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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter


Clothed, sober, cooperative
He's veering remarkably close to just blurting out the n word or "so what if I worked with Russia" - the style of lying in yesterday's NBC interview "I called once he called the other time, I believe..." is the rapid fire sophisticated dissembling my eight year old daughter uses to explain why she's wearing a Pokemon costume to school.


I will be so torn when he finally gets impeached.

On the one hand I will be incredibly happy this orange manturd is finally out of office. On the other hand I'll miss watching the absolute slow-crashing trainwreck this man and his administration is.


He is literally blackmailing someone in public, like, it's right there for all to see.

This is actually him threatening a real human being into keeping quiet or else.

For fuck's sake, impeach him already!
Not how the US system works. There will not be a new presidential election until 2020. If need be, they will continue going down the line of succession.

Im from germany so I dont know. But wait so republicans stay and just get another person do it? Thats a ....weird system



Ah, the smartest of presidents. The smartest!

I'll never get used to just how much J.K Rowling destroys fools on Twitter these days.

The woman can be lethal.
Straight up blackmail now. That's how far we've come in less than half a year.
And the Trumpists are falling over their own feet cheering at him for "saying how it is", still?



Ah, the smartest of presidents. The smartest!

Fucking bonkers. Like he's the only busy president? This is such a fucking shit show, I'm having a harder and harder time having respect for anyone who still supports this man. People who do so are actually dangerous either through malice or stupidity.


Unconfirmed Member
He's veering remarkably close to just blurting out the n word or "so what if I worked with Russia" - the style of lying in yesterday's NBC interview "I called once he called the other time, I believe..." is the rapid fire sophisticated dissembling my eight year old daughter uses to explain why she's wearing a Pokemon costume to school.

Yeah that's what struck me listening to that part of the interview.

He answers questions way too fast. To some it may seem like he's telling the truth, but I don't think truthful people recalling events would have those moments queued up to respond to so quickly. He's just really good at lying on command but doesn't really know how to sell it.
It took years to get Nixon, it's going to take less than a year to get Trump.

In part because Trump doesn't even have 1/10th of Nixon's intelligence.


No we've been through this, that's the worst thing to do. Keep him on Twitter, keep letting him stupid statements that will shoot himself in the foot. This is how his Muslim Ban failed, because he called it that on Twitter.

Once he has been removed, then Twitter should delete his account and ban him.


What I dont get is why Ryan is backing up trump/pence. Ryan is the next in line if those two are out of the picture.

The reason is because Republicans need Trump supporters to even have a shot at winning elections and since those morons listen to every single thing Trump tells them, the GOP are afraid to do anything that might anger him.
This is just not normal. Trump must have some intense grudge for this guy because a normal person doesn't keep attacking the person he fired a few days ago.


Funny how easily you get used to this shit.

Convinced this one tweet would have led to the impeachment of every president before him.

Now it´s just another day in crazy town.
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