fart said:no yes
fart said:no yes
Fight for Freeform said:The reason why most Conservatives remain hush-hush on these forums is because of this...they know people like Rumsfeld and Cheney are wrong, and they aren't going to bother trying to defend their illegal actions, because they agree, it is illegal.
You will have some "die-hards" (the most polite way I can put it) who will defend them, but for the most part, this thread is a perfect example for that one poster who was wonder why Conservatives shy from posting their views.
Just out of curiousity, do you think Clinton lied under oath?
the vocal gaf population was fairly conservative (which you may recall is a dominant voice in america) until some of us started speaking up. you'll also note the conversation has shifted primarily in threads like this and not in the majority of threads. read the strip club thread or anywhere else ripclawe pops up for an example of this (BLAZING SADDLES IS THE GOLDEN AGE OF NON-PC IE PERFECT KKKOMEDY LOL, AM I RITE??).eggplant said:Pah you should visit some forums where the non-conservatives are a minority and less dedicated to posting on the forum all day.
Pah you should visit some forums where the non-conservatives are a minority and less dedicated to posting on the forum all day.
Fight for Freeform said:There have been threads where conservatives do the majority of the posting, but they still get rocked when it come to arguements. On this very site. It only died down after many facts about the invasion of Iraq became really apparent.
Nerevar said:Just out of curiousity, do you think Clinton lied under oath?
Kuramu said:first of all, telling me to stop defending his "lies" is hardly a way to have open debate.
as for the phrase, i'd say this: i'm taller than my roommate, but i'm not what you would call "tall". it's a reletive comparison
If your problem with Real one is that you have to give information to them to download it, then get it from apples website where you don't have to fill out shit.Kuramu said:do they have that for Mac? does it run smoothly?
Kuramu said:he might very well have intended to imply that, but he might have also simply meant to be very honest about not knowing. that is a matter of interpreting his intentions. choose to interpret it as you will, but you can't call it a lie because you chose to interpret it the way you please
DrForester said:As for the Daily Show clip, I saw that a few nights ago, was on the floor laughing. John Stewart almost has to easy a time with the Bush Administration.
demon said:Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: imámeádiáate
Pronunciation: i-'mE-dE-&t, British often -'mE-jit
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin immediatus, from Latin in- + Late Latin mediatus intermediate -- more at MEDIATE
1 a : acting or being without the intervention of another object, cause, or agency : DIRECT <the immediate cause of death> b : present to the mind independently of other states or factors <immediate awareness> c : involving or derived from a single premise <an immediate inference>
2 : being next in line or relation <the immediate family>
3 a : existing without intervening space or substance <brought into immediate contact> b : being near at hand <the immediate neighborhood>
4 a : occurring, acting, or accomplished without loss or interval of time : INSTANT <an immediate need> b (1) : near to or related to the present <the immediate past> (2) : of or relating to the here and now : CURRENT <too busy with immediate concerns to worry about the future>
5 : directly touching or concerning a person or thing <the child's immediate world is the classroom>
"Taller" is entirely relative. "Immediate", used in any way and in any context, is not.
Now, bearing in mind the definition of "immediate", and how particular Rumsfield is with his words, tell me what "more immediate" means within the context of his statement.
Screw around with the meaning of "more immediate" all you want......Rumsfield fuckin lied, and you're trying to justify it.
minus my misspelling of relative ;pi'm taller than my roommate, but i'm not what you would call "tall". it's a reletive comparison
KingGondo said:If he "simply meant to be very honest about not knowing," he could have said "I simply don't know."
KingGondo said:And I didn't say he lied. That was kind of the whole point of my post: few politicians are stupid enough to lie outright and directly contradict themselves later. That's why it's better to keep things nice and blurred.