Unconfirmed Member
What GAF needs to know is whether this leads to mind powers or zombies.
Everything else is immaterial.
Everything else is immaterial.
I'll try.
Entanglement means correlation. Imagine you have a pair of gloves, you put each on a box at random. Then you give one box to a friend, send him to the Moon and keep the other box. You open your box and find you have a left-handed glove. Clearly, you already know that your friend on the Moon will find a right-handed glove when he opens his box, and no information has to be transmitted from you to your friend or from him to you for this, there is no mystery.
The situation in Quantum Mechanics is quite similar. Pairs of particles may be produced such that their initial state is correlated. This is called an entangled state. You may produce them then separate then by a large distance. Upon performing a measurement, if you find you particle is in a "left-handed" state, you will know for sure that the other will be "right-handed", just like the gloves. Clearly, they are correlated because of the initial state in which they were prepared, like the gloves, and no action a distance is needed.
The weirdness comes because unlike the gloves, where the left handed glove was always left handed, whether you looked in your box or not, in QM the state is only determined upon measurement, i.e., opening your box. This is quite analogous to the famous Schrödinger cat: the cat in not dead or alive until you perform a measurement to determine it. Since the state in determined at the moment of observation, you may then imagine that when you open your box and it comes out "left", your particle rushes to tell the other particle: "hey, I came left-handed, you must come out right-handed, or else!". However, no such signal may be transmitted if the separation between the particles is greater than the distance light would cover in the time between measurements, because transmitting information faster than light is impossible. Even worse, if the separation is that great, it is possible to find a frame of reference where your friend opened his box first, and so, his particle would be the one that influenced yours. Clearly it would be a contradiction, and what most people conclude from this is simply that the state is undetermined until the measurement, but the theory is still local, i.e., there is no faster than light signaling involved. You open your box when you want, your friend opens his, and there is nothing weird about it, because you can only tell each other what result you got if you compare notes, say, by phone, and that is always slower than light.
It turns out that the correlations from entanglement in QM are stronger in a sense than in classical physics, and allow for violation of something called Bell's Inequality. People have done all sorts of experiments trying to find loopholes, but in the end, the predictions always agree with QM. It is a well established theory.
One such loophole, called superdeterminism is that the theory is secretly deterministic, and that even though you think you have a choice about when and how to open your box, you don't, everything is already encoded in the initial conditions of the Universe. This amounts to a gigantic conspiracy, in which what somebody ate from breakfast on the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million years ago is correlated to you opening your box now, because a signal from there is just now reaching us and could alter your experiment. It is simply an untestable and unscientific hypothesis.
What this person has proposed is to compound this ridiculous superdeterminism with the equally ridiculous idea that your mind is apart from the physical world. You see, they want to hook up an EEG machine to a person's head and use the electrical measurements from that to decide how to do the measurement on the entangled particle. The idea is that because the human mind is magical and mysterious, it may introduce a new element, apart from the giant conspiracy, and hence alter the results without the Universe being able to fix it fast enough I guess, leading to result in contradiction with the QM prediction and proving that people are really special and above the laws of physics, after all.
I hope you see that this is compounding a ridiculous and far fetched idea on top of another, and is doomed to fail.
I'll try.
Entanglement means correlation. Imagine you have a pair of gloves, you put each on a box at random. Then you give one box to a friend, send him to the Moon and keep the other box. You open your box and find you have a left-handed glove. Clearly, you already know that your friend on the Moon will find a right-handed glove when he opens his box, and no information has to be transmitted from you to your friend or from him to you for this, there is no mystery.
The situation in Quantum Mechanics is quite similar. Pairs of particles may be produced such that their initial state is correlated. This is called an entangled state. You may produce them then separate then by a large distance. Upon performing a measurement, if you find you particle is in a "left-handed" state, you will know for sure that the other will be "right-handed", just like the gloves. Clearly, they are correlated because of the initial state in which they were prepared, like the gloves, and no action a distance is needed.
The weirdness comes because unlike the gloves, where the left handed glove was always left handed, whether you looked in your box or not, in QM the state is only determined upon measurement, i.e., opening your box. This is quite analogous to the famous Schrödinger cat: the cat in not dead or alive until you perform a measurement to determine it. Since the state in determined at the moment of observation, you may then imagine that when you open your box and it comes out "left", your particle rushes to tell the other particle: "hey, I came left-handed, you must come out right-handed, or else!". However, no such signal may be transmitted if the separation between the particles is greater than the distance light would cover in the time between measurements, because transmitting information faster than light is impossible. Even worse, if the separation is that great, it is possible to find a frame of reference where your friend opened his box first, and so, his particle would be the one that influenced yours. Clearly it would be a contradiction, and what most people conclude from this is simply that the state is undetermined until the measurement, but the theory is still local, i.e., there is no faster than light signaling involved. You open your box when you want, your friend opens his, and there is nothing weird about it, because you can only tell each other what result you got if you compare notes, say, by phone, and that is always slower than light.
It turns out that the correlations from entanglement in QM are stronger in a sense than in classical physics, and allow for violation of something called Bell's Inequality. People have done all sorts of experiments trying to find loopholes, but in the end, the predictions always agree with QM. It is a well established theory.
One such loophole, called superdeterminism is that the theory is secretly deterministic, and that even though you think you have a choice about when and how to open your box, you don't, everything is already encoded in the initial conditions of the Universe. This amounts to a gigantic conspiracy, in which what somebody ate from breakfast on the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million years ago is correlated to you opening your box now, because a signal from there is just now reaching us and could alter your experiment. It is simply an untestable and unscientific hypothesis.
What this person has proposed is to compound this ridiculous superdeterminism with the equally ridiculous idea that your mind is apart from the physical world. You see, they want to hook up an EEG machine to a person's head and use the electrical measurements from that to decide how to do the measurement on the entangled particle. The idea is that because the human mind is magical and mysterious, it may introduce a new element, apart from the giant conspiracy, and hence alter the results without the Universe being able to fix it fast enough I guess, leading to result in contradiction with the QM prediction and proving that people are really special and above the laws of physics, after all.
I hope you see that this is compounding a ridiculous and far fetched idea on top of another, and is doomed to fail.
I'll try.
Entanglement means correlation. Imagine you have a pair of gloves, you put each on a box at random. Then you give one box to a friend, send him to the Moon and keep the other box. You open your box and find you have a left-handed glove. Clearly, you already know that your friend on the Moon will find a right-handed glove when he opens his box, and no information has to be transmitted from you to your friend or from him to you for this, there is no mystery.
The situation in Quantum Mechanics is quite similar. Pairs of particles may be produced such that their initial state is correlated. This is called an entangled state. You may produce them then separate then by a large distance. Upon performing a measurement, if you find you particle is in a "left-handed" state, you will know for sure that the other will be "right-handed", just like the gloves. Clearly, they are correlated because of the initial state in which they were prepared, like the gloves, and no action a distance is needed.
The weirdness comes because unlike the gloves, where the left handed glove was always left handed, whether you looked in your box or not, in QM the state is only determined upon measurement, i.e., opening your box. This is quite analogous to the famous Schrödinger cat: the cat in not dead or alive until you perform a measurement to determine it. Since the state in determined at the moment of observation, you may then imagine that when you open your box and it comes out "left", your particle rushes to tell the other particle: "hey, I came left-handed, you must come out right-handed, or else!". However, no such signal may be transmitted if the separation between the particles is greater than the distance light would cover in the time between measurements, because transmitting information faster than light is impossible. Even worse, if the separation is that great, it is possible to find a frame of reference where your friend opened his box first, and so, his particle would be the one that influenced yours. Clearly it would be a contradiction, and what most people conclude from this is simply that the state is undetermined until the measurement, but the theory is still local, i.e., there is no faster than light signaling involved. You open your box when you want, your friend opens his, and there is nothing weird about it, because you can only tell each other what result you got if you compare notes, say, by phone, and that is always slower than light.
It turns out that the correlations from entanglement in QM are stronger in a sense than in classical physics, and allow for violation of something called Bell's Inequality. People have done all sorts of experiments trying to find loopholes, but in the end, the predictions always agree with QM. It is a well established theory.
One such loophole, called superdeterminism is that the theory is secretly deterministic, and that even though you think you have a choice about when and how to open your box, you don't, everything is already encoded in the initial conditions of the Universe. This amounts to a gigantic conspiracy, in which what somebody ate from breakfast on the Andromeda Galaxy 2.5 million years ago is correlated to you opening your box now, because a signal from there is just now reaching us and could alter your experiment. It is simply an untestable and unscientific hypothesis.
What this person has proposed is to compound this ridiculous superdeterminism with the equally ridiculous idea that your mind is apart from the physical world. You see, they want to hook up an EEG machine to a person's head and use the electrical measurements from that to decide how to do the measurement on the entangled particle. The idea is that because the human mind is magical and mysterious, it may introduce a new element, apart from the giant conspiracy, and hence alter the results without the Universe being able to fix it fast enough I guess, leading to result in contradiction with the QM prediction and proving that people are really special and above the laws of physics, after all.
I hope you see that this is compounding a ridiculous and far fetched idea on top of another, and is doomed to fail.
I'll try.
Hopefully, this and other experiments progress rapidly so we can finally move past the absurd notion that consciousness is purely a physical brain function. Then perhaps more real exploration and research in the most powerful of "spaces" can begin.
How can they even square this superdeterminism idea with magic minds though?
Like if the human mind was magic and not bound by the fabric of matter it inhabited, then surely that would dictate that human thought (leading to inevitable human action) isn't in itself bound by the same proposed determinism that constrains the universe?
Which is inherently contradictory, because human action forms part of the causal history of the self-same universe, which would directly shoot down the idea of some super-macro scale determinism existing in the first place no?
So... Out of curiosity, what would be the difference between hooking these up to human minds, and hooking them up to slow roasting hams?
Or if not hams, something with mild electric charges going through them? I don't see the connection between the idea of consciousness being immaterial and this experiment whatsoever. I'm probably misunderstanding.
It sounds like they think that human minds might exhibit properties that ignore quantum effects - but an EEG just reads electric signals - do they have a control? Something else that reads electric signals?
How can they even square this superdeterminism idea with magic minds though?
Like if the human mind was magic and not bound by the fabric of matter it inhabited, then surely that would dictate that human thought (leading to inevitable human action) isn't in itself bound by the same proposed determinism that constrains the universe?
Which is inherently contradictory, because human action forms part of the causal history of the self-same universe, which would directly shoot down the idea of some super-macro scale determinism existing in the first place no?
Who is proposing magic, as opposed to the idea consciousness may not be solely the byproduct of physical determinism and thus have some measure of free will not discernible by examination of the constituent parts?
So... Out of curiosity, what would be the difference between hooking these up to human minds, and hooking them up to slow roasting hams?
Or if not hams, something with mild electric charges going through them? I don't see the connection between the idea of consciousness being immaterial and this experiment whatsoever. I'm probably misunderstanding.
It sounds like they think that human minds might exhibit properties that ignore quantum effects - but an EEG just reads electric signals - do they have a control? Something else that reads electric signals?