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Celebrities and Steroids

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I'm sorry, but are all of you naysayers and "omg everyone uses roids" idiots in here so ridiculously skinny and unathletic that it's really unbelievable for you to think that people are capable of gaining muscle from just working out?

Bale's transformation isn't anything ridiculous. Have you seen him in Equilibrium? He was built back then, but nothing out of the world ordinary.

If Bale looked like Bill Goldberg in his prime, I'd be the first to scream roids. But you guys really don't know what huge means:


Will Smith and Christian Bale aren't huge - they are just cut. Nothing out of the extraordinary.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BamYouHaveAids said:
Under perfect circumstances and with a strict routine an average male can gain around 2 pounds of muscle per month. Even with the best dietician and superhuman genetics there is no way to physically gain 20 pounds of muscle per month, without growth enhancing drugs.

I don't give a fuck how quick you bulked up your Sims characters; it just isn't happening.

You are a fucking idiot if you think the 100lb gain that Bale had from Machinist to BB was all muscle.
OmniGamer said:
Cage was "buff" since the 80s...particularly a movie called The Boy in Blue...besides, when Con Air came out he was only like 33-34 years old...hardly over the hill and incapable of having a well sculpted body.

really? I need to watch more cage movies then. Almost everyone I saw he is a skinny nerdy guy.


Junior Member
reilo said:
I'm sorry, but are all of you naysayers and "omg everyone uses roids" idiots in here so ridiculously skinny and unathletic that it's really unbelievable for you to think that people are capable of gaining muscle from just working out?

Bale's transformation isn't anything ridiculous. Have you seen him in Equilibrium? He was built back then, but nothing out of the world ordinary.

reilo said:
You are a fucking idiot if you think the 100lb gain that Bale had from Machinist to BB was all muscle.

....um. did you just call yourself a fucking idiot?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
esbern said:
....um. did you just call yourself a fucking idiot?

Uhm, I am saying that the weight Bale gained back for BB wasn't all muscle... He had a lot of excess fat and water weight.
reilo said:
You are a fucking idiot if you think the 100lb gain that Bale had from Machinist to BB was all muscle.
Does the title come with a festive hat?

On second thought you may be right - I saw on a bowflex commercial that it is possible to get a chiseled body within a month and it only takes 20 mintues of use 3 times a week. If Bale used it all week long he could go from wimp to beefcake in no time flat.


reilo said:
You are a fucking idiot if you think the 100lb gain that Bale had from Machinist to BB was all muscle.

If I recall correctly he gained the 100lbs first and then went into a crash-course of weight training. He's naturally got a solid build so if he spent the rest of the filming time (how long did they spending filming it, 9 months?) on bulking up and toning and if they shot the scenes of him with more skin exposure towards the end then I can see it being possible without roiding.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BamYouHaveAids said:
Does the title come with a festive hat?

On second thought you may be right - I saw on a bowflex commercial that it is possible to get a chiseled body within a month and it only takes 20 mintues of use 3 times a week. If Bale used it all week long he could go from wimp to beefcake in no time flat.


I'd love to see one of you stand next to a NFL linebacker.
esbern said:
....um. did you just call yourself a fucking idiot?

Dude ... not cool.

I wanted to call him out on that!

I think that while not all gains are from roids, I think there does need to be stronger penalties for the use of performance enhancers, human growth hormones, etc, etc. Right bout now i'd normally start talking about "professional" wrestling, but really that's a whole other can of worms.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Now people are putting words in my mouth.

100lb gain from Machinist to BB wasn't ALL muscle. You guys are confusing gaining weight and having a toned natural body with muscle to being all ripped. There is a difference between being 230lbs and having 15% body fat, and 230lbs with 7%.

Please, all of you, for the love of everything, stay away from a gym.
reilo said:

I'd love to see one of you stand next to a NFL linebacker.
Are you dense?

I never said it was impossible to gain that amount of muscle naturally, but it would be in the timeframe that he did, especially considering that before it began he looked like this



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
BamYouHaveAids said:
Are you dense?

I never said it was impossible to gain that amount of muscle naturally, but it would be in the timeframe that he did, especially considering that before it began he looked like this

5 months (plus 9 months of filming, meaning 14months!!) is a long time. The scenes with Bale without his shirt on in BB were most likely shot towards the end of the movie. Do you guys think Bale just stopped working out during the filming of BB?
reilo said:

Now people are putting words in my mouth.

100lb gain from Machinist to BB wasn't ALL muscle. You guys are confusing gaining weight and having a toned natural body with muscle to being all ripped. There is a difference between being 230lbs and having 15% body fat, and 230lbs with 7%.

Please, all of you, for the love of everything, stay away from a gym.

Just some constructive criticism: people might be on the defense due to you being on the offense. Just saying is all.

I think there are a lot of misconceptions about weight gain, muscle gain and weight loss. But I don't think anyone here has been foolish enough to not understand the difference between body fat percentage and fat free mass.
BamYouHaveAids said:
Are you dense?

I never said it was impossible to gain that amount of muscle naturally, but it would be in the timeframe that he did, especially considering that before it began he looked like this


thats unnatural. It was probably harder for him to get and maintain THAT body than the one in Begins.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ManDudeChild said:
Just some constructive criticism: people might be on the defense due to you being on the offense. Just saying is all.

I think there are a lot of misconceptions about weight gain, muscle gain and weight loss. But I don't think anyone here has been foolish enough to not understand the difference between body fat percentage and fat free mass.

Obviously they do think that when they post a picture of Bale with as little fat on his body as possible and then post a picture of him from BB and then try to tell you that the difference is only muscle.


Yeah really, people aren't getting it. After his "starvation" mode in The Machinist, his body is basically in "GIMME GIMME GIMME" mode. On a smaller scale, just look at something like the people who go on Survivor. Those that stay on for a decent chunk of the 39days loose quite a bit of weight, but when they go back home and get back to their normal eating habits and lifestyle, they put the weight right back on.

Why are people overlooking these factors...the intense training/diet plan they are on designed for these type of "transformations"(in other words it's not the typical routine you'd find at a regular gym, nor are they for long term use), the fact that the training, food, physical therapy etc is readily available to them via the studios(or if not, they're rich anyway), the fact that most of them have already been in good shape/athletic to begin with giving them a solid physical foundation to build upon.

I mean really...some people seem to think any physique beyond skinny ass Usher or not-quite-as-skinny Justin Timberlake is a roid gobbler.

For instance, this guy, James, on the last season of Surivor, lost 50lbs of muscle(according to him).

This is him early on I believe

And this is him towards the end

It takes a lot of calories and protein to maintain that muscle, things which were greatly reduced while on suvivor. When he got back home and got back to his normal eating and workout routine, I doubt it'd take forever for him to bulk back up.
Ninja Scooter said:
thats unnatural. It was probably harder for him to get and maintain THAT body than the one in Begins.
No doubt, he probably couldn't even start training until atleast a few weeks after he stopped filming (he looks like he was at the point of needing to be hospitalizied) and even then with such minimal muscle mass it would be an uphill battle.

I think alot of you are unaware of how steroids work. It's not if you can just sit on your ass; decide to start a cycle, take one injection, and watch your shirt fly off as you become the Incredible Hulk. You still have to train and the steroids give you the ability train harder than naturally possible.

Who gives a fuck lets just turn this thread into a big Bale picture post. <3


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
reilo said:
Regular Joe lives with MMA fighter Luke Cummo for 10 days and undergoes the same regiment and eats the same food as him. These are the results:



You need to understand that, for 5 months, Bale's entire life was getting into shape with some of the world's best nutritionists and trainers. No movies, no other work, nothing.

Here is Luke's take: http://forum.lukecummo.com/viewtopic.php?t=1145

I'm just going to post again to back that this is entirely possible w/o roids and not hard w/ dicipline. I'd even go so far as to say this "regular joe" could have done more work than that.
I'm kind of scared of going against the Bale defense force but, it takes most people years to get a body builder-like physique, not months. I'm not saying that Bale took steroids, and it doesn't look like Smith did, but I wouldn't be surprised in either case.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
kame-sennin said:
I'm kind of scared of going against the Bale defense force but, it takes most people years to get a body builder-like physique, not months. I'm not saying that Bale took steroids, and it doesn't look like Smith did, but I wouldn't be surprised in either case.

I highly doubt Christian Bale falls under "most."

And believe me, his physique is nowhere near a body builders.

This is a body builder:

kame-sennin said:
I'm kind of scared of going against the Bale defense force but, it takes most people years to get a body builder-like physique, not months. I'm not saying that Bale took steroids, and it doesn't look like Smith did, but I wouldn't be surprised in either case.

It take years for people with no dicipline. A good six-months of dicipline, enough $$$ to support the diet, and it's totally doable.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ManDudeChild said:
It take years for people with no dicipline. A good six-months of dicipline, enough $$$ to support the diet, and it's totally doable.

Eating cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew with Master Chief's piss between workouts won't make you cut.
reilo said:
Eating cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew with Master Chief's piss between workouts won't make you cut.

That's funny, I managed to bring my press up by 50lbs and add another 10lbs of muscle recently. It was all due to my Mt. Dew and Cheetos diet. I was all Jared, only for Mt. Dew and Cheetos.

Back in 2005, I also used the Mt. Dew and Cheetos diet to drop 130lbs. Don't knock the Dew man!

Sarcasm aside. Thx for reminding me why I stopped trying to have discussions on the net sometime ago.
ManDudeChild said:
It take years for people with no dicipline. A good six-months of dicipline, enough $$$ to support the diet, and it's totally doable.

According to Joe Weider, the man who trained Arnold, most body builders don't hit their prime until their 40's because it takes years to build up that much muscle mass. Like I said, I don't know if this applies to Bale, but it is worth mentioning.

reilo said:
This is a body builder:

I agree that Bale doesn't look like a body builder, but showing a picture of the greatest body builder who ever lived - and who admitted to being on roids - doesn't prove much.


Brian Burke punched my mom
reilo said:
I highly doubt Christian Bale falls under "most."

And believe me, his physique is nowhere near a body builders.

This is a body builder:


Arnold weighed around 245-250lbs contest ready and he wasn't a natural bodybuilder.


Teddman said:
Edward Norton. Stallone (duh). Demi Moore (Striptease). Christian Bale. Toby Maguire. Brad Pitt. Will Smith. John Favreau. etc.

Whenever you see an actor all of a sudden more buff than he used to be, it's probably juice.

"Wow, look how fast Bale gained back that muscle for Batman after being all emaciated in The Machinist!" Gee, I wonder how?

Do you have anything to substantiate this? I mean he had the drive and mental fortitude to starve himself for the machinist, so why wouldn't he have the what it took to get moderately buff for Batman?


I think part of the reason why I get so annoyed at the casual "ACK! STEROIDS!" accusations is because back during the course of 2004 when I lost 80lbs, a couple of morons said the same thing. The truth of the matter was worlds removed from that, i've never even been to a gym, and at that point, I had NO personal income, could NOT control the food of the household, and only had protein powder when I was lucky enough to get some or some friends would get some for me.

I had to be very creative in how I could eat and it was a lot of hard goddamn work to get motivated, stay motivated, and workout, especially under those restrictions, starting with about a month and a half of just changing my diet, and then incorporating weight training and cardio. So to hear anyone say "Oh, you took steriods" is not only insulting to me and my hard work, but just ignorant in how the human body works. It was literally mind over body...sometimes i'd have a blister on my foot but i didn't care, i kept on with my cardio...sometimes my wrist/forearms would be strained, but i didn't care, i still did my bicep workouts. I was a bit obsessive and probably overtrained a bit, but for the first time in my life I was actively losing weight and I had a goal in mind and I wanted to prove to myself I could get there, in spite of a list of "no gym/no money" excuses

Now I did have some foundation...during my teens I worked out off and on, and on the weekends my dad made me jog with him. I was about 240-250lbs stocky-muscular for most of the latter part of high school('98-'99). But in 2003 I got really indulgent and neglectful and balloned up to a fatty 280lbs, and that's when i decided to lose the weight.

In these pics there's about a 50-60lb difference...I started losing weight in January, by march/april when the "before" shots were taken, I had already lost between 16-26lbs(just speaking pure numbers, not taking into account the relative fat/muscle ratios).

Arms Comparison

Back Comparison

Legs Comparison

Torso Comparison

Yet people kept saying "Wow, you're getting HUGE", "You're bulking up nicely!", etc. People really just muscle definition is not tied to "size/bulk" but just how low your bodyfat percentage is to allow your muscles to show through your skin. Anywho, i never quite got the "sixpack" i was hoping for, and i put some of the weight back on since then. After 11 months of constant weight loss, I got physically and mentally drained. But i'm working on getting lean again, in fact, lost 3 lbs last week.
kame-sennin said:
According to Joe Weider, the man who trained Arnold, most body builders don't hit their prime until their 40's because it takes years to build up that much muscle mass. Like I said, I don't know if this applies to Bale, but it is worth mentioning.

I agree that Bale doesn't look like a body builder, but showing a picture of the greatest body builder who ever lived - and who admitted to being on roids - doesn't prove much.

Well I wasn't speaking of prime condition. Tomateos, tomatoes though :)

OmniGamer said:
I think part of the reason why I get so annoyed at the casual "ACK! STEROIDS!" accusations is because back during the course of 2004 when I lost 80lbs, a couple of morons said the same thing. The truth of the matter was worlds removed from that, i've never even been to a gym, and at that point, I had NO personal income, could NOT control the food of the household, and only had protein powder when I was lucky enough to get some or some friends would get some for me.

I had to be very creative in how I could eat and it was a lot of hard goddamn work to get motivated, stay motivated, and workout, especially under those restrictions, starting with about a month and a half of just changing my diet, and then incorporating weight training and cardio. So to hear anyone say "Oh, you took steriods" is not only insulting to me and my hard work, but just ignorant in how the human body works. It was literally mind over body...sometimes i'd have a blister on my foot but i didn't care, i kept on with my cardio...sometimes my wrist/forearms would be strained, but i didn't care, i still did my bicep workouts. I was a bit obsessive and probably overtrained a bit, but for the first time in my life I was actively losing weight and I had a goal in mind and I wanted to prove to myself I could get there, in spite of a list of "no gym/no money" excuses

Now I did have some foundation...during my teens I worked out off and on, and on the weekends my dad made me jog with him. I was about 240-250lbs stocky-muscular for most of the latter part of high school('98-'99). But in 2003 I got really indulgent and neglectful and balloned up to a fatty 280lbs, and that's when i decided to lose the weight.

In these pics there's about a 50-60lb difference(just speaking pure numbers, not taking into account the relative fat/muscle ratios).

Arms Comparison

Back Comparison

Legs Comparison

Torso Comparison

Yet people kept saying "Wow, you're getting HUGE", "You're bulking up nicely!", etc. People really just muscle definition is not tied to "size/bulk" but just how low your bodyfat percentage is to allow your muscles to show through your skin. Anywho, i never quite got the "sixpack" i was hoping for, and i put some of the weight back on since then. After 11 months of constant weight loss, I got physically and mentally drained. But i'm working on getting lean again, in fact, lost 3 lbs last week.

Congrats on the loss :) I managed to drop 130lbs couple years ago. One thing. I noticed your torso comparison shot. I can't help but wonder, what have you dealt with as far as excess skin goes? Cause I find that i have the six-pack definition, i can feel each muscle under the skin (bodyfat percentage hovers in the 6 - 11% range) and yet only some of it partially shows. My point is, there are proceedures that can take care of excess skin. I plan on having it done in the next few months.


ManDudeChild said:
Well I wasn't speaking of prime condition. Tomateos, tomatoes though :)

Congrats on the loss :) I managed to drop 130lbs couple years ago. One thing. I noticed your torso comparison shot. I can't help but wonder, what have you dealt with as far as excess skin goes? Cause I find that i have the six-pack definition, i can feel each muscle under the skin (bodyfat percentage hovers in the 6 - 11% range) and yet only some of it partially shows. My point is, there are proceedures that can take care of excess skin. I plan on having it done in the next few months.

Thanks man, congrats to you too...I forgot to mention my height in relation to my weight, which is about 6'4"/6'5". As for the torso thing, i'll get back to you on that when i'm that lean again(and hopefully leaner) ;-). I'm at 231 right now, down from 234 a week ago. In general though, my skin wasn't supertight around my muscles.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
OmniGamer said:
I think part of the reason why I get so annoyed at the casual "ACK! STEROIDS!" accusations is because back during the course of 2004 when I lost 80lbs, a couple of morons said the same thing. The truth of the matter was worlds removed from that, i've never even been to a gym, and at that point, I had NO personal income, could NOT control the food of the household, and only had protein powder when I was lucky enough to get some or some friends would get some for me.

I had to be very creative in how I could eat and it was a lot of hard goddamn work to get motivated, stay motivated, and workout, especially under those restrictions, starting with about a month and a half of just changing my diet, and then incorporating weight training and cardio. So to hear anyone say "Oh, you took steriods" is not only insulting to me and my hard work, but just ignorant in how the human body works. It was literally mind over body...sometimes i'd have a blister on my foot but i didn't care, i kept on with my cardio...sometimes my wrist/forearms would be strained, but i didn't care, i still did my bicep workouts. I was a bit obsessive and probably overtrained a bit, but for the first time in my life I was actively losing weight and I had a goal in mind and I wanted to prove to myself I could get there, in spite of a list of "no gym/no money" excuses

Now I did have some foundation...during my teens I worked out off and on, and on the weekends my dad made me jog with him. I was about 240-250lbs stocky-muscular for most of the latter part of high school('98-'99). But in 2003 I got really indulgent and neglectful and balloned up to a fatty 280lbs, and that's when i decided to lose the weight.

In these pics there's about a 50-60lb difference...I started losing weight in January, by march/april when the "before" shots were taken, I had already lost between 16-26lbs(just speaking pure numbers, not taking into account the relative fat/muscle ratios).

Arms Comparison

Back Comparison

Legs Comparison

Torso Comparison

Yet people kept saying "Wow, you're getting HUGE", "You're bulking up nicely!", etc. People really just muscle definition is not tied to "size/bulk" but just how low your bodyfat percentage is to allow your muscles to show through your skin. Anywho, i never quite got the "sixpack" i was hoping for, and i put some of the weight back on since then. After 11 months of constant weight loss, I got physically and mentally drained. But i'm working on getting lean again, in fact, lost 3 lbs last week.

Good shit man! Keep it up.


Take that picture of Dre down. That guy has been lifting weights for 5 years - I doubt he used. Now Timbaland, that guy used for sure.


reilo said:
Regular Joe lives with MMA fighter Luke Cummo for 10 days and undergoes the same regiment and eats the same food as him. These are the results:



You need to understand that, for 5 months, Bale's entire life was getting into shape with some of the world's best nutritionists and trainers. No movies, no other work, nothing.

Here is Luke's take: http://forum.lukecummo.com/viewtopic.php?t=1145

Respect for Regular Joe. Nice job!
OmniGamer said:
Thanks man, congrats to you too...I forgot to mention my height in relation to my weight, which is about 6'4"/6'5". As for the torso thing, i'll get back to you on that when i'm that lean again(and hopefully leaner) ;-). I'm at 231 right now, down from 234 a week ago. In general though, my skin wasn't supertight around my muscles.

Yea, that was my general point. I have the same problem around the muscle groups. I've found that adding mass does help, but it can only go so far.


A trainer at my gym said there was no way Bale got to his Batman Begins physique after The Machinist without performance enhancing drugs. And this guy was way bigger than Bale.

I'm sure steroid use is rampant amongst actors. It's not like they have to use a lot of the stuff over a long period of time, so health risks are minimized.


Junior Member
ManDudeChild said:
I guess just saying bump would be annoying. How about I go with, I agree with you esbern.

oh its not really a bump, sorry...

a bump is when you go back a month and yell "hahaha you are so stupid!"


Darko said:
this explains timbaland and dr.dre....

The entire Aftermath roster practically. Timbaland was hanging with Dre alot when he went all Hulkish. 50 cent is at the heart of it there. 50, then Busta Rhymes, Timbaland and Dre.. Hell, even Eminem bulked up a little bit. Might even be the reason for his recent health problems.

These guys aren't getting into shape, they're all of a sudden getting straight buff.

I believe it. MJB was getting cellulite and getting flabby a couple years ago, now she's in better shape than ever? Better than when she first hit the scene and was young?

It's not too hard to fathom if you look at it with an open mind.

You think 50 has the time it takes to work out enought to get to monster atstus?

He's massive. He used to be chubby in his early 20s... now he's in his early 30s and as busy as you can possibly be and looks like this?:

esbern said:
oh its not really a bump, sorry...

a bump is when you go back a month and yell "hahaha you are so stupid!"

Oh dont be sorry, I just wanted it up a bit higher cause he's really acting like an ass to everyone and, well i'm enjoying it as much as you are :)

ImperialConquest said:
The entire Aftermath roster practically. Timbaland was hanging with Dre alot when he went all Hulkish. 50 cent is at the heart of it there. 50, then Busta Rhymes, Timbaland and Dre.. Hell, even Eminem bulked up a little bit. Might even be the reason for his recent health problems.

These guys aren't getting into shape, they're all of a sudden getting straight buff.

I believe it. MJB was getting cellulite and getting flabby a couple years ago, now she's in better shape than ever? Better than when she first hit the scene and was young?

It's not too hard to fathom if you look at it with an open mind.

You think 50 has the time it takes to work out enought to get to monster atstus?

He's massive. He used to be chubby in his early 20s... now he's in his early 30s and as busy as you can possibly be and looks like this?:


Kinda OT, but anyone else just instantly think "wanna hit him" when he has that look on his face? It's like the teeth are begging for it.
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