Really Alex
He's already on the "Sandy Hook was actors" bit he can't back off this one or his audience might finally start seeing the man behind the curtain. Then he's just a bitter old man with no income.
Really Alex
the violent left = broken windows maybe a torched car
the violent right = bodies
Let me ask, are you on nazi forums trying to reasonably talk things out with them are do you just get off telling the targets of nazi violence and rhetoric how to react?
I dont understand how you're connecting the first amendment with Donald Trump not wanting to shrink his base? So many other republican politicians under the same constitution spoke out against this.
I'll take a 'grand stand' against any and all social authoritarianism because it isn't what this country is supposed to be about. You dont compromise liberty to address problems. That's when the terrorists win. You also can't talk to people about their awful opinions if they're not allowed to say their awful opinions. We're already in a horribly anti-discussion culture here in the US. We're not about to worsen that with the easy way out.
You and the other moderates are potentially worse than the nazis with your quick judgments on how the oppressed should respond to violent oppressors. Yeah, tell me more about MLK while completely missing the point. Tone deaf as fuck
I genuinely am not sure how I can make it any clearer? What is confusing you?
I simply said (and I was merely playing devils advocate) that a reticence to use violence does not equate to condoning Nazism and that conflating the two is unfair and politically counter-productive. Seems self-explanatory to me.
I mean if you look at Canada and Germany today and think well at least we don't have Social Authoritarians you have a problem.
Fuck you, Sheryl
lets just punch them all until they phase into the nazi shadow realm
perpetual race war, fellas. blood in the streets. woo!
or I just disagree with you. That's politics. Pardon me if this comes across as preachy, but these sort of disagreements are the kinds you have to swallow in a free society. You dont get to just pass laws to tell people to shutup.
Trump the uniter
or I just disagree with you. That's politics. Pardon me if this comes across as preachy, but these sort of disagreements are the kinds you have to swallow in a free society. You dont get to just pass laws to tell people to shutup.
Is that Joey Salads?
Is that Joey Salads?
I dont recall telling a victim how to react. You might be misreading something I've said.
I'm addressing people who want to pass laws to prevent protests of any kind from these people. That isn't freedom. That's antithetical to the principles of free protest were built on. That's injecting a local anesthetic to a bloody, severed stump.
Last I checked the Nazis put queers in concentration camps, so no, I don't have less skin in the game. But maybe next time don't be "tone deaf as fuck" by assuming my demographic status from my political positions.
Is that Joey Salads?
Solutions, please?
I think he is. Wtf is that armband.
So you ain't about shit. Got it. You're useless. You're not actually talking about anything of relevance. You're just hitting keys on your keyboard.
or I just disagree with you. That's politics. Pardon me if this comes across as preachy, but these sort of disagreements are the kinds you have to swallow in a free society. You dont get to just pass laws to tell people to shutup.
When did I make any assumption about your sexuality? You think because you're queer that you're automatically some ally? Is that honestly how you think it works?
you're tone deafness continues
Milo.Last I checked the Nazis put queers in concentration camps, so no, I don't have less skin in the game. But maybe next time don't be "tone deaf as fuck" by assuming my demographic status from my political positions.
"I want to murder all minorities and establish a white Christian ethnostate"
how the fuck do you argue against this? this isn't a real opinion?
and this is what they actually believe, their side's explicit goal is this
I like my world view, thanks.LOL
You live in a country that lets Nazis roam free, you're fundamentally less free because of it.
You're moralizing to me about A Free Society, you're echoing American Exceptionalism on a day where Nazis marched and ran over people...
Um, you might be right. Holy shit.
It's one of his stupid attempts for fame.
I dont recall telling a victim how to react. You might be misreading something I've said.
I'm addressing people who want to pass laws to prevent protests of any kind from these people. That isn't freedom. That's antithetical to the principles of free protest were built on. That's injecting a local anesthetic to a bloody, severed stump.
tell the people that got ran over and beaten today they need to pump your ego. If you can't see the need to do something and need your ego stroked, you don't really care and just dead weightAnd there goes the context again. Right out of the ballpark. UN-BE-LIEV-A-BLE.
Could I have been any clearer in my original post in saying TWICE that I was personally of the persuasion that force is probably going to be a necessary tool in fighting these fuckers?
The entire point of my post was merely expressing my dismay at how readily people cast-aside and marginalise potential political allies (WHO SHARE THE SAME FUCKING CONTEMPT FOR WHITE SUPREMACISTS AS YOU DO) by resorting to shitty strawmen arguments and false labels rather than convincing them... a) what your strategy is and b) why it is the best course of action.
In a crisis people need to feel like soldiers, not victims, and whether it is at the ballot box or in the trenches of a bitter street protest, the more soldiers you have with you, the better.
My uncle is a huge reason I took a professional interest in politics. For decades he fought the far-right in Britain (from Neo-Nazis to predatory captalists) before and during the Thatcher years and has the physical and mental scars to prove it. And he bemoans over and over again that they had spend so much time trying to counter the "Splitter!" tendencies within their own ranks to stop the left eating each other alive as much as they spent battling the right. Next time you watch the Life of Brian and chuckle at the Judean Peoples Front stuff, just think about it.
Very easy to see the same thing happening again in this very thread. Drop the ego and bring like-minded people with you, or Breitbart and /pol/ fucks will be posting Sesame Street "L" gifs about us in 2018 and 2020.
I'll leave it there. Because it doesn't seem like we are going to change each others minds.
"Poor ISIS members getting punched in the face!" This is how people sound to me defending this shit. Pretending they're "moderate". They're not moderate. Nothing moderate about treating White terrorists as anything other than terrorists. You know what that is? Enabling. That's right. You're enabling more right wing terrorism to continue by not calling it blatantly out and treating it for what it is.
No one would protect US born ISIS members to walk down the street, fly ISIS flag and call for the death of Americans. But it's ok for White terrorists to do the same? Why?
Absolutely nothing in that quote disagrees with nonviolence.
Because King never advocated violence.
There were not rifles at Selma, at least none wielded by the protesters. In Montgomery, King never bombed the buses, or city hall. He never once wavered from his commitment to nonviolence, and that is why he was as successful as he was.
White America has diluted King into an anodyne Mr. Rodgers "let's all get along," figure, but the left's attempt to portray him as a latter day Che Guevera is hardly more historical.
Still worried about #Charlottesville? Then you're a useful idiot.
Since you assert that we'll be in a perpetual race war by fighting back against assholes who want to ethnically "cleanse" us, yeah you kinda are telling people how to react.
You didn't answer my question. You believe these people can be reasoned with by talking to them, right?
Are you taking it upon yourself to talk to them or do you just get off telling people to tolerate men marching for the right to wipe us out?
is that fucking joey salads??
tell the people that got ran over and beaten today they need to pump your ego. If you can't see the need to do something...
So fucking progressive.
Yeah I do personally. I have a couple alt-right 'friends' i talk with fairly often. I try to discuss things and keep it civil. I dont think they've been anything but bettered by our discussions. You dont convert a person in a weekend.
We arent in an improved state of race relations today because of nazi punching. When better, rational viewpoints dominate the market of ideas, society improves itself over time. That's how things have always been.
What the hell is he even alluding to?
That's my point... you think America is exceptional aka better because they don't have those laws.I like my world view, thanks.
Im not into American exceptionalism by any stretch. I dont mean to convey the idea that I think America should uniquely have these ideas. Although I see how it would seem that way what with my talk of what 'this country' was built upon. I dont support these sort of laws anywhere.
Yeah I do personally. I have a couple alt-right 'friends' i talk with fairly often. I try to discuss things and keep it civil. I dont think they've been anything but bettered by our discussions. You dont convert a person in a weekend.
We arent in an improved state of race relations today because of nazi punching. When better, rational viewpoints dominate the market of ideas, society improves itself over time. That's how things have always been.
is that fucking joey salads??
.Kill all the nazis
The West Wing ruined political discourse for this generationmate you are delusional if you think the bolded is remotely true. it is to live in an aaron sorkinian version of reality if you think you can convert every single person who despises leftist policies with your godly rhetoric... people need to be dragged kicking and screaming into progressively through political power manifested as policy