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CFB Week 6: Michigan Men Play Through Concussions


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
If someone else wants to do the thread today feel free. I'm out of town but will do it tomorrow if no one has done it by then.

Not hiding from that soul crushing loss to fucking Mississippi. Just busy with family shit, thank God.









Not a fan of Oregon/Oklahoma being ahead of Arizona/TCU. The only reason they are is preseason rankings... and a horrible reason that is.

I'm kind of surprised that Stanford is still ranked, especially with Utah (4-1) and Louisville (5-1) looming. At least Utah has a big road win against #17 UCLA, and Louisville has three ACC wins and the sixth-ranked scoring defense.


ECU marching up the rankings! Thanks to everyone and their mom losing of course, but taking care of business.

That was a quality 21 point win over the worst team in college football. I kid, I kid. At this point, it's just about getting wins for ECU for the access bowl spot. I'm looking forward to our game the last week of the season. Hopefully it can be a 10-1 ECU vs 9-2 UCF game.


Is Starkville stocked with rich & overbearing southern baptist brats? The last time I was in Waco I got to see a group of folks try laying on of hands on a person obviously down on their luck but very uninterested in their bullshit and a few people use the 'N' word in polite conversation. Add in their student population's heavy lean toward spoiled rich brats and the place can be incredibly unpleasant. Never been to Starkville but I'll take it any day of the week.
Fair enough. Waco does appear to suck from my limited experience.
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