Hammy said:
Several of those pathways are offered at my university.
My original post was directed at the original poster. I was operating under the assumption he would be living on campus etc. The "typical" if you will, college life.
Again, it's what you make of college. At the very baseline, you are dealing with an institution. In return for tuition and test scores, you obtain a certificate that is evidence of the education.
But college offers so much more than just a baseline. I mean if you want to just go to get a degree and get nothing else out, fine, be my guest. But if that's all you want to do with college, I'd argue that you're really missing the point. It's called higher education for a reason. I'd wager that a large part of that reason is for finding out your own personal likes and dislikes, and growing into yourself as a person. If all college was supposed to be was a peice of paper, then that is what they'd call it.
I thought parties were there for networking. You need to pay attention to what people are saying, determine a good response that would may elicit an positive emotinal response or lead to information you want, and meet people that you may need later.
Wow. Dude...lighten up. I'm gonna go on the assumption that this paragraph didn't come out quite like you planned it, because if that's exactly what you meant, you're COMPLETELY missing the point. Parties are there to have fun. You go to a party, you get boozed up, loosen up, maybe dance a bit and meet some people and have fun. You may never talk to these people again, or you may make a lifelong friend. But I have never ever ever EVER heard somebody say "lets go party...I'm in the mood to meet some useful people". If that paragraph is how you really think...then simply put, your conception of a party is way off. There is very rarely any higher level thinking going on at a party. Closest exception would be get me and a few other physics majors boozed up and listen to us ramble on lots of weird what-if's.
Within clubs or classes you can meet a diverse set of people. I don't know about you, but my brain can get saturated with who's who and what they do.
I never said you couldn't. If you choose to saturate your brain with other people's interests thats fine, if a bit uncommon, personally I have a hard enough time remembering most people's names(coincidentally, a problem I never had before college...I attribute it mainly to the rediculous rate at which you meet people in college). But youre simply not meeting everyone you could be meeting. Hell you may meet the love of your life at a party. That's how my parents met.
He's going to be a freshman. He will probably meet non-English and non-math majors at his breadth courses.
If he's dead set on getting straight A's, as I've already mentioned, unless he goes to an easy school, he probably won't meet much of anybody in his classes because he'll be focused on the professor. Introductory courses aren't generally very hard, but they're sufficiently challenging, atleast at my school, that you DO have to pay attention the whole class to catch everything.
When I said clubs, I meant school clubs.
If you go to school clubs just to meet girls...man. That's a shameful thing to admit right there. I'm not implying you're saying that's what you do (I know you meant that he may meet girls in clubs that he is in, I know). I'm not really sure how to approach this one. There's always a chance that you'll meet girls in a club, but it's not terribly likely. It's not terribly likely that you'll meet girls in any signifigant way in any specific place, so you just go everywhere and meet who you can. It's about experiencing everything.
Remember...I'm not advocating that he go to every party, even if he decides he doesn't like them. I'm saying, go out, go to a party, try and have a good time. If he sees it's not for him, then he won't go to any/many more parties. Its as simple as that. All that he lost is a night.
Alright, onto other people's posts....
demon, Boogie, I know the situation you guys are in, actually. I've kindof sortof been there too. Here's what you do. If you have any even decent friends that are partyers in any degree, ask them to bring you along. It takes swallowing a little bit of pride, but if they're actually your friend, and not just riding you for help with homework, I 99% guarantee that they'l not only agree, but think it's really awesome that you went to them to bring you out to a party. They'll probably introduce you to people, and you may get the "it's his first real party!" upon introduction here and there, but that's OKAY. Just say something like "I've never really been a partyer but I figured I'd try it out and see what I'm missing" and all is cool. Most house parties are really just a large group of people standing around talking to each other, probably a room with some pong/beer bongs, and maybe a room with some people dancing. Find some people that either aren't really talking to anyone, or people talking about something you're intersted in, and go introduce yourself. It's pretty easy to do that once you have a few drinks in you. I am probably the worst 'mingler' on these boards, and after 3 or 4 drinks I'll gladly go up to the hottest girl there and start spitting game...or trying to atleast. And usually it turns out okay.
Just a tip...when looking for folks to talk to, if you see a guy talking to a girl, and nobody else is around them, don't get in on the convo. They'll probably think you're cock blocking.
Underlying point here...push yourself. Don't get stuck doing things you're comfortable with. Nobody feels "right" the first time they do something, but that's how you grow as an individual. If you give something a try and don't like it, that is JUST FINE. Atleast you tried, and you should feel good about the fact that you now know for sure that it's not for you. But to deny yourself the oppurtunity to experience something new(as long as it's safe and relatively legal), I firmly firmly beleive, is doing yourself more harm than good.
EDIT- Oh, and another thing. Don't worry about saying stupid shit. Everyone says something stupid here and there, and you will inevitably feel like you do it more than everyone else and are somehow looked down on because of it. Wanna know why nobody else seems to say stupid things? You forget they said it within 2 minutes of hearing it.