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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

I wish I knew more of these games since they are so loved. I tried civ 5 but felt overwhelmed with the options and the tutorial was pretty meh. Felt sort of lost.


My friend and I just put nearly 5hours into it in coop, and it seems really good so far. All the systems seem robust, and the UI seems much improved in terms of information. Religion etc being in from the start is great too, unlike what happened with V where you had to wait until the expansions.

Now to get a tiny bit of sleep before work, lol.


Multi-monitor borderless window is kinda screwed? Part of the window is on the second screen.. being pushed away from the taskbar. Also why doesn't sound play when the game is not in focus.


Multi-monitor borderless window is kinda screwed? Part of the window is on the second screen.. being pushed away from the taskbar. Also why doesn't sound play when the game is not in focus.

It's disabled by default but there's a check box in settings to enable it.


only in the options menu but the theme song makes picking options epic as fuck

also weird that animated time of day wasn't on by default


So apparentaly nothing happens if I hit the play button.. anyone else having this problem?
Preloaded, unpacked everything good to go , hit play and nothing.


Nice. This should go in the OP if possible.

I've created a Strategy section in the OP for this and other helpful things like it.
Man, the fact that your cities can't attack until you build walls and that barbarians start with cavalry and spearman can be brutal if you get a bad seed.
What genius decided to have the map scrolling by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen disabled by default?

It took my like three or four turns to figure out why I couldn't move my view at all.

Aside from that, I'm just happy to be in the game, although obviously you can't judge much from Civ from the opening turns.


I saw someone else mention it (Steam forum?), but does anyone here have the audio bug where audio is crackly and double speed in the intro movie? I'm afraid it will be the same ingame.


Seek victory, not fairness
4K performance is surprisingly good. With everything maxed out I'm hitting about 60% GPU usage for 60 FPS in reasonably crowded scenes. (one Titan X Pascal)


What genius decided to have the map scrolling by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen disabled by default?

It took my like three or four turns to figure out why I couldn't move my view at all.

Aside from that, I'm just happy to be in the game, although obviously you can't judge much from Civ from the opening turns.

Well thanks for that tip. :p


I saw someone else mention it (Steam forum?), but does anyone here have the audio bug where audio is crackly and double speed in the intro movie? I'm afraid it will be the same ingame.
Answering my own question, I had to lower audio quality on my sound card from 192 KHz to something like 96 KHz.


I'm a couple of hours in to my first game and what i have seen so far is extremely promising. With this many hours into vanilla Civ 5 I was feeling pretty let down.

The PC gamer review is right in that this game already has the feature list and complexity of a regular Civ game after a couple expansions. In some respects it feels like a mix of the best parts of both civ 4 and 5. e.g. there are aspects from both the global and local happiness systems from the previous games in terms of how luxury resources are shared between your cities. The new social system is also somewhat of a a mix of Civ 4 and 5 too.

As far as the new diplomacy system goes, i think the work they have put in to making the civilisations have recognisable likes and dislikes is simply brilliant.

A fun AI is not one that always makes the optimal move to maximise its chance of winning at every turn, but one that has comprehensible behaviours that the player can interact with and exploit. The new system allows deeper insight into what motivates your enemies, which in turn will factor into your broader decision-making.

Already I've made more interesting diplomatic decisions than I ever made in Civ 5.
e.g. I managed to goad Cleopatra into war by offending her with my tiny army, only to immediately turn the tables on her by converting my mountains of stockpiled gold into a fresh wave of troops. A fun way to avoid the diplomatic penalty of declaring war.

My favourite new system is the Eureka research boosts though. I've always loved science victories in theory, but in practice they had a tendency to cause games to have very long stretches of not a whole lot going on. There was a lot of time spent on clicking next turn as you waited for the next research to tick over. Having more rewards for getting out into the world and actually doing stuff is just a great idea to combat this problem.

Further, it adds a lot more flavour to each of the different civs by having the terrain influence the direction of your tech to a far greater extent.

Despite all this I feel like I've barely even scratched the surface of the game. There appears to be loads of depth in terms of city planning with all the adjacency bonus stuff, all of which i can't wait to dig in to.

If there was one caveat to my overall enthusiasm, it would be that i simply prefer the art style of Civ 5. I think the new leader screens are stunning in every way, but the look of the world map appears to have favoured clarity of information at the expense of aesthetics. I'm not too fussed though, it's still a very pretty game and perhaps i will appreciate this emphasis on clarity as I head towards the aesthetically busy late-game.

So far I am super impressed with the direction they have decided to take the series.


Now I see what you mean about drag scroll being removed (unless it's an option). Middle clicking to teleport the map feels super awkward.


Scythia seems pretty broken to me. Maybe in a long game they could fall behind. Early game though, they can pump out tons of units.

I need to try them on a harder difficulty. I've rolled pretty much everything I've seen so far.
I'm planning on waiting for the expansions or price drop.......but I clicked on the thread and now I want to play but I have such a backlog and Civ usually goes down in price fast
There is a Windows patch for some redistributables going around that might solve the problem. It's been mentioned in this thread on the last few pages.
That might be it

Found it

Might want to check the Verify Integrity of Game Cache of the game to make sure the download isn't corrupted for some reason. Link on how to do this below


Thanks for the help guys. Tried both of these solutions and neither helped.... decided to restart the computer for like the third time and finally! No clue what happened.

This is off topic but why does windows 10 always display my Disk usage at 100% on start up. Computer runs so slow.

Mr. F

Popped in for a bit before bed, really enjoying the Diplomacy re-haul and additional layers of information.

Also as someone who was a bit cool on the visuals initially, they look fantastic in person.


Scythia seems pretty broken to me. Maybe in a long game they could fall behind. Early game though, they can pump out tons of units.

I need to try them on a harder difficulty. I've rolled pretty much everything I've seen so far.

Don't count on it. Because of the lack of any per-city penalties every city you take that isn't occupied is a net positive for your empire. You can very easily spam horsemen in your capital and use your conquests to develop your economic game with little problem.

Scythia is beyond busted. And I love it.


There is a Windows patch for some redistributables going around that might solve the problem. It's been mentioned in this thread on the last few pages.
That might be it

Found it

does this also apply to windows 10? I'm having the same issue, game won't load at all.
Chose the option that I'm new to Civ, because I never really was good at the Civ games, and I don't think I was asked to set a difficulty setting, but I thought I was doing fine, then this dude declares surprise war on me, and now he has 50 really incredibly strong troops knocking on the doors of both of my cities, and I have no idea how he was able to amass an army of this size.

Last I checked the progress of that game before I had to get a bit of shut-eye before work, I was on a complete downward spiral. I fought off most of his army, but he left my city so incredibly fucked that it's impossible to get to the point I was at previously. Dunno how I angered him. Game literally called it "surprise war".

I'm actually liking the visuals more than I thought I would. Game runs a lot better than V as well. Doesn't take an hour to boot up.

Gonna take awhile to get used to some of the changes. For awhile there, I was wondering if all my builders were getting captured or something, then I found out they're substantially different this time around.

Genuinely surprised by this game. No reason to go back to Civ V now.


does this also apply to windows 10? I'm having the same issue, game won't load at all.

Win 10 isn't in the list of OSs it applies to but you can always try it. If it doesn't want to install on your machine it'll tell you.

From my understanding of Windows 10 all updates are now provided no matter what, so something like the above should be included in the updates Win 10 auto installs - check for updates and see what it says


Don't count on it. Because of the lack of any per-city penalties every city you take that isn't occupied is a net positive for your empire. You can very easily spam horsemen in your capital and use your conquests to develop your economic game with little problem.

Scythia is beyond busted. And I love it.

Not quite true. From memory there's a somewhat opaque system whereby luxury resources are distributed throughout your cities. Therefore more cities = less luxury resources to go around.

Overall though, it is still much more like Civ 4 in that there isn't a global happiness stat that causes an artificial penalty for spreading your empire far and wide.

It's a mix of both systems, and I like how it is handled in 6 so far.


Is there a production queue option like in Civ V? I can't find it but I'm only in the tutorial.

*edit* Also, even in 1680x1050 the text is tiny in the tutorial.
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