So we've finally reached the final week of the now meaningless regular season. One more week before this farce is complete and the playoff selection committee can reveal the identities of the 4 teams selected for the playoffs. One more week before the playoff selection committee opens the envelope, announces "Boise State, Marshall, Colorado State and UAB (might as well send them out in style)," flips a bird to the P5 conferences and drops the motherfucking mic.
Top 25 Recap
**might be coming later**
Week 14 Wall of Shame
User Name Posts
Yaboosh 146
Lonestar 144
Randolph Freelander 123
Frustrated_Grunt 108
perfectchaos007 83
pxleyes 79
outunderthestars 76
mre 72
bucknuticus 68
Kacar 67
Vanillalite 61
BertramCooper 60
Limedust 59
ksharp 57
GoldenEye 007 54
Meier 41
andycapps 39
Purple Cheeto 39
sf2fanatic 37
jjasper 36
Championship Week Schedule*
Friday, December 5
9:00 PM No. 11 Arizona vs. No. 2 Oregon
Saturday, December 6
4:00 PM No. 1 Alabama vs. No. 17 Missouri
8:00 PM No. 3 Florida State vs. No. 16 Georgia Tech
8:17 PM No. 14 Wisconsin vs. No. 6 Ohio State
*No Big 12 team game included because they apparently don't crown a champion anyway.