Hahahaha, this good on a few levels!
To be fair, Trump is also a good candidate and it's super hard to stump him.
To be fair, Trump is also a good candidate and it's super hard to stump him.
everyone thinks Dubya was dumb because he was not very articulate and would shuffle his words around in a sentence but being articulate is not a measure of a man's intelligence.
Dubya outperformed his more ''intelectual'' brother Jeb! in every political facet of life.
Jeb was groomed to be the one, while Dubya was seen as the a buffoon but Dubya overcame expectations and defeated his opponents state wise and nation wise in a way that Jeb can't do
Dubya was always ''misunderestimated''
It's actually more like a -10% return. He was a lot more popular before the race.$30 million spent = 3% return in polling. Goddamn. More at the link at how bad he is in NH.
Sorry, Jeb. Blame your older brother. He tarnished your family name.
Moreover, you come from a political dynasty. You're seen as an out of touch lifelong politician to the current Tea Party driven GOP.
Ross Perot.He's a candidate the likes of which no one's ever had to deal with before. He delivers incomprehensibly woeful answers to every single legitimate question posed.
Ross Perot.
I don't know, when I cut it out, I forgot that Ross Perot claimed that the GOP was going to invade and disrupt his daughters wedding. And that they were sending men in suits around after him.That's where the second part of what I said comes in. It's astonishing.
Amazing how two words "low energy: can ruin someone's campaign. Someone that the part 5 years ago thought was great.
shoulda ran in 2011-12
a shame
shoulda ran in 2011-12
a shame
Hero denied his sweatshirt
Dubya was really the smarter Bush. Dubya had streets smarts that Jeb! lacks and Dubya was able to turn the table around and create winning conditions for himself
Dubya turned Gore's fact numbers into Fuzzy Math and beat him
Dubya (who is a draft dodger) was able to turn Kerrey's Viet-Nam veteran record around as a traitorous hippie who tossed his medals as an anti-American.
Jeb! lacks Dubya's battle rap skills
Dubya was really the smarter Bush. Dubya had streets smarts that Jeb! lacks and Dubya was able to turn the table around and create winning conditions for himself
Dubya turned Gore's fact numbers into Fuzzy Math and beat him
Dubya (who is a draft dodger) was able to turn Kerrey's Viet-Nam veteran record around as a traitorous hippie who tossed his medals as an anti-American.
Jeb! lacks Dubya's battle rap skills
Turd Blossom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBQvXZSnua4Karl Rove was the true mastermind.
Really? It's either going to be Trump or Rubio, I think.I'm of course assuming that Trump has no real shot.
It's the only chance he has.I think he's just sticking around hoping establishment Republicans finally make their move and back someone like him or Rubio. He'll be one of the first to fold when the primaries actually start.
Sorry, Jeb. Blame your older brother. He tarnished your family name.
Moreover, you come from a political dynasty. You're seen as an out of touch lifelong politician to the current Tea Party driven GOP.
I think he's just sticking around hoping establishment Republicans finally make their move and back someone like him or Rubio. He'll be one of the first to fold when the primaries actually start.