Investor Day presentation that bringing Cyberpunk up to next-gen console standards, presumably including the game-changing Update 2.0, cost 178 million Polish Zloty (around $40.9 million).

The three figures together, combining the cost of Phantom Liberty with the amount spent bringing Cyberpunk 2077 back from its poor state at launch, total 546 million Polish Zloty, so around $125.9 million.


so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.
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so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.
The game sold 13 million during it first month. That is almost $600 million in income. Game total sits at 25 million now so almost certainly around a billion dollars when you include the expansion revenue.

CDPR is not hurting for money.
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So they needed to sell about 5.5 million copies of the dlc at full price to break even? Not counting whatever they made from the base game or other deals of course.
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Yes they’ve undeniably turned things around with CP, but have they truly salvaged their reputation and earned back trust from their fans? Are people going to buy TW4 at the numbers they need at launch?


So they needed to sell about 5.5 million copies of the dlc at full price to break even? Not counting whatever they made from the base game or other deals of course.
They just did 3 million in the first week and because of salvaging it and the redemption story this game will have serious legs like W3.
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Damn, that's a lot of money. How come an expansion costs as much as a fully-fledged AAA game?

I believe this expansion is about 30-40h in length. Basically a fully-fledged AAA game. It’s around 70-80gb in size. Not sure how much Alba and the other VA actors are getting + all the outsourcing, marketing etc etc. But yeah that’s alot of money but not for a massive expansion like PL.
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so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.

Bro they sold like 25 millions copies.
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Wasn't Edgerunner announced before the release? But that's already quite a lot of money that, was spent. And while I was playing Phantom Liberty, I had the feeling that they were asking less money as it was worth. The addon would also be easily worth 50-60.
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CD Projekt spent $125 million on Cyberpunk 2077 post-launch, repairing the game's reputation with the Edgerunners and Update 2.0 patches alongside the well-received Phantom Liberty expansion.
So Edgerunners is included in overall ~250 mil budget? Then we need to count also the money coming from the anime...


80% was for the expansion, so the headline is just wrong

But even if it was only for the comeback, it would have been money well spent


Gold Member
Basically they made sure it's going to sell well for years and years. Sounds like a good investment. And they had the faith and confidence to do it. Good shit.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.


What the fuck are you on about?


so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.
Really? They just announced that Cyberpunk sold 25 million and you think they are screwed? Where do you get you business degree from The Michael Pachter school??


so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.


Writes a lot, says very little
So it cost $125 million to finish the game? Interesting.

The most logical post...

I hate when people are like "fix" or "patch" lol nahhh, this is literally them continuing development and charging you full price for early access.


I get a big dlc might be some money to make 20 million or so but 100 million spent on patching the game.that doesn't even make sense.they didn't do a massive change to the game or its systems just patched

Silver Wattle

Gold Member
I wish studios would stop hiring Hollywood actors, they aren't worth the money and most of them are terrible at voice acting( and acting).

Hire theatre actors or voice actors, FK Hollywood.
I wish studios would stop hiring Hollywood actors, they aren't worth the money and most of them are terrible at voice acting( and acting).

Hire theatre actors or voice actors, FK Hollywood.
I agree that in a lot of cases Hollywood/movie screen acting doesn't translate into voice acting. See Kiefer Sutherland as Snake in MGSV. But Idris Elba did a really good job in Phantom Liberty.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
so they probably only make around 100 million for this game? If Witcher 4 can’t get 10 million in first month they are likely screwed and will have to look for buyers or have to close down cdpr and just focus on And since launch this game likely go though a remake already with their updates, other than story, characters, side quests likely everything has to be redone. No wonder they dropped red engine as it cost then way too much.
They sold 25m copies of this game already. Also keeping Red would have been cheaper than paying Epic a license fee for Unreal.
Any money issues CDPR has (I doubt they have any) would be from their recent expansion, not the performance of Cyberpunk.
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