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Cheney got BUSTED!! (Daily Show)

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ok, off to the bar to increase my drunken status +5. I think they have a moon crystal down there. Must stop Valua before all is lost


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: im·me·di·ate
Pronunciation: i-'mE-dE-&t, British often -'mE-jit
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin immediatus, from Latin in- + Late Latin mediatus intermediate -- more at MEDIATE
1 a : acting or being without the intervention of another object, cause, or agency : DIRECT <the immediate cause of death> b : present to the mind independently of other states or factors <immediate awareness> c : involving or derived from a single premise <an immediate inference>
2 : being next in line or relation <the immediate family>
3 a : existing without intervening space or substance <brought into immediate contact> b : being near at hand <the immediate neighborhood>
4 a : occurring, acting, or accomplished without loss or interval of time : INSTANT <an immediate need> b (1) : near to or related to the present <the immediate past> (2) : of or relating to the here and now : CURRENT <too busy with immediate concerns to worry about the future>
5 : directly touching or concerning a person or thing <the child's immediate world is the classroom>

"Taller" is entirely relative. "Immediate", used in any way and in any context, is not.

Now, bearing in mind the definition of "immediate", and how particular Rumsfield is with his words, tell me what "more immediate" means within the context of his statement.

Screw around with the meaning of "more immediate" all you want......Rumsfield fuckin lied, and you're trying to justify it.


The reason why most Conservatives remain hush-hush on these forums is because of this...they know people like Rumsfeld and Cheney are wrong, and they aren't going to bother trying to defend their illegal actions, because they agree, it is illegal.

You will have some "die-hards" (the most polite way I can put it) who will defend them, but for the most part, this thread is a perfect example for that one poster who was wonder why Conservatives shy from posting their views.
Fight for Freeform said:
The reason why most Conservatives remain hush-hush on these forums is because of this...they know people like Rumsfeld and Cheney are wrong, and they aren't going to bother trying to defend their illegal actions, because they agree, it is illegal.

You will have some "die-hards" (the most polite way I can put it) who will defend them, but for the most part, this thread is a perfect example for that one poster who was wonder why Conservatives shy from posting their views.

Pah you should visit some forums where the non-conservatives are a minority and less dedicated to posting on the forum all day.


Just out of curiousity, do you think Clinton lied under oath?

I think he did. But it didn't result in another war, with thousands of soldiers (both sides) dying, and collateral damage in the tens of thousands. Plus, Clinton's lying didn't increase anti-American sentiment that much and didn't increase the chance of terrorist attacks.


eggplant said:
Pah you should visit some forums where the non-conservatives are a minority and less dedicated to posting on the forum all day.
the vocal gaf population was fairly conservative (which you may recall is a dominant voice in america) until some of us started speaking up. you'll also note the conversation has shifted primarily in threads like this and not in the majority of threads. read the strip club thread or anywhere else ripclawe pops up for an example of this (BLAZING SADDLES IS THE GOLDEN AGE OF NON-PC IE PERFECT KKKOMEDY LOL, AM I RITE??).


Pah you should visit some forums where the non-conservatives are a minority and less dedicated to posting on the forum all day.

There have been threads where conservatives do the majority of the posting, but they still get rocked when it come to arguements. On this very site. It only died down after many facts about the invasion of Iraq became really apparent.



Fight for Freeform said:
There have been threads where conservatives do the majority of the posting, but they still get rocked when it come to arguements. On this very site. It only died down after many facts about the invasion of Iraq became really apparent.

OK the WMD issue is their big weakness. Remember the sarin shells like a month or so ago? Posters who didn't post for a while came out of the woodwork for that. However, my problem with that forum is the really really nasty personal attacks that go on.


Nerevar said:
Just out of curiousity, do you think Clinton lied under oath?

Clinton lied about having sex. I personally don't care whom he has sex with, as long as it doesn't lead the country into any wars or rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned dollars.

Bush and Cheney, on the other hand, are such massive liars that, while they're sending the country down the toilet, people are praising them for their patriotism. Of course, they're strictly controlling the media such that people are directed away from their lies and only see the carefully orchestrated speeches that they make.

My only wish for Bush and Cheney is that one day they feel compelled to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That would be an interesting sight to see.


Kills Photobucket
i consider myself a conservative as far as where i stand on issues.

I hate bush, hate cheney, hate kerry, liked Clinton

After Kerry or Bush is chosen to screw up for 4 more years I hope McCain runs.

Myself, i'll produly vote for "The guy with the best chance to beat Bush", and unless Nader get's McCain to be HIS running mate, I guess that means I vote for Kerry :p

As for the Daily Show clip, I saw that a few nights ago, was on the floor laughing. John Stewart almost has to easy a time with the Bush Administration.


Kuramu said:
first of all, telling me to stop defending his "lies" is hardly a way to have open debate.
as for the phrase, i'd say this: i'm taller than my roommate, but i'm not what you would call "tall". it's a reletive comparison

"No terrorist state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of our world than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq."


Of all the immediate threats, Iraq is the most immediate.

Your analogy is severely flawed. Here's why:

The Bush Administration has stated that terrorists could strike the United States on any given day, at any given time, thusly making them all "immediate threats" by this Administration's standard; they are immediate by nature, given their impending and unexpected qualities. By this standard, your roommate would already have to be relatively tall, because "tall" equals immediate in your analogy.

Now in Iraq's case, Rumsfeld stated that Iraq's threat was "greater" and "MORE immediate," making Iraq a unique threat, trumping all of the OTHER immediate threats. And in regards to your analogy, YOU would have to be astoundingly tall...or even just being taller by a small difference is enough.

Either way, whether he outright said it or not, Rumsfeld labeled Iraq as an immediate threat because it's higher than the immediacy of the threats that precede it.


Unconfirmed Member
Kuramu said:
do they have that for Mac? does it run smoothly?
If your problem with Real one is that you have to give information to them to download it, then get it from apples website where you don't have to fill out shit.

If it is a protest against the ass-tacular-ness that is real player then, I agree with you, but you are out of luck.


Kuramu said:
he might very well have intended to imply that, but he might have also simply meant to be very honest about not knowing. that is a matter of interpreting his intentions. choose to interpret it as you will, but you can't call it a lie because you chose to interpret it the way you please

If he "simply meant to be very honest about not knowing," he could have said "I simply don't know."

And I didn't say he lied. That was kind of the whole point of my post: few politicians are stupid enough to lie outright and directly contradict themselves later. That's why it's better to keep things nice and blurred.


DrForester said:
As for the Daily Show clip, I saw that a few nights ago, was on the floor laughing. John Stewart almost has to easy a time with the Bush Administration.

Set the Wayback Machine to November 2000. My friend Jack, both of us watching television coverage of the election, says upon hearing Bush winning: "The Daily Show has their meal ticket for the next four years."

He hit that nail right on the damned head.


demon said:
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Main Entry: imámeádiáate
Pronunciation: i-'mE-dE-&t, British often -'mE-jit
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin immediatus, from Latin in- + Late Latin mediatus intermediate -- more at MEDIATE
1 a : acting or being without the intervention of another object, cause, or agency : DIRECT <the immediate cause of death> b : present to the mind independently of other states or factors <immediate awareness> c : involving or derived from a single premise <an immediate inference>
2 : being next in line or relation <the immediate family>
3 a : existing without intervening space or substance <brought into immediate contact> b : being near at hand <the immediate neighborhood>
4 a : occurring, acting, or accomplished without loss or interval of time : INSTANT <an immediate need> b (1) : near to or related to the present <the immediate past> (2) : of or relating to the here and now : CURRENT <too busy with immediate concerns to worry about the future>
5 : directly touching or concerning a person or thing <the child's immediate world is the classroom>

"Taller" is entirely relative. "Immediate", used in any way and in any context, is not.

Now, bearing in mind the definition of "immediate", and how particular Rumsfield is with his words, tell me what "more immediate" means within the context of his statement.

Screw around with the meaning of "more immediate" all you want......Rumsfield fuckin lied, and you're trying to justify it.

i can do the same thing with tall

Having greater than ordinary height: a tall woman.
Having considerable height, especially in relation to width; lofty: tall trees

you compared taller to immediate. the actual comparison is between "taller" and "more immediate". my analogy stands up quite well

i'm taller than my roommate, but i'm not what you would call "tall". it's a reletive comparison
minus my misspelling of relative ;p


KingGondo said:
If he "simply meant to be very honest about not knowing," he could have said "I simply don't know."

i think "i would not be so certain" is close enough to "i simply don't know" both cover that ground

KingGondo said:
And I didn't say he lied. That was kind of the whole point of my post: few politicians are stupid enough to lie outright and directly contradict themselves later. That's why it's better to keep things nice and blurred.

sorry, it can be hard to keep track of who said what. some in here are saying that it is a lie, though. you can say he was implying something, which he very well might have been doing. I was only interested in pointing out that there were no outright lies.
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