This is just my opinion. It’s how I feel and I hope to start a discussion on this. I don’t expect everyone to either agree or disagree.
So there are 3 main issues I would like to point out as to why I view this topic the way I do.
I am also not trying to insult anyone with this thread. Important to know in advance.
Here we go.
Gaming Media.
This is the start for me personally. The Gaming Media imo is just not anywhere near as professional as other forms. I’m not talking about style or the use of the language, but rather professionalism and knowledge.
I’ll Give you a few examples.
Jason from Kotaku “breaks” news that the next Call Of Duty isn’t Ghosts 2.
Sorry this one sticks in my side pretty good. Simply because this isn’t news worthy imo. It’s not news!
Charlieintel is the website that has been reporting (from it’s sources) that the next Call Of Duty will be Modern Warfare 4 or another Modern Warfare. They had this up since before summer 2018!
Are we so starve for information that we will take any? Even this absolute nothing information? Is it just important for Gaming Websites to have new content? Something up really quick?
How is it that the standards for having an article up on your website is no higher than when someone posts a thread on NeoGAF?
I wonder how deep Jason from Kotaku had to reach in his “inside sources” bag to pull this piece of information out. Did he have to confirm with multiple sources? Did he even need to ask at all? I didn’t! The only time IT’S NOT GHOSTS 2 is news was before they announced Infinite Warfare.
What’s the next gem Jason from Kotaku is gonna grace Gaming with? That Bryce Harper won’t be in the new Madden! Michael J. Fox won’t be a playable character in Mortal Kombat 11! Breaking News smh.
My point is that I expect articles like this to be found on amateur run websites that have no insider information or some nobodies twitter feed. Not Gaming journalist run websites.
But gaming news sites are filled with bullshit articles that are on par with the clickbaity articles you find at the bottom of real news websites. You know the ones that say “you want believe what (insert random person) looks like now.
But most importantly of all… WHERE IS MY ARTICLE ON CALL OF DUTY NEWS!!!
I dropped some info as well. That the Next Call Of Duty isn’t A) Advanced Warfare 2 B) isn’t Big Red One 2 C) isn’t Black Ops IIIII D) isn’t on the PlayStation 2.
Where is my article Charlie Intel? IGN?
and GAF staff, where is my insider status? I’m batting 4 for 4 at 1.000 right now, perfect track record.
I got a perfect name for it. Obvious Insider Information Spreader.
It’s not Ghost 2 isn’t news ffs. If you are gonna drop knowledge on us and write up an article about it, make it about what is and not what isn’t. Tell us what the Next Call Of Duty will be because you have sources. Telling us its not Ghosts 2 is worth less than telling us that their making another Call Of Duty and will release Holiday 2020. Duh!
A recently you have the Ellie and Overwatch story.
I’m not gonna jump too much into this because we have a thread that is current about this. But…
Here’s a great example. Now before I start, I want to make clear that there is NO excuse to harass anyone, dox, threaten to dox anyone.
But the fans didn’t call bullshit because “Ellie” was a woman. That’s a fucking lie. As PC gamer said “but one thing is certain: none of this would have happened if Ellie weren't a woman."
Actually no… that’s not true. And there is a reason people suspect “Ellie” not being a new player. Check out the thread on the topic we have here
But there is a reason that the Overwatch community suspected. And none of those things made the articles. Why?
Its incredibly sad that I had to get that information from Gaffers and it wasn’t present in the “news” articles written about the situation.
How can you write a news article on a topic and be so uninformed on it? Were you too busy surfin’ twitter for your next news story?
And how did random NeoGAF users out information you… the supposed professional?
I’m not gonna to keep digging up examples that we already have threads on, except to say this lol.
The Battlefield V controversy was not about Women in Battlefield. Women have been in the last 3 Dice games prior to V. Women were in Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and Battlefront 2. And that’s something I didn’t see brought up in articles covering the supposed story.
Why not? Wouldn’t that be something interesting to investigate? Why the Dice community suddenly decided after having 3 games with Women soldiers they aren’t OK with it?
The concern after reveal from the Dice fans were A) customization and how microtransaction heavy will the game be B) will we be able to tell friend from foe at first glance C) Over the top action vs Serious Tone.
The media reported on it and crafted the gender narrative. You started that.
The Gaming Media imo is largely immature.
The Gaming Companies.
They treat their consumers like children when it suits them. I don’t know another way to put it.
Most had a Mom or Dad that wasn’t ready to give up the mystery of Christmas. You are a growing boy or girl, very aware of no Santa, you have touched yourself and at least one of you had your very own CUM CLOSET! Unwrapped gifts sitting in the basement that you saw. Everything you said you wanted this year, including the new Bike.
“Hey Mom! Can I ride my new Bike early”?
“What Bike”?
“The Bike I got for Christmas”.
“Huh? Whatch you talking bout son”?
“The Bike in the Basement”
“That isn’t yours. I guess you need to wait until Christmas to see want you got”
“OK” smh.
Sounds a lot like E3 to me.
“Activision, you ready to talk about the new Call Of Duty”?
“What about the leaked screens from the game”?
“What about that Billboard you just put up in LA with the cover art and name? You ready to talk about it now”?
Guess you have to wait until E3!!!
Fucking stop lol. Stop with the stupid mystery about things that don’t need it.
Imagine if HBO was hush about whether they were making GOT Season 8 right now. Imagine if Marvel was hush on whether they were making another Avengers movie right now.
It’s silly at this point. Stop operating as if the internet doesn’t exist and we are still in the age of gaming magazines and gaming hotlines.
Don’t mistake me, we are to blame for this too.
“I think Sony won E3 because they had the most surprises”
“I think Microsoft won E3 because they had the best surprises”
Enough of the bullshit. You ain’t getting much by us anymore.
If you are ready to put up a picture on the side of a building, covering the whole building with the name of your game and box art… you should have been ready to talk about your game.
Enough of the teaser trailers for teaser trailers for your game reveal lol. Save the date in order to save another date for another date where we reveal to you our game and pretend that you haven’t had most if not all the information already. What world map that leaked 12 months ago… stop it.
The loot boxes (children’s blind bags) and allowing people to give you money (preorder) for a product you refuse to give information on is scummy af. Its so bad now that they aren’t telling you everything you get as a preorder bonus when you preorder.
Buzzwords that mean nothing good like “Beta” and “infinite possibilities”.
Siege ranked is still in BETA. Now Online releasing after single player releases is a BETA. Stop using this word to excuse your lack of polish and/or planning.
Stop lying to us. Telling us that your Console will be 4K ready thanks to the power of the cloud (Microsoft) and the dangers to children from crossplay when you don’t monitor your online system for harassment anyway (Sony).
For the player
We have to get away from encouraging journalist and companies to act the ways they are. Journalist aren't going to stop their nonsense if we don't stop giving them revenue for it. And companies won't stop their scummy business practices if we don't stop buying into them. The old "fool me once, shame one you. Fool me twice shame on me".
Got to stop participating in harassment of others. Don't mistake playful shit talking in Online Games as harassment. But understand that it is a real issue for people. Harassing and doxxing people aren't reasonable actions to issues you have, regardless of the topic.
Its immature to account suicide with porn images and ruin everyones time because you have anger. Its child like to harass someone because they beat up in TDM. Its immature to try to get a game canceled and unemployed hundreds of people because you don't like a single staff member.
How can you expect a developer to listen to your concerns when you are communicating via hissy fit only?
There needs to be a more of an effort to act in a mature manner from the gaming audience.
TLDR version :
had a cum closet when he was younger. But he has since grown up. But the industry still acts like
is a child with a cum closet.
So there are 3 main issues I would like to point out as to why I view this topic the way I do.
- The Gaming Media isn’t professional or on par compared to their counterparts in entertainment, politics, sports.
- Companies treat their Fanbase/Audience/Consumers like children. Unlike how Companies in other forms of entertainment treat their consumers.
- Actions of fanbases and interacting with their fellow fans and industry.
I am also not trying to insult anyone with this thread. Important to know in advance.
Here we go.
Gaming Media.
This is the start for me personally. The Gaming Media imo is just not anywhere near as professional as other forms. I’m not talking about style or the use of the language, but rather professionalism and knowledge.
I’ll Give you a few examples.
Jason from Kotaku “breaks” news that the next Call Of Duty isn’t Ghosts 2.
Sorry this one sticks in my side pretty good. Simply because this isn’t news worthy imo. It’s not news!
Charlieintel is the website that has been reporting (from it’s sources) that the next Call Of Duty will be Modern Warfare 4 or another Modern Warfare. They had this up since before summer 2018!
Are we so starve for information that we will take any? Even this absolute nothing information? Is it just important for Gaming Websites to have new content? Something up really quick?
How is it that the standards for having an article up on your website is no higher than when someone posts a thread on NeoGAF?
I wonder how deep Jason from Kotaku had to reach in his “inside sources” bag to pull this piece of information out. Did he have to confirm with multiple sources? Did he even need to ask at all? I didn’t! The only time IT’S NOT GHOSTS 2 is news was before they announced Infinite Warfare.
What’s the next gem Jason from Kotaku is gonna grace Gaming with? That Bryce Harper won’t be in the new Madden! Michael J. Fox won’t be a playable character in Mortal Kombat 11! Breaking News smh.
My point is that I expect articles like this to be found on amateur run websites that have no insider information or some nobodies twitter feed. Not Gaming journalist run websites.
But gaming news sites are filled with bullshit articles that are on par with the clickbaity articles you find at the bottom of real news websites. You know the ones that say “you want believe what (insert random person) looks like now.
But most importantly of all… WHERE IS MY ARTICLE ON CALL OF DUTY NEWS!!!
I dropped some info as well. That the Next Call Of Duty isn’t A) Advanced Warfare 2 B) isn’t Big Red One 2 C) isn’t Black Ops IIIII D) isn’t on the PlayStation 2.
Where is my article Charlie Intel? IGN?

I got a perfect name for it. Obvious Insider Information Spreader.
It’s not Ghost 2 isn’t news ffs. If you are gonna drop knowledge on us and write up an article about it, make it about what is and not what isn’t. Tell us what the Next Call Of Duty will be because you have sources. Telling us its not Ghosts 2 is worth less than telling us that their making another Call Of Duty and will release Holiday 2020. Duh!
A recently you have the Ellie and Overwatch story.
I’m not gonna jump too much into this because we have a thread that is current about this. But…
Here’s a great example. Now before I start, I want to make clear that there is NO excuse to harass anyone, dox, threaten to dox anyone.
But the fans didn’t call bullshit because “Ellie” was a woman. That’s a fucking lie. As PC gamer said “but one thing is certain: none of this would have happened if Ellie weren't a woman."
Actually no… that’s not true. And there is a reason people suspect “Ellie” not being a new player. Check out the thread on the topic we have here
But there is a reason that the Overwatch community suspected. And none of those things made the articles. Why?
Its incredibly sad that I had to get that information from Gaffers and it wasn’t present in the “news” articles written about the situation.
How can you write a news article on a topic and be so uninformed on it? Were you too busy surfin’ twitter for your next news story?
And how did random NeoGAF users out information you… the supposed professional?
I’m not gonna to keep digging up examples that we already have threads on, except to say this lol.
The Battlefield V controversy was not about Women in Battlefield. Women have been in the last 3 Dice games prior to V. Women were in Battlefield 1, Battlefront, and Battlefront 2. And that’s something I didn’t see brought up in articles covering the supposed story.
Why not? Wouldn’t that be something interesting to investigate? Why the Dice community suddenly decided after having 3 games with Women soldiers they aren’t OK with it?
The concern after reveal from the Dice fans were A) customization and how microtransaction heavy will the game be B) will we be able to tell friend from foe at first glance C) Over the top action vs Serious Tone.
The media reported on it and crafted the gender narrative. You started that.
The Gaming Media imo is largely immature.
The Gaming Companies.
They treat their consumers like children when it suits them. I don’t know another way to put it.
Most had a Mom or Dad that wasn’t ready to give up the mystery of Christmas. You are a growing boy or girl, very aware of no Santa, you have touched yourself and at least one of you had your very own CUM CLOSET! Unwrapped gifts sitting in the basement that you saw. Everything you said you wanted this year, including the new Bike.
“Hey Mom! Can I ride my new Bike early”?
“What Bike”?
“The Bike I got for Christmas”.
“Huh? Whatch you talking bout son”?
“The Bike in the Basement”
“That isn’t yours. I guess you need to wait until Christmas to see want you got”
“OK” smh.
Sounds a lot like E3 to me.
“Activision, you ready to talk about the new Call Of Duty”?
“What about the leaked screens from the game”?
“What about that Billboard you just put up in LA with the cover art and name? You ready to talk about it now”?
Guess you have to wait until E3!!!
Fucking stop lol. Stop with the stupid mystery about things that don’t need it.
Imagine if HBO was hush about whether they were making GOT Season 8 right now. Imagine if Marvel was hush on whether they were making another Avengers movie right now.
It’s silly at this point. Stop operating as if the internet doesn’t exist and we are still in the age of gaming magazines and gaming hotlines.
Don’t mistake me, we are to blame for this too.
“I think Sony won E3 because they had the most surprises”
“I think Microsoft won E3 because they had the best surprises”
Enough of the bullshit. You ain’t getting much by us anymore.
If you are ready to put up a picture on the side of a building, covering the whole building with the name of your game and box art… you should have been ready to talk about your game.
Enough of the teaser trailers for teaser trailers for your game reveal lol. Save the date in order to save another date for another date where we reveal to you our game and pretend that you haven’t had most if not all the information already. What world map that leaked 12 months ago… stop it.
The loot boxes (children’s blind bags) and allowing people to give you money (preorder) for a product you refuse to give information on is scummy af. Its so bad now that they aren’t telling you everything you get as a preorder bonus when you preorder.
Buzzwords that mean nothing good like “Beta” and “infinite possibilities”.
Siege ranked is still in BETA. Now Online releasing after single player releases is a BETA. Stop using this word to excuse your lack of polish and/or planning.
Stop lying to us. Telling us that your Console will be 4K ready thanks to the power of the cloud (Microsoft) and the dangers to children from crossplay when you don’t monitor your online system for harassment anyway (Sony).
For the player
We have to get away from encouraging journalist and companies to act the ways they are. Journalist aren't going to stop their nonsense if we don't stop giving them revenue for it. And companies won't stop their scummy business practices if we don't stop buying into them. The old "fool me once, shame one you. Fool me twice shame on me".
Got to stop participating in harassment of others. Don't mistake playful shit talking in Online Games as harassment. But understand that it is a real issue for people. Harassing and doxxing people aren't reasonable actions to issues you have, regardless of the topic.
Its immature to account suicide with porn images and ruin everyones time because you have anger. Its child like to harass someone because they beat up in TDM. Its immature to try to get a game canceled and unemployed hundreds of people because you don't like a single staff member.
How can you expect a developer to listen to your concerns when you are communicating via hissy fit only?
There needs to be a more of an effort to act in a mature manner from the gaming audience.
TLDR version :