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CNN: Jeb Bush Campaign in freefall

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Jeb Bush Campaign in Free-fall

Washington (CNN) Jeb Bush has tried everything.

His campaign allies have blanketed the airwaves with almost $30 million in ads. Aiming to shake the "low-energy" tag and prove his toughness, Bush hit Donald Trump as a carnival barker unfit for the serious job of being President. He attacked Sen. Marco Rubio, suggesting his former protégé was a dilettante in a hurry. He cut staff, hired a debate coach, and pledged that "Jeb Can Fix It."

Bush is now polling at 3% -- and dropping.

The 3% figure puts Bush in sixth place in the national GOP race, according to the CNN/ORC poll released Friday morning. It's the latest insult and disappointment for Bush, a son and brother of presidents, the conservative former two-term governor of Florida and the man who started the race as the unquestioned establishment favorite.

With two months left before the Iowa caucuses, Bush is saddled with the nagging questions: What happened? And is there anything the self-proclaimed "joyful tortoise" can do to turn things around?

RELATED: Jeb Bush: I will 'whup' Hillary Clinton

Bush has struggled to gain traction and settle on a distinctive message to set him apart from his Republican opponents. He has often said that elections are about the future, but his major accomplishments happened more than a decade ago. And vowing to be his own man who isn't tied to the politics and policies of his older brother, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush has also said his family ties give him insights into foreign policy while his campaign brought on advisers from the old days.

Bush's stump speech has fluctuated as well. He used to frequently talk about his Mexican-born wife, Columba, lapse into Spanish, and promise to campaign with "brazos abiertos" -- arms wide open -- touting his appeal to non-white voters. Now, he doesn't mention his Hispanic ties quite as often.

Given the success of political outsiders Trump and Ben Carson, asked if this was simply the wrong year for a former two-term governor like him, Bush said no. And he insists that there is still plenty of time for his well-funded state-by-state campaign to catch on among Republican voters who have largely viewed his candidacy with a shrug.

"In Iowa it's a question of organization, in New Hampshire, it's retail politics. In South Carolina, a great organization matters. I'm making great progress in those states. And we have the best campaign in Nevada," Bush said Wednesday morning in an interview with Iowa Public Television. "So, look, in October, in November, even in December of the last two election cycles, the people that were winning in December weren't the ones that ended up winning. It's just the nature of the beast, and there's no reason to rewrite history. People make up their minds late."

RELATED: Trump to Republican Jewish Coalition: 'I'm a negotiator like you'

[bIn New Hampshire, where Bush is in single digits, voters have opened their mailboxes over the last days to find direct mail pieces aimed at helping them make up their minds. The pieces make the central arguments of Bush's campaign -- that he was "Veto Corleone" in Florida, could shake up Washington and that he is a doer, not a talker — a clear swipe at Trump.

On Monday, his campaign rolled out a video called "Storm Governor" that highlighted Bush's leadership after Hurricane Ivan hit the Sunshine State in 2004. But the video, which includes footage of a not-yet-grey Bush, is also a reminder that convincing New Hampshire voters what he did 11 years ago in Florida is relevant is a hard case to make.[/b]

Bush has continued to emphasize his seriousness and experience, especially in the national security field. A new ad called "Honor" featuring Medal of Honor winners started airing in New Hampshire and Boston on Wednesday on Fox News -- the spot is part of a $600,000 ad buy that will run for three weeks.

"This is no reality show. This is serious business," says retired Marine Maj. Gen. James Livingston, who has been helping Bush in South Carolina. "This is about the livelihood of our kids and grandkids." Then, with a picture of President Barack Obama on the screen: "This commander-in-chief requires training wheels."

$30 million spent = 3% return in polling. Goddamn. More at the link at how bad he is in NH.


I live in Ma so I am a victim of those ads. They are laughably bad. I'm not kidding. Everytime I see one I either turn the channel or I think, "STFU Jeb".
Amazing how two words "low energy: can ruin someone's campaign. Someone that the part 5 years ago thought was great.


I had to check the date. Seems like CNN is 6 months behind on this one.

Jeb is probably just happy that someone is talking about him, though.


gone from Jeb!

to Jeb?

to Jeb...

it is remarkable, he seems the most reasonable of the gaggle (somehow) to me, and early on I thought he'd be a front runner.. but this campaign... not what I expected

(also his logo took a lot of work)


Sorry, Jeb. Blame your older brother. He tarnished your family name.

Moreover, you come from a political dynasty. You're seen as an out of touch lifelong politician to the current Tea Party driven GOP.
Bush's stump speech has fluctuated as well. He used to frequently talk about his Mexican-born wife, Columba, lapse into Spanish, and promise to campaign with "brazos abiertos" -- arms wide open -- touting his appeal to non-white voters. Now, he doesn't mention his Hispanic ties quite as often.

Bush might as well have been talking about making it harder to get guns.


Sorry, Jeb. Blame your older brother. He tarnished your family name.

Moreover, you come from a political dynasty. You're seen as an out of touch lifelong politician to the current Tea Party driven GOP.

I think it's Jeb tarnishing the family name.

I imagine Dubya having a cold one at the ranch watching the debates and saying goddamit Jeb!


I honestly never thought he had a chance at the nomination right from the start. Everyone was making a big deal at the beginning of the year of how he raised $100 million before anyone else got started, but all of his earliest speaking engagements were duds: he made no impact at these and was actually booed at a conservative forum. It has way less to do with his name and way more with his complete absence of charisma and personality; he was never going to land with voters in any meaningful way.


Amazing how two words "low energy: can ruin someone's campaign. Someone that the part 5 years ago thought was great.



I seriously questioned the reality of this GIF when I first saw it. I thought his head was superimposed. My god, the shock I experienced.







It's about to be saved:
Voters will soon get 15 unfiltered minutes of the Jeb Bush story.

Right to Rise, the “super PAC” supporting Mr. Bush, has produced a 15-minute documentary featuring him and will release it online on Saturday and will later show it on television.

Mike Murphy, the super PAC’s executive director, briefed Bush donors on the video at a breakfast meeting in Washington on Thursday morning before the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual gathering, at which Mr. Bush spoke. Right to Rise confirmed the group’s plans.

The documentary, which includes interviews with Mr. Bush and his wife, Columba, will talk about Mr. Bush’s record as the governor of Florida, as well as describe his vision for the future, including his plans to defeat the Islamic State and overhaul the federal government.

The plan is to air the spot in 30-minute blocks on the New England Sports Network, which would reach voters in New Hampshire — a crucial state for Mr. Bush, who has seen his poll numbers stagnate in the single digits. Voters in additional early primary states would also be targeted with the video digitally.

The documentary is the brainchild of Mr. Murphy, who produced a similar, 30-minute town hall-style infomercial for Meg Whitman’s unsuccessful bid for governor in California in 2010.
Amazing how two words "low energy: can ruin someone's campaign. Someone that the part 5 years ago thought was great.



The best part about this gif is imagining the hour he spent getting coached on how to put a hoodie on and he still ended up looking surprised and proud that he dressed himself. He looks like my 3 year old nephew.
If I HAD to choose a Republican president from the current options I'd choose Jeb over Trump every day of the week

Most with a brain would but Jeb was Trump's personal whipping boy.

I swear every time they argued, I could picture Jeb on all fours with a leash around his neck that Trump didn't even have to pull tighter.


Jeb also deserves some blame for being a total wuss.

Yep $30 million can buy a lot of ads, but John Ellis Bush Bush is just a turd when he has to think on his feet. Even his pre-planned attacks on his opponents during the debates came out stuttering and half-assed. The simple fact is that like most people he's just not good at running for president. Unlike most people he has a lot of money thanks to his name, but that will only take him so far.

I bet he's really kicking himself for getting in the race at all. He could have been remembered as "the smart Bush," whatever that's worth. Now he'll be remembered as the experienced, establishment candidate who got bullied out of the race by amateurs.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Guess you could say his campaign is hanging on a chad.

Sorry for the pun, I'll see myself out.


GOP has no one who can stand up to Hillary. This is all just an expensive and entertaining formality at this point anyway.
Dubya was really the smarter Bush. Dubya had streets smarts that Jeb! lacks and Dubya was able to turn the table around and create winning conditions for himself

Dubya turned Gore's fact numbers into Fuzzy Math and beat him

Dubya (who is a draft dodger) was able to turn Kerrey's Viet-Nam veteran record around as a traitorous hippie who tossed his medals as an anti-American.

Jeb! lacks Dubya's battle rap skills


Dubya was really the smarter Bush. Dubya had streets smarts that Jeb! lacks and Dubya was able to turn the table around and create winning conditions for himself

Dubya turned Gore's fact numbers into Fuzzy Math and beat him

Dubya (who is a draft dodger) was able to turn Kerrey's Viet-Nam veteran record around as a traitorous hippie who tossed his medals as an anti-American.

Jeb! lacks Dubya's battle rap skills

This and Romney slamming a healthcare law based on his own healthcare model are probably the most stunning presidential electoral turnarounds I've experienced.


It's sad my first thought when saw the headline... he's still running?

I feel like I don't hear nearly as much about him
everyone thinks Dubya was dumb because he was not very articulate and would shuffle his words around in a sentence but being articulate is not a measure of a man's intelligence.

Dubya outperformed his more ''intelectual'' brother Jeb! in every political facet of life.

Jeb was groomed to be the one, while Dubya was seen as the a buffoon but Dubya overcame expectations and defeated his opponents state wise and nation wise in a way that Jeb can't do

Dubya was always ''misunderestimated''


Dubya was really the smarter Bush. Dubya had streets smarts that Jeb! lacks and Dubya was able to turn the table around and create winning conditions for himself

Dubya turned Gore's fact numbers into Fuzzy Math and beat him

Dubya (who is a draft dodger) was able to turn Kerrey's Viet-Nam veteran record around as a traitorous hippie who tossed his medals as an anti-American.

Jeb! lacks Dubya's battle rap skills

To be fair, Trump is also a good candidate and it's super hard to stump him.
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