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Cecil the lion’s son shot dead by trophy hunter, officials say


Cecil the lion's son shot dead by trophy hunter, officials say


The son of Cecil the lion — the beloved big cat whose death at the hands of an American trophy hunter triggered widespread outrage two summers ago — has been killed as well, according to officials at Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe.

Lion guardians at the park said in a Facebook post that Cecil's son, Xanda, was shot and killed several days ago by another trophy hunter in western Zimbabwe.

”Xanda is still a young father at 6.2 years old and has several young cubs," officials said in the post. ”We can't believe that now, 2 years since Cecil was killed, that his oldest Cub #Xanda has met the same fate."

”When will the Lions of Hwange National Park be left to live out their years as wild born free lions should?"

Lion guardians said Xanda was killed during a hunt organized by Richard Cooke Safaris. The group did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cooke himself was not the shooter, officials said; a client was.

According to the Telegraph, the recent death of Cecil's son ”was discovered because Xanda was wearing an electronic collar, fitted by researchers monitoring his movements in the area."

When the Zimbabwean professional hunter on the shoot, Richard Cooke from RC Safaris, discovered the dead lion had a collar, he handed it back to the researchers.

Andrew Loveridge from the Department of Zoology at Oxford University, which has a team supplying and fixing collars which monitor the lions in the Hwange National Park, said: ”I fitted it last October. It was monitored almost daily and we were aware that Xanda and his pride was spending a lot of time out of the park in the last six months, but there is not much we can do about that.

”Richard Cooke is one of the ‘good' guys. He is ethical and he returned the collar and communicated what had happened. His hunt was legal and Xanda was over 6 years old so it is all within the stipulated regulations."


Makes sense, kill the son so he can't avenge his father's death. If anything it's the safest thing to do.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This live-action Lion King is way darker than I expected


“Richard Cooke is one of the ‘good’ guys. He is ethical and he returned the collar and communicated what had happened. His hunt was legal and Xanda was over 6 years old so it is all within the stipulated regulations.”

I love how good is in quotations lol.

Anyways it sucks but if it's legal then it's allowed.
Makes sense, kill the son so he can't avenge his father's death. If anything it's the safest thing to do.

That ain't going far enough. Need to kill everyone 3 degrees of separation from the main victim to ensure that no vengeance will befall you.



That's how these poor countries get revenue in.

If people wanna complain about trophy hunting they need to look at from a macro perspective. These hunts exist because they provide a boom to the local economies. I would rather focus on those human inequalities than condemning trophy hunting wholesale, especially trophy hunting that actually aids in conservation. There's too much sentimentality in these discussion without looking at the realities that leads to this.


get some go again
i think the hunts help pay for the protected parks in the area and help pay for the employees as well. i think that's how a lot of parks are funded. give people an incentive and they will take care of the land and animals.



This fucking sucks. This trophy bullshit shouldn't be allowed.

If you're going out hunting lions for sport, you simply aren't one of the "good guys", by definition.

Trophy hunting such incredible creatures should be outlawed. :(

Quick video regarding trophy hunting and why it can be good for the animals:

I think however this maybe could have been done better and they should have found another lion not carrying this baggage.
Fuck trophy hunting and poachers. Donate the fucking money directly rather than for the thrill of being a piece of shit and murdering an innocent animal. You know what, better yet, if you want to be a trophy hunter go out there by yourself with no guns and good luck.

Fuck this asshole and fuck the people supporting this practice and poaching activities. Just donate instead you shits.


Fuck trophy hunting and poachers. Donate the fucking money directly rather than for the thrill of being a piece of shit and murdering an innocent animal. You know what, better yet, if you want to be a trophy hunter go out there by yourself with no guns and good luck.

Fuck this asshole and fuck the people supporting this practice and poaching activities. Just donate instead you shits.

Did people start donating after Cecil died and are they still donating? Fact is, this is the most practical solution right now.

We can throw hissy fits as pampered Westerners all we want, but hunters are funding most of the conservation here.



The fever-like urge to hunt remains, but they themselves have already been infested with the scourge of the beast. Unaware of this fact, they continue to search for prey to hunt and kill. Perhaps through their murky eyes, humans are seen as the true beasts.
I'm not sure I get the whole trophy hunting thing. Is it for yourself? Like you look at the head and remember walking around in the heat forever till something came along that had no idea you were there and then you shot it from a safe distance? Or is it to brag to someone with that same boring story? Obviously I'm not a hunting fan, but I don't mind people who are. I just don't get the appeal. Now if you told me you killed it barehanded or with a knife, THEN I'd be impressed and want to hear the story. Even a bow and arrow is somewhat impressive. But a rifle? Meh, fuck off pussy.


Fuck trophy hunting and poachers. Donate the fucking money directly rather than for the thrill of being a piece of shit and murdering an innocent animal. You know what, better yet, if you want to be a trophy hunter go out there by yourself with no guns and good luck.

Fuck this asshole and fuck the people supporting this practice and poaching activities. Just donate instead you shits.
The guy who killed the lion in the OP has done far more for the conservation of animals than you will your entire life. Keep preaching against a system that works.
I'd love to have a "legal human hunt" and set these lions loose on them for a change


The guy who killed the lion in the OP has done far more for the conservation of animals than you will your entire life. Keep preaching against a system that works.

Trophy - this is the problem - they're prizes.
Fuck trophy hunting and poachers. Donate the fucking money directly rather than for the thrill of being a piece of shit and murdering an innocent animal. You know what, better yet, if you want to be a trophy hunter go out there by yourself with no guns and good luck.

Fuck this asshole and fuck the people supporting this practice and poaching activities. Just donate instead you shits.

You eat meat though, dont you?

You can't be telling people what to do with their money, I don't see average people donating to conservations, so why should rich people when they can instead get a thrill in hunting down an animal?

Unless you are against all hunting in general or murdering any innocent animal, I don't see why the argument holds up.


I hope you like the rest of the population getting killed by poachers then, as they won't have any protection otherwise.

Well, the logical course of action is to hunt down and execute the poachers. I'd imagine it would put a screeching halt to the industry.


They should let people hunt other humans. Like fence off a 50 miles sq area of forest and drop some death row inmates in there and let billionaires hunt them. If the inmates survive a week they can get their sentence reduced to life with no parole. If the inmates kill the billionaire they can get their sentence teduced to life with parole. That'd be surreal.

The most dangerous game in the world.


I can think of not one argument in defense of trophy hunting.

It blows my mind that it isn't straight up illegal across the board.


I can think of not one argument in defense of trophy hunting.

It blows my mind that it isn't straight up illegal across the board.

If you care to read we've given the reason why preservations allow it in the first place in this thread multiple times.


get some go again
I'm not sure I get the whole trophy hunting thing. Is it for yourself? Like you look at the head and remember walking around in the heat forever till something came along that had no idea you were there and then you shot it from a safe distance? Or is it to brag to someone with that same boring story? Obviously I'm not a hunting fan, but I don't mind people who are. I just don't get the appeal. Now if you told me you killed it barehanded or with a knife, THEN I'd be impressed and want to hear the story. Even a bow and arrow is somewhat impressive. But a rifle? Meh, fuck off pussy.
one-upmanship i think. oh you hunted a deer? well i hunted a fucking lion/elephant.


You eat meat though, dont you?

You can't be telling people what to do with their money, I don't see average people donating to conservations, so why should rich people when they can instead get a thrill in hunting down an animal?

Unless you are against all hunting in general or murdering any innocent animal, I don't see why the argument holds up.

You can't see the difference between hunting for food and hunting for personal pleasure?
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