If it is, they have their entire roster and everyone that knows him worked over, too.This sounds like a publicity stunt by the WWE. But I could be wrong.
This sounds like a publicity stunt by the WWE. But I could be wrong.
That ending to Raw and the one where DB had Wyatt in the cage had the crowd go fucking nuts. Didn't they end Raw the next week with that sad Cena/Orton chase?
That ending to Raw and the one where DB had Wyatt in the cage had the crowd go fucking nuts. Didn't they end Raw the next week with that sad Cena/Orton chase?
Yep and Orton Attacking Cena Sr with absolutely no consequences. Cena didn't get revenge, he didn't even cut a promo about how mad he was. It was never mentioned again.
And Orton fled in a car that wasn't his. "Who's was it? Fucked if we know, be sure to tune in next week!"
Or "I did it for The Rock!"
etc etc
Just assume it was Hornswoggle and move on. *copyright WWE*
Such an amazing segment lol, I love it sooo much.
Can't wait to see the bloodbath in Chicago once WWE get there if Punk isn't back. They must be dreading it.
Except Bryan is shit on the mic. He truly is Benoit 2.0
The kid is a genius in the ring, but stick a mic in his hand and he's a mess. Hate HHH all you want, but he destroys him everytime they exchange words. Punk always had great come backs.
hes speaking the truth in that first panel
Fuck Tommy.Tommy was infinitely cooler than Jason though.
Tommy was the CM Punk to John Cena's Jason.
Tommy was infinitely cooler than Jason though.
Tommy was the CM Punk to John Cena's Jason.
WordTommy was infinitely cooler than Jason though.
Tommy was the CM Punk to John Cena's Jason.
Tommy was infinitely cooler than Jason though.
Tommy was the CM Punk to John Cena's Jason.