No, but as I already see where this is going, the argument that "well, then why should they be forced by law to make that cake with that organization logo on it?" is predicated on ignoring the context of each image, as I already pointed out, and treating them as equivalent when in practicality they are not, as opposition to a tomato is not rooted in religious belief.Answer the other question please. Should the baker be forced by the law to make that cake with a tomato on it, or should he be allowed to refuse the request of that tomato cake?
So now that I've answered your question, please answer mine: is there a possibility to abuse the distinction between refusing an individual cake and refusing a customer to refuse all requests for a protected class of customers to discourage them from buying from you such that you operate under de facto discriminatory practices?
Because let me be clear, I have not been advocating for forcing everyone to create everything regardless but pointing it potential problems with this distinction when we also wish to prevent discrimination against protected class customers. Yet by virtue of not arguing against one, I've been lumped in the other, which makes me question whether my intent was either poorly communicate or simply ignored.