I want to emphasize, particularly ,that this is an awful way to determine what political messages should and should not be allowed. In fact, by this measurement, it would have been completely acceptable to discriminate against gays just a few years ago, as endorsement of gay marriage only passed the 50% threshold within the last few years. "Most people find it offensive" is how minority views have been marginalized for millennia. It's how laws with double standards exist. It allows people to discriminate against X legally because "oh that discrimination is fine because most people find that offensive."
Which is de facto promotion.
Yes they can. Because they do not want to endorse the political message. Should a print shop be able to refuse service to Nazis who want to print flyers proposing that all Jews wear ID badges?
Except that the law has been using that yard stick for a long time now? Go back 50 years and things would be different, 50 years from now, theyll be different again, whats your point? 50 years ago we wouldnt even be talking about gay marriage as anything but a joke. 50 years from now, who knows? I think all political messages should be allowed, and only if the person being asked to make it finds it offensive should they be allowed to refuse a service. And if that is unreasonable they should go to court and a court decide the issue. All they had to do was make the cake.
How is it promotion? Does a person promote gay marriage if a print shop uses their shop to print something in favour? Or against? Or are they just doing their job as a print shop?
Call me old fashioned, but doing your job isnt promoting an idea, unless you are asked to put that in your shop window, have your logo on it... etc... Just do you job? What a novel idea.
Except its not just about a political message, its about discrimination. Its a political message of discrimination. Yes they should be able to refuse the nazis cause that is offensive to most people. Should they be able to refuse someone who thinks marriage should be open to all consenting couples no matter the gender? Should they be able to refuse a group that supports the rights of disabled veterans?
What ever happened to just doing your damn job and keeping your beliefs to yourself? Someone wants a beer? You dont drink but work at a bottle shop? Moral quandry?? Someone wants meat, your a vegetarian cashier?! Oh no!
Keep youre stone age beliefs to your self. Think people should get stoned for adultery. Think that jews are all condemned to hell for killing god. I dont care, most people dont care, just dont go coughing over everyone elses reasonable requests.
Caues if you want to go down all these rabbit holes defending these people, then lets go nuts. Technically, everything is a political message, every 'traditional' wedding cake a statement, every happy birthday a reinstatement of the idea that births are worth celebrating. (Oh no a Jehovahss witness runs a cake shop and doesnt believe in birthdays! Moral quandry!)
People like you guys are why kids are dying in hospitals due to 'parents religous beliefs'. Bam.