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CDPR Laughs at Outrage Mob

I guess they do all look a little different. They gonna have to wait for Cyberpunk2. Why is everyone so emotional. Just dont buy the game.

I like when companies roast their trolls. Companies can do whatever the f they want. But a bunch of you laughing were probably the same people crying.


Check out this fuck trying to stir shit up.

This pisses me off far more than I can describe. Polish is it's own unique culture compared to whatever typical whiteness in the USA is supposed to be. They build their own fucking game, based on books from their own country's author, based on folklore from their own past and culture BUT SKIN COLOR = BAD. These fucking people are racist as fuck and they're literally too stupid to realize it.


Unconfirmed Member
Try marrying one. My wife's directness is refreshing most of the time, but if I step out of line she'll tear me a new one with no feelings spared. Brutal.

Totally worth it though right (and probably a bit of a turn on)? The Polish ladies I know are all absolutely smoking hot - no idea what they put in the water there but damn.


Unconfirmed Member
lol no, like I said earlier in the thread this is totally not how it works.

Don't take my word for it, go to https://en.cdprojektred.com/jobs/ and try finding a single job offer where understanding Polish is a requirement.

Edit: not for the sake of "hiring black americans" but top talent with AAA experience from big studios of similar scale

When I’m hiring I don’t include understanding English as a job requirement as it’s kind of assumed. The interview is done in English though do that rather ensures they can, and if the CV contains poor English it’s not getting through. I’m the only native English speaker on my team but we conduct our business in English because we’re in England. The code is commented in English, variable/class/method names are English, the slack channel is English. I’m even careful about hiring too many with a particular first language to avoid it becoming the lingua franca.


Gold Member
This video is a joke, right? It's all set up from the beginning... right?

i think the people shown were genuine. as in they had no clue except the little guy. they've obvious cut out people who got it right so it's "Hur dook the adults r dumb but is littl kid is smartz hehe funny"

Yeah, i am so happy i stopped reading gaming sites altogether years ago. ANY gaming site. Game journos are the worst.
you do know you're on a gaming site, right?
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Kagey K

They are too busy trying to figure out how a penIs isn’t a male sexual organ, they forgot about how the vagina might not be female.


So, in order to satisfy John Cullens diversity expectations, CDPR have to find a number of black people with the exact skills required for the job, who have all decided to up sticks and move to Poland, who are able to speak the Polish language, and who are prepared to work for a Polish salary.
Wrong. John Cullens expectations do not take skills nor language into consideration.


Unconfirmed Member

Looks like they’re almost universally getting ripped to shreds in the comments despite deleting a bunch of them. The cunts are the minority and we must always remember that.


Kingdom Come should have had more black knights cuz last night i was watching this documentary called Black Knight starring Martin Lawrence and there totally was blacks in the medieval times!!! jfc now stop this "there is no diversity" crap and putsome blacks finally in that game u racists!!


As someone who did a road trip in Europe... the people from Poland are so damn nice. I love them. I would trust them to embrace anyone of any race with open hands. In fact, minorities are just so rare in general that it's cool when there's some mixed in that manages to fit the bill.

But that's the difference really. We're not gonna going to give up positions to people who don't fit the bill. You do not actively deny people who fit the bill because of their race. Denying a perfect candidate (someone living in Poland, speaks Polish to easily communicate with colleagues and can do their job very well) just because they... happen to be white? Let's import a foreigner with a specific skin color instead who can barely speak the language? Like, WHAT. THE. FUCK. Do these people even think? People like these should not have a voice on the internet.

It's a person who cannot fathom being denied a position because they are too white, exactly portraying a racist world they secretly desire.

See, as an Asian living in the western world, I would be absolutely furious if I hear that any of my friends get denied of their jobs because an executive wanted to add some color and hired someone less capable. Fuck racism and all these racists.

I hate blanket statements like 'white privilege' because it undermines all the hardships and hard work every individual has to go through.

I always abide my rule to treat everyone as individuals. The only reason people can't do that is because we have limited brain capacity, thus people start forming categories. The less capable you are, the least amount of varieties of profiles you can create. That's okay, not everyone can remember a thousand individuals.... but once people start mixing in thoughts of 'the worst of people', all those prejudices are negative and BOOM, you have the recipe for discrimination. There's a reason why interacting with groups usually solves discrimination: because it completely destroys ignorance (fixing the missing real life knowledge).

So to these people: fix your damn stupid ideologies by interacting with people. The world is not black and white, it's 7 billion random sparks. And accept that you cannot know every single one of them, but acknowledge that every single person can be as unique as they can, despite their god damn skin color. Racists.


Yeah but guys they took out the wallrunning. They're just trying to divert our attention away from that by trying to stir up controversy with the outrage crowd (which is all of Era and the access media). OPEN YOUR EYES!


Damn, so that was Games of Thrones, didn't watch it yet. I know, I'm sorry, will watch it soon.

Stop after 6 season

As someone who did a road trip in Europe... the people from Poland are so damn nice. I love them. I would trust them to embrace anyone of any race with open hands. In fact, minorities are just so rare in general that it's cool when there's some mixed in that manages to fit the bill.

But that's the difference really. We're not gonna going to give up positions to people who don't fit the bill. You do not actively deny people who fit the bill because of their race. Denying a perfect candidate (someone living in Poland, speaks Polish to easily communicate with colleagues and can do their job very well) just because they... happen to be white? Let's import a foreigner with a specific skin color instead who can barely speak the language? Like, WHAT. THE. FUCK. Do these people even think? People like these should not have a voice on the internet.

It's a person who cannot fathom being denied a position because they are too white, exactly portraying a racist world they secretly desire.

See, as an Asian living in the western world, I would be absolutely furious if I hear that any of my friends get denied of their jobs because an executive wanted to add some color and hired someone less capable. Fuck racism and all these racists.

I hate blanket statements like 'white privilege' because it undermines all the hardships and hard work every individual has to go through.

I always abide my rule to treat everyone as individuals. The only reason people can't do that is because we have limited brain capacity, thus people start forming categories. The less capable you are, the least amount of varieties of profiles you can create. That's okay, not everyone can remember a thousand individuals.... but once people start mixing in thoughts of 'the worst of people', all those prejudices are negative and BOOM, you have the recipe for discrimination. There's a reason why interacting with groups usually solves discrimination: because it completely destroys ignorance (fixing the missing real life knowledge).

So to these people: fix your damn stupid ideologies by interacting with people. The world is not black and white, it's 7 billion random sparks. And accept that you cannot know every single one of them, but acknowledge that every single person can be as unique as they can, despite their god damn skin color. Racists.

I think that many people living in USA or UK can't comprehend that majority of countries in the world are NOT like america (or london) and are basically ethnostates. Multiculturialism is not a great idea as seen this year in US, Israel, India/Pakistan, former Yugoslavia etc. and leads to far more problems than benefits (?).
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Writes a lot, says very little
Yeah but guys they took out the wallrunning. They're just trying to divert our attention away from that by trying to stir up controversy with the outrage crowd (which is all of Era and the access media). OPEN YOUR EYES!


They took out that little robot that was going to follow you around and they took out the entire subway feature, you are no longer able to ride the subway in real time around the city. (If you ever even COULD in the first place)

They are doing this to have folks ignore the many features being stripped from the game. This game barely looks like what they even originally marketed it to even be. its just Deus Ex with cars now. smh.

The outrage crowd from right to left will find their own things to be triggered about regarding this game based on how each side grasp at straws to get triggered about things.


The Left be like "WOOOOW look at CDPR trying to pander to us using Rainbow hair to obviously get a sale from the LGBQT community, APPROPRIATION! Did they actually get the voice actor that ACTUALLY IS gay and with rainbow hair? If not....CANCELLED!"

The Right be like "WOOOOW look at CDPR SHOVING THEIR AGENDA DOWN OUR THROATS using rainbow hair cause its a LGBQT forced agenda in the game, keep politics out of games bro, you can tell what the developer is thinking and their beliefs based on the width of chins and hair color, CLEARLY something is going on here, pre order cancelled"


Unconfirmed Member
Features get tried out and if they don’t make the gameplay better they get removed. There’s nothing unusual in that.
Check out this fuck trying to stir shit up.


I think he deleted this tweet, I wonder what he thinks a team photo of a Japanese studio would look like? Also someone else was in that threat making it sound like they need women on the team, looking at that pic there are quite a few women who work there.


Writes a lot, says very little
Sounds pretty decent.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still buying the game, but my hype was always at the level of just treating it like Deus Ex with Cars as I LOVE the Deus Ex series. Anything different from it was just going to be a bonus, like the whole buying apartments, riding in subways in real time etc. Once all of that was stripped.....I was mad, but still buying it as I always worried about this teams ability to do many of theses things since their issues with Witcher 3 and only expect Deus ex features with cars.

Being hype for anything else could be a waste of time if its just going to get removed or downgraded or something.

I'm keeping my expectations in check.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Can I play someone with tits and a dick in this game? If not fuck CDPR.


You can. If you aren't moving both the titty and dong slider to maximum why even bother?
Looks like they’re almost universally getting ripped to shreds in the comments despite deleting a bunch of them. The cunts are the minority and we must always remember that.

They might be a minority, but the people backing them from behind the scenes have virtually unlimited funds at their disposal. And remember, history shows us that most revolutions have been won with a minority of the population.
As long as they are based in Poland and as long as Poland stays conservative (big election today) we’re safe. That is all you need to know.


Gold Member
When I’m hiring I don’t include understanding English as a job requirement as it’s kind of assumed. The interview is done in English though do that rather ensures they can, and if the CV contains poor English it’s not getting through. I’m the only native English speaker on my team but we conduct our business in English because we’re in England. The code is commented in English, variable/class/method names are English, the slack channel is English. I’m even careful about hiring too many with a particular first language to avoid it becoming the lingua franca.

a surprise to no one, especially in the UK... the difference is English is the language of business and communication in Europe and at a certain level everyone is expected to know it anyway, also in the Wild East.
Maybe except France but that's cultural after hundreds of years of wars with England.

In a Polish company where 1/5 of all staff are foreigners nobody will ever assume or require understanding Polish on hire, there are HR policies of in place to accommodate that in internal communications of multilanguage teams.

This is not a CDPR thing but all big international corporations operate this way, I used to live in The Netherlands and nobody even asked me if I ever plan to learn Dutch when getting hired in 2 of them.

That's a no - issue, BUT

Not only that, but to work in a Polish studio means you would have to live in Poland, so you really would need to speak the language to get by.

that is actually a good point, I imagine navigating living in Poland without knowing the language is must be an absolute nightmare
99% of Poland is white. That isn't an exaggeration. Literally over 99%. It's beyond stupid to use a team photo to grill a Polish game studio about how white they are being.

Japan is over 99% Ethnic Japanese and those are the people who make all those great games I love so much and nobody bats an eye about the ethnic homogeneity of those studios and publishers because that would be incredibly fucking stupid.

The Diversity issue is one for the United States because our population is far more diverse than these other countries. Applying that standard haphazardly like in Poland for instance is why people hate SJWs.
I agree about US being diverse but still feel you’re creating way too much fuss about <13% of population.


Is RetardEra going to cancel CDPR over the lack of customization of the main character vagina in a first person view game?....
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