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CFBWeek5: Clempsoning | klmsneng | Verb | to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

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That was hard to watch.

Even worse is Hoke's response to questions about the decision to put Morris back in.


If Brady Hoke isn't fired, he should be suspended for this quote. http://t.co/lXsOQh78pO pic.twitter.com/3XIdBgxYJl
— Doug Kyed (@DougKyedNESN) September 28, 2014

Hoke does not know why morris was taken off the field on a cart
— Mark Snyder (@Mark__Snyder) September 27, 2014

Hoke said that if Shane didn't want to stay in the game, he would've said so. In a case where he is clearly injured, that's coach's call.
— Joshua Henschke (@JoshuaHenschke) September 28, 2014

Look at this photo and tell me he is not concussed, TELL ME. (Photo Credit: Leon Halip, USA TODAY) pic.twitter.com/FNR75YG2Sv
— Joshua Henschke (@JoshuaHenschke) September 28, 2014

(Sorry, too lazy to include all the links, but they're in the article linked above.)

If I have time, I'm going to watch the Florida State game on ESPN3 tomorrow since I missed it this afternoon. Just from how they've played this year that I have seen, you'd think they'd slip in the polls or at least lose more #1 votes. Clemson might get back in, but at 2 losses, I think they'll be waiting for a while.

Numbers 2, 3 and 4 were all idle this week, Number 1 doesn't lose its spot in that situation no matter how they won.
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