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Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder |OT| Relying on NostalJunk


Neo Member
I've been having a lot of fun with this one. My house is a little less lit than most, so pictures are a little tricky, but it's still a joy to play.

I'll go as far as saying this is the best use of AR I've experienced on the 3DS. Not a BIG accomplishment, to be sure, but certainly fun.


Bought! I expect it to not be very good! But I will buy anything with Chibi Robo on it in the hopes that the original will see a reissue and everybody will get to know the best Zelda3Dish adventure game published by Nintendo!

"it's guy love...between two guys!"


So... is there any real bonus to 100% NostalJunk accuracy besides the cutout things and more museum visitors? Because I really don't think the reward would be worth the effort to get 100% on everything... it feels like luck whether you get 100% or not. I think I'm just gonna set a bar of > 90%.


The "book" film is at such and odd angle, but I got a 100 percent by lining up the top and bottom edges so I'll take it, game is charming as fuck so far easily worth 10bones.

I haven't noticed much in the way of the "horrid" framerate drops yet, yeah it's not silky smooth by any means but it's totally playable.


Yesterday I tried the cutouts thing after getting 100% accuracy in a NostalJunk, basically it means you can take a picture of anything and get the item with that texture without the game checking to see if it's accurate or not, which allows for some objects with crazy patterns and thing alike that.


This will never get released in PAL regions outside of Australia, right ? I really want to play this but I'm not getting my hopes up :(
So speculation time. Whats the "special costume" going to be for the contest? Have they made other costumes in games before?

Do you think in the future we could see like small DLC packages for Chibi Robo? I think a nice little one would be a new costume or 2 plus some films. Maybe charge $2.99 for it.


I hope I'm near the end of the game, getting each silhouette film requires quite a bit of grinding now, and the jobs are showing up less frequently.
This will never get released in PAL regions outside of Australia, right ? I really want to play this but I'm not getting my hopes up :(

Of course it will. The Australian classification board just tends to show ratings months before other regions. That said, we could still be in for a really long wait ahead.


I can't help but note that this game has many of the engine elements that we'd need for a real Chibi-Sequel though.

The next step is a Welcome Home remake, clearly.

...hopefully with fewer graphical flourishes so we can get the game running at a more solid framerate.


I've put about 9 hours into the game, and I'm at the point where new film costs 100 happy points. I feel like that's way too expensive considering how works aren't unlimited :s.
I also had to cheat a few times because I don't own a WiiU, for example.

I feel so disappointed by this game. So very much that I'll probably have to play through the original again after on Dolphin.


I've put about 9 hours into the game, and I'm at the point where new film costs 100 happy points. I feel like that's way too expensive considering how works aren't unlimited :s.
I also had to cheat a few times because I don't own a WiiU, for example.

I feel so disappointed by this game. So very much that I'll probably have to play through the original again after on Dolphin.

Ah man, I'm really sorry to hear this. I definitely want to check out those original games in the series still. It's too bad this wasn't a more satisfying game, from a lot of what I'm reading.
Tried the demo, and I'm not optimistic that I'll get the full game. The series' charm is there, but taking pictures is almost impossible in indoor light at night (which I blame on the terrible 3DS camera) and the environments feel cramped. It feels like the meat of the game has been converted from cool free-roaming exploration to repetitive instance-based play. I hope someday this series either makes it back out of the portable ghetto or they manage to produce something for 3DS with the same scope as the original.


Any tips for 100%. I went to a real electrical socket for the outlet one and can't get over 70% no matter how hard I try.
I'm a little surprised that there doesn't appear to be any guides out. Im having trouble identifying the objects for No. 10 and 11.

All any sites are talking about is the ass censoring.....

EDIT: Oh...11 is..Sushi? Uh ok. I took a picture of a potato.
I think i'm going to pick this up tonight, need something cheery and fun after the week i've had and $10 seems like the perfect price.

should have brought my 3ds to work with me to grab it now


I'm a little surprised that there doesn't appear to be any guides out. Im having trouble identifying the objects for No. 10 and 11.

All any sites are talking about is the ass censoring.....

EDIT: Oh...11 is..Sushi? Uh ok. I took a picture of a potato.

You really shouldn't worry much about the shapes, anything with that shape, whether it is what it's supposed to be or not works. There's a DS shaped film which is at a really odd angle and I took a picture of a toast lol.


You really shouldn't worry much about the shapes, anything with that shape, whether it is what it's supposed to be or not works. There's a DS shaped film which is at a really odd angle and I took a picture of a toast lol.
There is? I got a
film for sending in my first set of 10 stamps.


I'm stuck. I made it to the tenth page of the shop but it only has 1 silhouette film on it. I figured the other three would unlock once I took a picture of it but nothing happened. Has anyone here made it this far yet?

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
Is there even an ending to the game? I'm about 4 hours, and I had a lot of fun, but I'm starting to be bored as I'm repeating the same couple of minigames ad eternam.


Is there even an ending to the game? I'm about 4 hours, and I had a lot of fun, but I'm starting to be bored as I'm repeating the same couple of minigames ad eternam.
Kinda feeling the same way... I loved it for the first few hours but after a while it gets kinda boring. Essentially doing the same things over and over again. Not done with it yet but I may consider it done soon if it never ends. I'm glad I bought it but I'm also happy it was only $10 :p

I think I'll play the GameCube game again after this, lol. Maybe I'll beat it this time too!


I just beat it, took me twenty-one hours. Once you fill up the eighth exhibition room you finish the game. I couldn't figure out how to get the last three silhouette films so I just took three more button photos.

Stuff you get for beating the game:
Infinite battery, the ability to do any job you want whenever you want, and two new jobs.


I just beat it, took me twenty-one hours. Once you fill up the eighth exhibition room you finish the game. I couldn't figure out how to get the last three silhouette films so I just took three more button photos.

Now that you beat it, what score do you think you would give it?

(Also, congrats on your dedication. 21 hrs since Thursday is very impressive stick-to-it-iveness!)


Now that you beat it, what score do you think you would give it?

(Also, congrats on your dedication. 21 hrs since Thursday is very impressive stick-to-it-iveness!)

I'd give it a 6/10, not a bad game but it has a lot of problems. Once the price of silhouette film starts being 150 happy points and higher it becomes a grind to progress. There aren't enough areas to explore and all of the ones in the game are really small without much to do in them. The curator isn't a very interesting character, although he has some funny moments but I never cared about him or his museum.

I am glad I beat it for one reason (Post game content spoilers):
There is something really satisfying about shooting Drake Redcrest in the face while he flies around the screen like Magician from HotD2.


I'd give it a 6/10, not a bad game but it has a lot of problems. Once the price of silhouette film starts being 150 happy points and higher it becomes a grind to progress. There aren't enough areas to explore and all of the ones in the game are really small without much to do in them. The curator isn't a very interesting character, although he has some funny moments but I never cared about him or his museum.

I am glad I beat it for one reason (Post game content spoilers):
There is something really satisfying about shooting Drake Redcrest in the face while he flies around the screen like Magician from HotD2.

Ah, that's too bad that it's not better. Thanks for the impressions, though, it's much appreciated!


21 hours? I don't think I'll be able to get past 11, which is about where I'm at right now. It's just so boring. ):
Yikes. I got to the hundred films and one just came back as a Nostaldud. That's..just plain awful. Especially since its such a pain to get back up to a hundred in the first place. In the least, they could have given you some happy points when you bring back a dud (and a lot more when you put something in the museum.

Is there anything to actually do with the NostalDuds though? It doesn't seem like there's anything to do with them and I've got 5 now. And the stamps seem useless after a point; they asked me which one i wanted, and then it had a selection of like 5 ones I've already done......

The last 2 areas you unlock are bigger, at least it seems like it to me. Kind of cool locals, but I really wish there was more than the 5.

Right now I'm trying to do the Nintendo Items. My Gamepad came back at 84% and Dud'd so that was pretty upsetting to me. I feel bad about doing it, but for some of the items, I just took a picture of the outline on my 3DS, and then had it scan that. Got 100% on a few particularly hard looking items but...its like otherwise some of them are impossible to get anywhere close to 100% unless you had the exact item they used when they put the silhouette in the game.

Ah well. Pretty fun game for $10. I think I'm at 14 hours so far.


Any reviews yet?


Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder brings a lot of quirkiness and value to the eShop, but camera functionality that borders on broken, a couple of questionable design choices and some dreadfully bland mini-games really short circuit the overall potential of the package. That’s not to say that there isn't a good game here, but you’ll need to go out of your way and participate in a less rewarding manner to get the most out of it. If you’re still interested after reading through our criticisms, there’s likely enough here to justify a purchase; otherwise, you’re probably best off leaving this photo undeveloped.

Nintendo Life 6/10


Man, this OT died fairly quickly it seems. Finally bought the game today. Got sidetracked with MH3U, but I had been very much looking forward to the game (was even slated to do the OT myself). A little surprised by some of the reactions, but Skip games aren't for everyone. Can't wait to dig into it myself.
Just got this game today. In short: great ideas but poor execution.

I hope Nintendo tries something more fully blown on the Wii U because I can see the GamePad being put to good use with this and co-op multiplay would be pretty awesome.

Since the GamePad is expensive and range-limited - maybe you could take photos with your 3DS/smartphone and just have them sent to the Wii U - you could even get 4 people walking around the house each with their own 3DS/smartphone to try and take photos fast enough - and then based on what they are successful at doing - working together to build parts of a greater whole (with the GamePad user manipulating those objects and putting them together in the time limit and yelling out what they are missing or sending messages to users capturing photos that they need it retaken).

For example: "Let's build a car" - and 300 pieces are sent out to all the participants who run around the house taking photos - the GamePad user gets updates from what they capture and tries to put the pieces together - and they can ask for back-up and support. It would make for the ultimate family game.

Kind of like an AR Minecraft or something.


A little surprised by some of the reactions, but Skip games aren't for everyone.
Don't kid yourself—the iffy reactions don't have anything to do with it being a Skip game.

I personally adore Skip games, but this one kinda landed with a thud, largely due to the AR being super-tedious and finicky.


Having played the demo I can say this game is beautiful and quirky. But the core gameplay seems kind of boring and the smaller environments take away any sense of exploration. Nintendo should make a full fledged, larger Chibi Robo game with funner gameplay. I'd buy that for sure.


Well, I've played it for a short while, upgrading to the third exhibit. Boring in a Chibi-Robo game never bothers me. I mean, heck, the nature of a Chibi-Robo game is what I love. But some of these mini-games are really obtuse. Even the camera issues and recognition don't bother me that much, as they're kind of to be expected (though not totally excused). But guessing random measurements? Guessing what constitutes a "hardy breakfast" (two meats and an egg doesn't seem all that healthy to me personally, so I got that wrong the first time around)? Some of the mini-games are fun, and I actually find the exploration suitable and enjoyable considering the platform and price.

Kinda torn so far. The vibe is still great; dialogue is good; characters are quirky. The fundamentals, though, seem terribly half-baked. But I've only played a short time. I'll reserve final judgment.


This game was kind of disappointing for me. Every aspect of it just felt like it was doing the same thing as the first game but worse.

• Cleaning up was sort of fun in the original since it only took a few seconds and you got to hear a nice jingle whenever you scrubbed, but now it takes like 20 seconds to properly vacuum up some dust while you hear a boring "WHIIIIRRRRRRR". And that long, repetitive, mandatory sequence every time you take out the trash... ugh.

• It would take you at least an hour to fully explore one room in the Gamecube version, whereas you'll see everything an area has to offer within 5 minutes on 3DS.

• Instead of awesome tunes like Midday Majesty you get... actually I don't know what you get because most of the music is so bland and quiet that I don't even hear it. The best songs are the condiment chefs' theme and the reused Drake Redcrest music. A DASHING HERO FLASHING THROUGH THE SPACEWAYS

• Way too much focus on minigames with quite a few of them being heavily focused on blind luck/trial and error. That robot bomb game is one of the worst things I've ever played. The Chibi-Blaster games are awesome tho.

• The wacky characters and funny dialogue were pretty good, but even then nobody has any real story arc that you resolve over the course of the game. I've heard them hint at problems a few times but nothing seems to come of it. And what's up with their pointless quizzes that, again, can only be won through guessing?

And of course, the only original concept the game has is arguably its worst aspect thanks to the horrendous 3DS camera. Hopefully the next Chibi-Robo game takes a step back and realizes what made the original a classic in the first place.


Hate to double post, but I just downloaded the nominees for the Nostaljunk challenge today, do they tell you if your entry got in? Because I'm pretty sure that Chibi-Robo disc is the one I submitted, but maybe someone else did it before me and that's actually theirs...


Man, bought this game on launch and have been playing it a little bit at a time waiting for it to click. I have to say... it's absolutely terrible.

The camera sucks, the minigames are mostly poor and obtuse, and the exploration is almost completely pointless. The graphics are good, but the framerate is terrible. I also hate how they replaced the chibi house and tele with a boring laptop and cellphone.


Yah, I'd have to conclude as well that the game isn't all that great. I think there's fun to be had and the AR games are fun when the camera will actually work, and all the Chibi Robo charm is present and accounted for, and the soundtrack is fantastic (IMO), and the game is GORGEOUS (at the expense of a low but stable framerate)... but overall it's just a repetitive and mundane game. Exploration isn't really there and the minigames are mostly bleh. I think it's worth $10 but that's really all it's worth.

Hopefully we can see another full fledged Chibi-Robo akin to the first and third games on the 3DS (or WiiU, even if there's a farts chance in the wind of one being made for that system). I hope the game did well enough for Nintendo in any case. I want to see the series continue on.


Yah, I'd have to conclude as well that the game isn't all that great. I think there's fun to be had and the AR games are fun when the camera will actually work, and all the Chibi Robo charm is present and accounted for, and the soundtrack is fantastic (IMO), and the game is GORGEOUS (at the expense of a low but stable framerate)... but overall it's just a repetitive and mundane game. Exploration isn't really there and the minigames are mostly bleh. I think it's worth $10 but that's really all it's worth.

Hopefully we can see another full fledged Chibi-Robo akin to the first and third games on the 3DS (or WiiU, even if there's a farts chance in the wind of one being made for that system). I hope the game did well enough for Nintendo in any case. I want to see the series continue on.

Yeah I'm happy if anything that the series is still alive. The nature of photo finder just makes the fact that we didn't get the 3rd game hurt more though.
Not sure if anyone is still buzzing around and playing, but I happened to notice that my visitor count in the Curator's Office has been steadily going down. I was up to about 21,000 when I finished it, and now its down to like 16,500. Yikes..does this mean we have to continuously change around and put new NostalJunks in the museum?

Also, I was wondering if anyone knew what the costumes the winner got? I'm kind of curious to see, and I've yet to see anyone talk about it anywhere.
Has anyone tried submitting their photo of a can for the latest NostalJunk contest? When I took a picture of a can, I was surprised that
it grew a face and started acting sassy
. It's amusing, but I can't seem to submit my NostalJunk as is. Am I missing something?

Also, I really like this game. I've put a few hours into it since it came out, playing for around 10 to 15 minutes at a time. While the original Chibi-Robo has more interesting and larger environments, I still find cleaning these small rooms to the subtle, jazzy music to be relaxing and satisfying. The mini-games wouldn't be all that fun in most games, but they somehow work here. It could be the charming dialogue and casual goofiness that makes these challenges enjoyable to me.

Taking pictures of things around the house for the museum is fun, despite that the 3DS camera takes some low-resolution shots. It calls for some quick imagination from the player, and I think that is awesome. I look forward to taking part in these NostalJunk contests and seeing what other people submit.

Edit on 4/13/2014:

To anyone who may be curious,
a face
appears on the can if your picture is not a high enough accuracy. The pseudo NostalJunk that I got had 75% accuracy, but I was able to get a genuine can NostalJunk at 98%. I didn't check to see if a shot between 75% and 98% would also create a contest-submittable can.


This is coming out today for Europe.

Despite the middling impressions, I'm picking it up. Not only to support the franchise, but I also found the demo really charming and interesting. It's unfortunate that the camera stuff doesn't really work the way it's supposed to, but I'm willing to put up with that. (Also, the framerate didn't strike me as bad, at all, haha. Guess I'm lucky in that sense.)


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Really enjoying it so far, and Europe keeps the buttocks on the can intact, unlike the American version.
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