They changed the matchmaker to favor people that attained a personal best similar to yours. That's why it's a bit harder because if they attained a similar ceiling but have a leg up in card levels well it'll be a steeper hill to climb.
The matchmaking in this game is bullshit.
I was on vacation the last couple of weeks so I played this game quite a bit, and it's just objectively unfair. As a level 7 player, I constantly get matched against level 9s and 10s, who have more HP per tower. And not just a few HP more, something like 20% more HP! I'm not even saying anything against higher level players' probability of having higher level cards; when many games are decided by just a few HP, having 20% more at the start is an insane advantage.
It's like - I have not once got matched with a level 4 or 5 player. Very rarely do I get someone who is also a 7. Why is it OK for me to constantly get pitted against level 10s?
This wouldn't be as big of a problem if the rewards were appropriate, but how is it fair that when I beat someone that has 20% more HP, I don't get rewarded more (than if I beat someone with less HP than me)? This is just stupid. .
That doesn't sound like it will make things worse for somebody forging their way up the ladder in a genuine way. The biggest impact that would have I think, running the mental math, seems to be pairing off people who purposely drop down the ladder to farm crowns, arguably making it easier for everyone else?
Maybe. Without seeing the actual numbers and weights it's hard to say anything for sure on how this works, but we can imagine a couple shitty angles on it.
Is your trophy high even an accurate reflection of your proper skill? If you happen to go on a good run and set that watermark 200 trophies higher than you "belong", then regress back to your month average, well now you're always going to be fighting uphill.
Also, you're pretty much committing to your high watermark deck. Used to be, if I went on a slide, I'd goof around with a new deck for a bit while tryna climb back up. But that new deck has to have card levels commensurate with my highest-achieving deck or I'm boned. Even if the cards are at a proper level, it takes me a while to properly learn a new deck -- how am I going to learn my new deck while playing against sharks playing their most comfortable deck?
I have managed to reach 5300+ trophies
That's pretty impressive. What deck are you using?
Clan battles are the best. Those games where you and your teammate are in perfect sync... nothing better.
I was busy with work all week. I can open it up today. We should specify the time.
Are there any GAF clans open?
I've been drifting around from Clan to Clan but so far they have not been great.
The Clan I just left didn't even get to first level Clan Battle chest.
Oh hey! What time would be best?
I have time for the next 2 hours or so. Post if you are reading. Elsewise, starting from 20:00 CET.
Maybe once a month.Damn it. I forgot to check yesterday. I'm available whenever today, just post here. Hopefully I'll remember to check back.
So awhile ago I passed on an offer to drop $5 on a Legendary chest thay would have gotten me my first Legendary.
How often do those offers come around? I really regret it.
Damn it. I forgot to check yesterday. I'm available whenever today, just post here. Hopefully I'll remember to check back.
So awhile ago I passed on an offer to drop $5 on a Legendary chest thay would have gotten me my first Legendary.
How often do those offers come around? I really regret it.
Good week of opening free chests:
Good week of opening free chests:
I'm really frustrated. The decks that I seem to struggle with the most involve Clone. At this point I'm seeing many more opponents with cards from Arena 8 and I've not got them myself.
Sometimes I can be ready for it with Arrows but ultimately Clone ends up putting me on the backfoot for the rest of the match.
Usually it's Clone + Lavahound or Golem that does it. Throw a Witch in there and shit gets out of hand really fast. But really, Clone in general is the problem. Had a guy Clone a Giant Skeleton, which in itself was not a problem because the clone is soft, but the two bombs they left behind murdered my tower.
Current deck:
Gobby Spears
Baby D
Another dude that's fuckin up my strategy is Ice Wizard. He puts my matchups behind so that I have a hard time gaining momentum. Tornado is also really good at stalling me out.
Clone is a card that barely gets used at the top end. But where you are at makes it a little trickier to deal with. I don't have any specific advice other than them using clone means they have one less troop card type to use so are less versatile.
On your deck, between arrows, archers, goblin spears, and musketeer you have a lot of cards that do "the same thing". I'd suggest dropping the archers. You'd still have the musketeer for punchy ranged and air attack, and the goblin spears for cheap ranged and air attack and fodder.
In it's place seeing as you are having problems with lavahound, golem, and giant skeleton, I'd suggest inferno tower to draw the attack and deal some serious damage. If you struggle with the elixir cost of inferno tower, tombstone and cannon could be alternatives. These will all help with hog decks too.
Hmm, okay! I'll try that out. I would really like to keep elixer cost down.
I stopped playing for a few months and failed all the GAFers in the clan and they left! I'm ready to jump back into the game, should I delete the old clan? are there openings in other GAF clans?
The clan im in has a spot left if you want. Very active as well
Sure, what's the clan's name?
#Y8CGRR. Neogaf is the name. Say your from neogaf on the request. I will tell you when its opened so we dont get flooded with requests
Edit: How many trophies do you have?
Around 2.2k. I go back and forth between arena 7 and 8.
Around 2.2k
Any chance there's an extra spot in the clan?
Have a lava hound in the shop today, not sure if I should pull the trigger. Sitting on 97k gold and really need a log. Only cards I'm missing at this point are log, hound, lumberjack and inferno dragon. Any suggestions?
Are you planning to build a deck around Lava Hound? If not, don't buy it. No point spending a lot of gold on a card you don't need. You'll need that gold later for leveling your cards.
Yeah so after messing around with my deck and taking some advice I'm now at 2052. Fell all the way from 2264.
Yeah so after messing around with my deck and taking some advice I'm now at 2052. Fell all the way from 2264.
We all need therapy after playing this game on any given dayClash Royale |OT2| HotHamBoy's personal therapy session
I just don't even know what you are expecting any more. The nature of the game means you will hit a new high trophy wall regularly. You are going to go up and down the ladder by a couple of hundred points without even changing anything regularly. Every time you change your deck you'll likely drop trophies initially because you both won't have the new cards levelled and won't be used to the new play style straight away. There is no deck that isn't weak to some other deck.
The magic bullet where you race to the top of the leaderboard without any friction doesn't exist.