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CNN: Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate his campaign

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No charges

this is CNN finding out about things going on in the investigation, the investigation is not over and this is not the announcement of no charges. if there are charges we will know when the FBI/DOJ announces and files them
who is louise and is there reason i should I believe anything in this wordpress blog?
She seems to have someone in the know.

She "breaks" stuff, using relatively poorly sourced (or unsourced) intel, that WaPo and NYT team comb through and find connections and then report on it.

Give it a couple of weeks. Then WaPo will be talking about a video.


The finale involves Pence taking over the presidency. You sure you can't wait for that?

Absolutely. If that happens it's because of collusion with Russia. Get them the fuck out of there.

Pence is horrible but he'll be spending the next 2-3 years just trying to keep the party together if that happens. He won't have much time to do much damage.


Mensch may be a total fucking Brexiter nut, but nothing she's been saying regarding Trump has yet been proven wrong.
You know, listening to the report again on CNN. it almost just seems like a rehash of the same story from months ago. Breaking news, that I swear already broke last November. What am I missing. What's new? Is it just to reiterate they found nothing and to get people to expect nothingwil lcome of it all?


You know, listening to the report again on CNN. it almost just seems like a rehash of the same story from months ago. Breaking news, that I swear already broke last November. What am I missing. What's new? Is it just to reiterate they found nothing and to get people to expect nothingwil lcome of it all?

Can you point to an article from months ago saying this?
His trip to Russia in July 2016 revived the FBI's interest, when he delivered a lecture at a graduation ceremony for the New Economic School. The university opened after the fall of the Soviet Union and is ranked as one of the best universities for economics in Russia. Former President Barack Obama gave a speech there during his first official trip to Russia in 2009.
But Page's lecture sounded different than what would be expected from most Americans. He parroted Kremlin talking points by chastising the West for prolonging "Cold War tendencies."
"Ironically, Washington and other Western capitals have impeded potential progress through their often hypocritical focus on democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change," he said, adding that US foreign policy toward Russia was "condescending" and "hostile."

You fucking slime. You fucking stupid slime. Did you get to sit at the same table as Putin like Flynn and Stein did for this at least?

no one wants sessions

How about wanting him in one of his precious private prisons?


Losing steam? Lol.

How is it not? This "breaking news" is non news. We know all this. On top of that, it's painting the picture of an innocent Trump and an innocent campaign that a second rate wannabe spy tried to infiltrate. This is a huge nothingburger.


How is it not? This "breaking news" is non news. We know all this. On top of that, it's painting the picture of an innocent Trump and an innocent campaign that a second rate wannabe spy tried to infiltrate. This is a huge nothingburger.

I love when shitty concern trolls like this think they're actually smarter than everyone else.
hhhmm. Possible twist? Was Page the good guy all along?

Carter Page may have just let slip that he’s an FBI and CIA informant

It’s already been established that a Russian spy ring tried to turn Carter Page into an asset back in 2013. Page went as far as giving the Russians some unspecified documents (NY Times). When the spy ring was busted, authorities in the U.S. notably took no known legal action against Page. It’s led some to speculate that perhaps they turned Page into an informant right then and there. The response Page gave to CNN for its story today sounds a lot like he’s confirming as much:

“My assumption throughout the last 26 years I’ve been going [to Russia] has always been that any Russian person might share information with the Russian government … as I have similarly done with the CIA, the FBI and other government agencies in the past.”

n other words, Carter Page just admitted that he’s supplied information about his Russian interactions to the FBI and CIA. That means that at one point, at least, he was a de facto informant. When did that begin? Was it in 2013, after the U.S. busted the Russian spy ring that had sucked him in? Was that why he wasn’t prosecuted? How long did he remain an FBI informant? Was he one during the Trump campaign? Is he still one? Is that why he acts in interviews as if he has no fear of getting in trouble, even as he willingly incriminates himself with his answers?

This casts new light one another already-documented piece of information about Carter Page: the FBI obtained a FISA warrant on him back in the summer of 2016 (Washington Post), not long after he went to work for the Donald Trump campaign. Usually a FISA warrant is aimed at spying on that person. But if Page was already a willing FBI informant, it’s possible the warrant was obtained so the FBI could surveil the conversations Page was having with the rest of the Trump campaign.


How is it not? This "breaking news" is non news. We know all this. On top of that, it's painting the picture of an innocent Trump and an innocent campaign that a second rate wannabe spy tried to infiltrate. This is a huge nothingburger.

This isn't non-news. You'd be a terrible investigator.

That isn't saying the Russian government was using people to infiltrate the campaign.

How is this all too subtle for people?
I've absolutely had it with her shit ever since she started predicting arrests within a week.

IF there were indictments pending it sure as hell wouldn't be leaking to her.
I mean theres a ton of smoke for sure but no one has literally been named as a Russian operative as of yet. Not even Manafort, Flynn, or Page. That will come at the end of the investigation.

This is not explicitly true, to get fisa warrants they would have had to be classified as agents for an enemy state. Publicly though you are correct.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This isn't non-news. You'd be a terrible investigator.


He's been very diligently pointing out how nothing is news or true for a couple of months now.

I sometimes wonder if they think convincing a few game forum posters nothing is true, will somehow make the investigation go away.
This is not explicitly true, to get fisa warrants they would have had to be classified as agents for an enemy state. Publicly though you are correct.

Agents of a foreign power (or a foreign power itself). So yes, by definition, if there was a FISA warrant for Carter Page, it's because DoJ convinced a judge sitting on the FISC that he was an agent of a foreign power.
You fucking slime. You fucking stupid slime. Did you get to sit at the same table as Putin like Flynn and Stein did for this at least?

How about wanting him in one of his precious private prisons?

Carter Page is from my area I think. Poughkeepsie, NY. Where Trump pops his head in from time to time.
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