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Cecil the lion’s son shot dead by trophy hunter, officials say

I can think of not one argument in defense of trophy hunting.

It blows my mind that it isn't straight up illegal across the board.

The money goes to support the preservation of animals in the area. Without it, there would be no conservation at all and poachers would run rampant.

And how do they get the resources to stop poachers?

Wait for it

Wait for it

Trophy hunting!

It seems you are naive to the situation in Zibabwe
...the unemployment rate in 2009 was ranked as the world's largest, at 95%...

Most general labourers are paid under ZWD 200 Billion (US 60c) per month.

A nurse's salary in September was Z$12,542 (12 US cents), less than the cost of a soft drink.


And how do they get the resources to stop poachers?

Wait for it

Wait for it

Trophy hunting!



The guy who killed the lion in the OP has done far more for the conservation of animals than you will your entire life. Keep preaching against a system that works.

I dunno, it's more symptomatic of the fact that Zimbabwe has a shitty, corrupt economy run by cronyism that can't allocate resources properly. The end game of conservation is not delivering a product.


Well, the logical course of action is to hunt down and execute the poachers. I'd imagine it would put a screeching halt to the industry.

Not every poacher is some maniacal evil person sitting on top of a load of cash. Poaching will exist for as long as extreme poverty in the area exists.

Edit: vvvv Hahaaa I thought the same thing
That's how these poor countries get revenue in.

If people wanna complain about trophy hunting they need to look at from a macro perspective. These hunts exist because they provide a boom to the local economies. I would rather focus on those human inequalities than condemning trophy hunting wholesale, especially trophy hunting that actually aids in conservation. There's too much sentimentality in these discussion without looking at the realities that leads to this.

Exactly this. The legal hunting brings money into the parks and the conservation efforts. Without the legal hunters, the conservationists would not be able to continue.

edit: already explained better by others, sorry.


Sad, but ultimately the hunt will fund saving a lot more animals
Why not just give that money away to charities/wildlife protection agencies? There's no need to hunt these animals. If you have excess money and ACTUALLY care about protecting animals & the environment, then just give that money to the cause without making the situation worse.
one-upmanship i think. oh you hunted a deer? well i hunted a fucking lion/elephant.

I guess, but wouldn't deer be more difficult since they're lower on the food chain and have the survival instincts to help them avoid hunters? Unlike a lion that would likely just stand there since it's not used to constantly being hunted?

Some of the tracking is cool, but from my understanding you're paying people to track the animals for you. So trophy hunters in Africa literally just hand over a ton of money, they drive you over to where the animal usually hangs out, they track it for you, give you a good view to line up a shot from a safe distance, and then I'm guessing they handle the hauling of the carcass and everything for you afterward.

I'd actually like to talk to an actual trophy hunter just to find out where the thrill comes from since that all sounds boring and emasculating to me.


Why not just give that money away to charities/wildlife protection agencies? There's no need to hunt these animals. If you have excess money and ACTUALLY care about protecting animals & the environment, then just give that money to the cause without making the situation worse.

This is my feeling as well. I'm going to give you a lot of money to help your cause - but you gotta let me shoot an animal first.

Why? What do you get out of that?
Another trophy hunting thread. How many people posting condemnations in this thread eat meat?

I'm in line to buy a delicious meal from chipotle, I have no problem with this. It's legal hunting and no different from killing a cow or a chicken. They're all animals, they aren't human and it's not inherently bad if they die.


The guy who killed the lion in the OP has done far more for the conservation of animals than you will your entire life. Keep preaching against a system that works.

It doesn't fucking work, that's the biggest lie perpetuated by assholes to justify killing animals for sport. Ecotourism brings in far more money and is more sustainable, but, hey, let's pray a false narrative whole we continue to destroy habitats so the rich can continue to kill for money and everyone else loses.

Another trophy hunting thread. How many people posting condemnations in this thread eat meat?

I'm in line to buy a delicious meal from chipotle, I have no problem with this. It's legal hunting and no different from killing a cow or a chicken. They're all animals, they aren't human and it's not inherently bad if they die.

Humans are animals, too; it's not inherently bad if we die. It's a moral an ethical choice to apply that value. Wildlife had the same inherent right to life as we do.

Beyond that, biodiversity is vital for a healthy planet. We're only hurting ourselves by lowering it.


Another trophy hunting thread. How many people posting condemnations in this thread eat meat?

I'm in line to buy a delicious meal from chipotle, I have no problem with this. It's legal hunting and no different from killing a cow or a chicken. They're all animals, they aren't human and it's not inherently bad if they die.

Killing something to eat and killing something for fun are two totally different things.


Why not just give that money away to charities/wildlife protection agencies? There's no need to hunt these animals. If you have excess money and ACTUALLY care about protecting animals & the environment, then just give that money to the cause without making the situation worse.

Come on, you know the answer to this. The hunting brings in many people who don't care enough to simply donate, but are interested in the hunting, especially if they feel it is for a good cause. It vastly expands the number of people willing to be involved in supporting the preserves.



There's some research supporting highly regulated legal big-game hunting. Brings in tourist money that directly feeds into funding the big preserves, and *some* of these creatures are seeing a population bounceback that's leading to short term population pressure. There was a pair of lions that broke out of a reserve in South Africa, ranging a pretty far distance away and eating some livestock before they were killed, and game officials believed it was due to the lions being overpopulated within that preserve.

As long as the preserves are regulating it and the proceeds go to their benefit, there isn't any harm. But that also assumes a situation where you have poaching on lockdown.


What kind of dipshit sees the backlash that the other guy faced and thinks "yeah, I'm gonna go do the exact same thing"?


The money goes to support the preservation of animals in the area. Without it, there would be no conservation at all and poachers would run rampant.

It seems you are naive to the situation in Zibabwe

Alright, let's let the poachers kill all the lions and elephants while we try to fix the much easier and simpler problem of systemic corruption in the government. Totally feasible!


Trophy hunters rank up there as some of the biguest scums on thus planet. There's must be something seriously wrong with people that take pleasure in killing stuff.


There's some research supporting highly regulated legal big-game hunting. Brings in tourist money that directly feeds into funding the big preserves, and *some* of these creatures are seeing a population bounceback that's leading to short term population pressure. There was a pair of lions that broke out of a reserve in South Africa, ranging a pretty far distance away and eating some livestock before they were killed, and game officials believed it was due to the lions being overpopulated within that preserve.

As long as the preserves are regulating it and the proceeds go to their benefit, there isn't any harm. But that also assumes a situation where you have poaching on lockdown.

This is like trickle down economics - you can make it sound good when you describe it, but the reality is -- it plain doesn't work. It's the excuse hunters use to continue destroying the environment:



This is like trickle down economics - you can make it sound good when you describe it, but the reality is -- it plain doesn't work. It's the excuse hunters use to continue destroying the environment:


If you read further into the article you'd see that Nambia is actually using this model to great success, Zimbabwe has its own problems...

In Namibia, elephant numbers have been increasing, and the nation’s conservancy approach is applauded as a factor in this success.
In 2000, the total income to communal conservancies from all forms of wildlife use, including trophy hunting, amounted to $165,000. Six years later, this had increased almost tenfold to $1,330,000. Though small compared to the overall income from trophy hunting, it does provide one in seven Namibians with $75 a month.


It's sad that this happens, but what's more sad is that when people eat a pack of instant noodles, they don't realize they're killing hundreds of thousands of wildlife.

We should be preserving all of them.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
"Look how much of a man I am by being able to take on one of the greatest land predators. Sure, he was unarmed and I had a rifle, but who's counting?"

Get fucked, guy. You pathetic waste of skin.
The guy who killed the lion in the OP has done far more for the conservation of animals than you will your entire life. Keep preaching against a system that works.
Ok, this mentality is fucked up and completely backwards. Slavery had measurable benefits too, so do you also think we should return to that? Of course not. Just because hunting has SOME benefits to conservation doesn't mean it's the best solution, and with lion populations in free fall at a mere 20k now... clearly it doesn't even work very well at all.

Before you harp on at me for not helping wildlife as well, I'm an ecologist. My entire career is dedicated to protecting wildlife and natural environments. I do much more than hunters do.

I disagree. The same life is snuffed out either way. If this lion corpse were used to feed people, are you okay with the hunt ?
Lion populations are critically endangered and essential to their wider ecosystem's survival. Suggesting that shooting them is no different than shooting a chicken, and that the only thing lost here is a life, demonstrates a remarkable amount of ignorance on your part.


I hope you like the rest of the population getting killed by poachers then, as they won't have any protection otherwise.
Extortion huh? Spoken like a true capitalist. It isn't terrorism, if you do it to extort and get what you want.... For money.
Yes, but for very different reasons. Read the thread, instead of knee-jerk jumping into vegetarian defense tactics. The guy I replied to was trying to say there's no difference between shooting a lion and shooting a cow or chicken. Any shred of knowledge about the operation of ecosystems proves that wrong.

I'm not pro meat eating either for the record. I'm not a vegetarian but I do restrict myself to sustainable meat only. Chicken a couple of times a week is my limit. Never eat beef. Pork once a month at most as a rare treat. If you're further concerned about my impact on wildlife I manage multiple conservation sites for species diversity and am creating a massive wildflower patch in my garden to boost invertebrate health in my area. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about here =P
I can't believe after how fucked the dentist got from the worldwide attention, that any other guy is gonna go out and try to kill another lion. Hope his name is exposed, business ruined, personal life ruined, wife says he has a small dick, kids want nothing to do with him, and friends all abandon him.

Fuck anyone who goes around hunting rare animals.
I hope the hunter catches malaria or some shit like that. The preserve gets the money and the hunter suffers for being the piece of shit that he is.


I disagree. The same life is snuffed out either way. If this lion corpse were used to feed people, are you okay with the hunt ?

Yes. But because humans don't generally eat carnivores, this is a moot point.

If the only method of getting conservation funding is to take exorbitant fees from psycho rich people who want to kill animals for fun, I suppose it is what it is. After the Cecil debacle you'd think the local hunt organizations would have maybe considered avoiding his relatives just for the sake of PR, though.
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