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CoH devs fold to complainers....again

So....in the second update they put in badges for visiting certant locations, reading plaques, killing XXX amounts of mobs and doing TF's. One called the patriot badge was awarded for visiting the top of city all next to the american flag. Oh jesus people bitched on the CoH board (according to Crytic this is .5% of the user base) about how america isn't the center of the world and how this is so typical of an american developer....rabble rabble rabble. Today they changed it to visiting a hero's statue who was made a citizen of every nation.

Now more people bitched about the change saying it was a pretty stupid change, while players in other countries bitched that america isn't the center of the world so it was a good change. Personally my take on it is it's just a game, a game that takes place in Rhode Island, USA. Your character is defending a small part of america why wouldn't they be patriotic...or even care?

Just curious what other peeps think.....and I'm bored.... :D
I love CoH.

At least the dev's are listening. And this is on test server so its all up to change until it goes live.

I for one couldn't care less where the badge ends up as long as I can get it.


Junior Ace
Good thing there's no trolling going on in this thread. I hear that's a bannable offense.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I haven't kept up on this game at all since before it was released....I thought word was it was good?


CoH is good but after playing WoW, ehh...CoH doesnt seem as good. CoH still has better combat and better character creator though.


Neo Member
Bah, I got two lvl 50 characters. The game is boring as hell and repetitive. Go on there just to chat with friends now. The game reminds me of PSO on the DC except with more areas. Basically you kill shit and get xp. The story arcs are fine at first but after awhile it get lame. Why did I play to 50 twice? First character was bad on defense and so I made another and I struggled to finish her. Took me 302 hours to get to 50 the second time.

I have been playing since realease and two days of beta. lol
Alot of the my Super Group is missing in action and so are a lot of other people in other SG

I also played WoW for a bit and that game is boring as hell too. Although it is still beta.

In my opinion SWG blows both of them away when it first came out before all the nerf mofos started whining like they are in CoH at this time. Right now SWG sucks so bad I cancelled my account. Loved my Master/Doc/Fencer too.

They nerf powers in the game with no sort of respec. So if you have a power that gets nerfed then you're screwed. The list goes on. Cryptic has nerfed Controllers,Burn Tanks, Tanks in general and some pool powers like hasten. Now they are onto smoke Grenade because of all the whiners. When that gets done it will be something else until the game goes the way of SWG and no one can kill shit without 40 people in a group.

Of course SWG isn't hard to kill anything now since the great creature nerf.

Do you play on Protector?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I think devs need to rethink tho whole MMORPG, right now i dont see the point to most of them. I play COH still every once in a while, but I still think needs a lot of work. We need more to do than just kill and get xp.
D.Cowboys said:
Bah, I got two lvl 50 characters. The game is boring as hell and repetitive. Go on there just to chat with friends now. The game reminds me of PSO on the DC except with more areas. Basically you kill shit and get xp. The story arcs are fine at first but after awhile it get lame. Why did I play to 50 twice? First character was bad on defense and so I made another and I struggled to finish her. Took me 302 hours to get to 50 the second time.

I have been playing since realease and two days of beta. lol
Alot of the my Super Group is missing in action and so are a lot of other people in other SG

I also played WoW for a bit and that game is boring as hell too. Although it is still beta.

In my opinion SWG blows both of them away when it first came out before all the nerf mofos started whining like they are in CoH at this time. Right now SWG sucks so bad I cancelled my account. Loved my Master/Doc/Fencer too.

They nerf powers in the game with no sort of respec. So if you have a power that gets nerfed then you're screwed. The list goes on. Cryptic has nerfed Controllers,Burn Tanks, Tanks in general and some pool powers like hasten. Now they are onto smoke Grenade because of all the whiners. When that gets done it will be something else until the game goes the way of SWG and no one can kill shit without 40 people in a group.

Of course SWG isn't hard to kill anything now since the great creature nerf.

Do you play on Protector?

So far only on Pinnacle.
Doc Holliday said:
I think devs need to rethink tho whole MMORPG, right now i dont see the point to most of them. I play COH still every once in a while, but I still think needs a lot of work. We need more to do than just kill and get xp.

No, actually we don't need more. The Sims Online tried to do more, it didn't work. Earth and Beyond tried, and it failed. Majestic tried to do something else, and it failed again. Same for Uru.

The concept were good, the people just didn't want these. They want competition, they want to team to beat the crap out of those big mobs. That's it. They don't want to learn to dance or to sing in a MMORPG.


Not saying EQ is the best MMORPG out there but more games need to steal some of their Ideas. The Insta Zones and the New task system (in the next expansion) need to be explored further.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Who said anything about dancing or singing? It just seems like the stuff you do in these games doesnt really affect anything, at least playing coh. I mean fine i killed a boss, but so does everyone else. You dont really change the world around you, there is no purpose.


Doc Holliday said:
Who said anything about dancing or singing? It just seems like the stuff you do in these games doesnt really affect anything, at least playing coh. I mean fine i killed a boss, but so does everyone else. You dont really change the world around you, there is no purpose.

Thats stupid. The world should change in some aspects in an MMO, but if you let people start owning content thats where it gets retarded. Power gamers who play 24 hours a day get everything and the casual players get the dick.
Doc Holliday said:
Who said anything about dancing or singing? It just seems like the stuff you do in these games doesnt really affect anything, at least playing coh. I mean fine i killed a boss, but so does everyone else. You dont really change the world around you, there is no purpose.

Like AeroGod said, where's the balance? What do YOU want in a MMORPG anyway?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I want puzzles, I want a fun fighting engine, fun quests none of this kill 10 bala blah and come back. I want the story to be a big part of the game and just make it fun, how? I don't know.


AeroGod said:
Thats stupid. The world should change in some aspects in an MMO, but if you let people start owning content thats where it gets retarded. Power gamers who play 24 hours a day get everything and the casual players get the dick.

It doesn't necessarily have to involve ownership, though. It's just a matter of your actions having an impact on the world.

I'd love to see the CoH devs implement something like a 'crime index' for each zone. Basically, it'd keep track of how many mobs spawn in each of the city areas, and how many the players have defeated. If the crime rate's left unchecked for too long, you'll gradually see more and more powerful enemies appearing, and the zone's appearance would become increasingly run-down (using alternate texture sets to add more graffiti, broken windows, make the buildings look more grimy and run-down, etc.) On the other hand, if players concentrate their efforts in an area over time, they'd be able to 'clean up the neighborhood'--the number of enemy groups spawning on street corners would drop, the buildings would look cleaner, etc. Not a big deal, and it'd be more cosmetic than anything, but at least you'd have the feeling that you were making an overall difference to the city instead of fighting in a vacuum.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I think a lot of people do miss the 'point' of MMOs as they are now. For me, my fun when playing this genre comes from experiencing things and adventuring in a game setting with real life people (mostly my friends). Working together with others for a common game goal is fun, especially when you are doing so with your own customized character that you've "grown" over a very large amount of time. (Competitive experiences with your character are also part of the drive! Mmmmm PvP!)

These things are what I find important in MMOs. Would change help the genre? Of course. I'd love to see any improvements. But for everyone going "What the heck is the point of these games as they are now?", there is your answer. MMOs get a lot of hate, but when you find the right one it really is quite an awesome experience. (While it lasts, anyway!)


so people from other countries complained and the dev team listened to them? Wish that would work out for FFXI as square doesn't give two shits what the US thinks. Also, If you happen to bitch about it you get people who remind you that this is Japan's game, not ours. Fuck them, I say. I'm glad i quit that piece of shit game. Anyway, I'm hoping to give this game a try in the near future. Is there a free trial?
wow I thought this thread would die...CoH is ok in small doses..I'm considereing canceling till I'm done with Fable and Sims 2.

The haters here are nothing compared to most the people on the boards that are forced to play the game or Statesman will kiick thier cat.

Guild Wars are coming.....sometime next year.


There's a big problem with developers caving in and that's forcing changes that can be ultimately bad in the long run as opposed to being helpful. This CoH change isn't such a big deal but it could lead on to more things that can be a problem. Thankfully, quite a few MMORPG dev teams know that caving into the masses can ultimately drive a lot of people away. That's not to say that taking community suggestions isn't a good idea but the only time it would be good is if the idea was well thought out and truly added to the game experience.


Gold Member
Shouta said:
There's a big problem with developers caving in and that's forcing changes that can be ultimately bad in the long run as opposed to being helpful. This CoH change isn't such a big deal but it could lead on to more things that can be a problem. Thankfully, quite a few MMORPG dev teams know that caving into the masses can ultimately drive a lot of people away. That's not to say that taking community suggestions isn't a good idea but the only time it would be good is if the idea was well thought out and truly added to the game experience.

It depends on the game. While it can piss off the hardcores and drive them away, it can draw in more people from the mass-market and make more money for the MMO. A good example of this is EQ. When they ditched the "Vision", the hardcore players got pissed and went to DOAC or other MMOs, while at the same time they made the game super easy and less frustrating (at the time) and that brought in more people than ever.


True, but by driving out the hardcores you lose out on stable income from players that will consistently remain with you for a long time which would be the negative aspect in that instance.

It really depends on the change. Minor changes like mob placement, congestion of certain areas and etc are good areas to take suggestions in but things like full-on gameplay changes need to be evaluated really carefully in most instances.


Gen.Wedge said:
Guild Wars, people.

I Really AWTP.

EQ rocked back in the day, was one of the most amazing videogaming experiences I had. Only few games, like the best Ultimas and the first Thief were close (still got to try Nethack seriously, sounds like another contender).

But... after 1 year logged in (1/70 of an average human life spent playing a single game, plus more time spent thinking about it when offline, ouch), the exp and loot farming routine, the small satisfactions separated by insane timesinks, got really hold.
Only Istant Gratification games for me now, no more grinds. To Hell all EQ timesink clones.


Guild Wars really isnt an MMO. Its not a bad game at all, but things like WoW and EQ2 are a totally different experience.


WoW will own. :)

Guild Wars doesn't seem to be a true MMORPG. It'll be a good game but I don't see why you would even mention it here. The only thing that seems to be MMO about it are the towns.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmm? What about Guild Wars is causing excitement? I tried the E3 beta thing for just a half hour and the game couldn't keep my interest.


Junior Ace
Ar_ said:
I Really AWTP.

EQ rocked back in the day, was one of the most amazing videogaming experiences I had. Only few games, like the best Ultimas and the first Thief were close (still got to try Nethack seriously, sounds like another contender).

But... after 1 year logged in (1/70 of an average human life spent playing a single game, plus more time spent thinking about it when offline, ouch), the exp and loot farming routine, the small satisfactions separated by insane timesinks, got really hold.
Only Istant Gratification games for me now, no more grinds. To Hell all EQ timesink clones.

Wait, your "logged in" time for EQ was 1 year of real time? Or you just played it on and off for a year?


Yes, that was 1 year logged in.
I was a powergamer, been in a high end guilds, and worked on different server-first archievements.

Those kind of playtimes, by the way, were common among players in the best guilds.
If you looked at recruitment pages, among other things, the playing time requirements to apply with the most succesful guilds were around 5 hours daily for 6 days a week.

After all, see it this way: up to 70 people are needed to kill a single boss. It drops maybe ONE piece of useful loot. Let's say the kill takes 1 hour.
Thats 70 hours to get a single piece of top quality gear for yourself and everyone who helped you.
You have around 20 inventory slots.
Every expansion, your old stuff is outdated.
You can't trade your old stuff, cause is no-drop (character bund).
Plus the time spent grinding levels, praticing fights, waiting for respawns.

It was a great experience, knew many cool people, but ultimately is far too slow. If you play to reach the top, it takes the time and dedication of a full time job.
So, many people who played EQ got so much burned out with the time requirements, to lose interest on all successive clones as well.

Guild Wars E3 open alpha was cool because everyone had a fixed level, and could just log in and have fun in many fun PvP and cooperative missions within minutes.
You can think of it as a good looking Diablo clone with much better mission design, variety, multiplayer modes, and player communication structure (a single server for all players, with istanced zones, but you could travel acroos istances to meet your friends).

Mr Cheez, did you actually get past the starting area and try some co-op and pvp? Myself and most other players were entuxiast of the game.
Hopefully the final game will not be ruined with timesinks....


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Nah, to be honest I didn't see much and didn't give it much of a chance since it just didn't grab me. But if people are saying good things I'd give it another shot. :)
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