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Cheney: Terrorists May (Nuclear) Bomb U.S. Cities

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Dan said:
I don't have quotes, nor do I care to go find any. I watch it on TV, I'm not scribbling down notes or looking up transcripts.

And again, for the THOUSANDTH time in this thread, I'm not arguing that Kerry, or even Bush, is wrong. I'm saying that there are more intelligent ways to prove a point without relying on so much fear. It's just so demeaning to the entire democratic process. That's it from me, since you clearly haven't read any of my last few posts.

I've clearly read your last few posts. While I agree with you, Bush is far more, farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr more, guilty of your implications than Kerry is.


Dan said:
I don't have quotes, nor do I care to go find any. I watch it on TV, I'm not scribbling down notes or looking up transcripts.

And again, for the THOUSANDTH time in this thread, I'm not arguing that Kerry, or even Bush, is wrong. I'm saying that there are more intelligent ways to prove a point without relying on so much fear. It's just so demeaning to the entire democratic process. That's it from me, since you clearly haven't read any of my last few posts.

The point being, Dan, Kerry -- no matter your repeated accusations of demagoguery -- has a foundation for his charges, while Bush's stumping consists of little more than appeals to our baser senses, in much the same way as Tom Ridge's useless color code terror alerts. More than the delivery, it is the message that is paramount.


And even i am moderately surprised
if you vote bush, there is a chance that you may get to sleep with the supermodel of your choice....

Kerry is weak on hot sexxors with hot chixxors/menzorz, and i doubt he'd make such a commitment as our dear president. Infact him and his "liberal" friends voted against such a move saying that it was "unrealistic" and "not achievable". Well, on voting day, send a message to Mr Kerry and his "liberal" chums - WE WANT HOT CHIXXOR S3X.

so why would you not vote Bush?
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