SlimySnake Flashless at the Golden Globes Apr 21, 2020 #2 i know i shouldnt laugh but lmao. imagined if this happened to stephen miller.
G Gargus Banned Apr 21, 2020 #3 I bet you can eat your food in peace and quiet at all of their McDonald's
Zenaku Member Apr 21, 2020 #6 First a woman, now a black chinese man. Doctor Who just can't escape this SJW world.
cryptoadam Banned Apr 21, 2020 #7 Gargus said: I bet you can eat your food in peace and quiet at all of their McDonald's Click to expand...
Gargus said: I bet you can eat your food in peace and quiet at all of their McDonald's Click to expand...
DeepEnigma Gold Member Apr 22, 2020 #8 cryptoadam said: Click to expand... Those mofos literally painting them with blackface to spread more anti black racist propaganda.
cryptoadam said: Click to expand... Those mofos literally painting them with blackface to spread more anti black racist propaganda.
I infinitys_7th Member Apr 22, 2020 #9 Apparently the virus also shaves their hair and puts a wig on them. You could say he is a nappy-headed Hu now. Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
Apparently the virus also shaves their hair and puts a wig on them. You could say he is a nappy-headed Hu now.
MasterCornholio Member Apr 22, 2020 #10 DeepEnigma said: Those mofos literally painting them with blackface to spread more anti black racist propaganda. Click to expand... WTF?
DeepEnigma said: Those mofos literally painting them with blackface to spread more anti black racist propaganda. Click to expand... WTF?
D Darth Member Apr 22, 2020 #11 I look forward to the ERA moderation team purposely infecting themselves.
Papa Banned Apr 22, 2020 #12 Darth said: I look forward to the ERA moderation team purposely infecting themselves. Click to expand... The return of Enzom21
Darth said: I look forward to the ERA moderation team purposely infecting themselves. Click to expand... The return of Enzom21
Batiman Banned Apr 23, 2020 #13 Damn that’s fucked.. At first I thought the Chinese were staging black people to look like they’re carrying the virus lol. I wouldn’t put it past them
Damn that’s fucked.. At first I thought the Chinese were staging black people to look like they’re carrying the virus lol. I wouldn’t put it past them
D Darth Member Apr 23, 2020 #14 matt404au said: The return of Enzom21 Click to expand... While he has apparently left there are still plenty clones just like him there from what I can tell.
matt404au said: The return of Enzom21 Click to expand... While he has apparently left there are still plenty clones just like him there from what I can tell.
The Lunch Legend GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist Apr 23, 2020 #16 well, at least they get 2 inches added to their vertical.
cryptoadam Banned Apr 23, 2020 #17 Vier said: well, at least they get 2 inches added to their vertical. Click to expand... And their dongs.
Vier said: well, at least they get 2 inches added to their vertical. Click to expand... And their dongs.
H4ze Banned Apr 24, 2020 #19 I wish Covid would just completely fuck up China into the Shadow Realm, we would be better off without that shithole of a country.
I wish Covid would just completely fuck up China into the Shadow Realm, we would be better off without that shithole of a country.
cryptoadam Banned Apr 24, 2020 #20 Maybe they got hit with those UV lights Trump was talking about. Extreme tan.