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Come 2to buttocks. i welcom thee

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If the rumor of a Kinectless SKU is true then Kinect is dead in the water. I feel bad for the people that pay the extra for a launch console with a peripheral that will eventually not be supported by almost any games.

Will someone think about the developers!!! (who got suckered into developing for it with the promise of a guaranteed user base)
Did you read the OP? Whisper of Kinect optional SKU early next year (March/April)!
They will happen sooner than you think.

1. It said there were whispers of them maybe dropping Kinect, meaning they may or may not.

2. I don't automatically take Cboat's word for the gospel, regardless of what everyone on GAF thinks.
I mean just look at the game + 3m PS+ vs Xbone

Xbone (no extras) = £429/€499
PS4 + 3m PS+ + game = £414/€484

That is what's killing MS right now, and I don't expect it to be any different in the US. People are weighing up the value proposition offered by both consoles and it is very hard to come away with Xbone as being better value for money unless the buyer is really into Kinect and motion gaming. MS bet on those buyers, and so far their horse has yet to leave the stable while Sony's (hardcore and softcore gamers) can see the finish line.

Also, keep in mind, in short term, Sony will reap the rewards of MS' terrible PR. Even I'm confused about some of the things about Xbone. It was a monumental failure of corporate communications.

And if Sony wins short term, "winning" long term for MS is going to be practically impossible. Especially when Sony starts launching their AAA games.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing what Platinum is cooking up for the X1.

Edit: Beaten lol...

It always depends on how people see it

God what poor guy made this picture?


I mean just look at the game + 3m PS+ vs Xbone

Xbone (no extras) = £429/€499
PS4 + 3m PS+ + game = £414/€484

That is what's killing MS right now, and I don't expect it to be any different in the US. People are weighing up the value proposition offered by both consoles and it is very hard to come away with Xbone as being better value for money unless the buyer is really into Kinect and motion gaming. MS bet on those buyers, and so far their horse has yet to leave the stable while Sony's (hardcore and softcore gamers) can see the finish line.

Very true, I work in ASDA in the UK at the entertainment department and I've had a lot more customers asking about pre-ordering the PS4 than the One (we aren't taking orders yet). Many still think Microsoft have block pre-owned games and the PS4 is £80 cheaper. It's a tough sell for Microsoft even with its foothold in the UK.


A performance drop of 15-20% ?

Guess that explains why we haven't seen any new Xbone footage.
Curious to see how much things have changed.
Is this chart why someone flipped out on me when I mentioned that Sony funds Quantic Dream games? He brought up Dead Rising 3 when I wasn't even talking about it at all.

Because work with 3rd developers always means there have some deal,if people see it positive then it's A list,negative then it's B list

So,depends on how people see it


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Buttocks bringin' the truth. Hail buttocks!


Ryse is confirmed to not depend on Kinect. It's optional. Don't know about other titles, but I haven't seen any essential Kinect features in any of them.

Thanks for the info, I didn't know.

So Kinect is quite useless, that still make nonsense for me to bundle it with the console (and to invest so much money in R&D)


It always depends on how people see it


If Company A didn't own The IP, didn't help with the development of the game and course paid money for exclusivity then it's Moneyhatting no matter what's your opinion.
But I may be wrong, it could be collaboration between Platinum and MS Osaka.


That's some HUGE bombs dropped there, especially the PS4 October release. I'm looking forward to Gamescom and the outcome of the coming months. It seems like I'm going to have to buy a lot of popcorn.


Btw,i thought people always unhappy about MS have too few exclusive they want

But now seems they unhappy about MS making exclusive with 3rd developers
People would prefer MS grow their own internal studios to crank out exclusives than to moneyhat 3rd parties that would otherwise be working on multiplat titles. That these titles are now tucked away on one platform (particularly one that has near-zero support in Japan and fans of Japanese content) is what causes frustration.


Nothing better than coming late home to a buttocks thread. Even better when I can decipher everything.
I've really doubted that MS would go with kinectless SKU, but it seems that they are not in a very good position.
I'll 99% go with PS4, so too bad about moneyhatting japanese devs, but I'll live. But maybe we will eventually get them, like NG2.

Thanks Mr. Buttocks for everything!
I mean just look at the game + 3m PS+ vs Xbone

Xbone (no extras) = £429/€499
PS4 + 3m PS+ + game = £414/€484

That is what's killing MS right now, and I don't expect it to be any different in the US. People are weighing up the value proposition offered by both consoles and it is very hard to come away with Xbone as being better value for money unless the buyer is really into Kinect and motion gaming. MS bet on those buyers, and so far their horse has yet to leave the stable while Sony's (hardcore and softcore gamers) can see the finish line.

I guess friends can convince each other to jump trains together too.

Ironic if that happens.

I'm surprised we actually aren't seeing more out of Achievements. The big argument this gen has been that gamers are connected to their consoles by their online identity.

I'd imagine some interesting cross platform thing where your achievements for 360 translate to a free game or two on XOne. You know, something to keep customers loyal.

Sony is giving Driveclub lite with PS+, which sounds like a pretty decent way to ease people into mandatory PS+


A Kamiya/platinum game exclusive to the One? whoo boy. The shitstorm that's going to produce once confirmed.

e:^haha too late
People would prefer MS grow their own internal studios to crank out exclusives than to moneyhat 3rd parties that would otherwise be working on multiplat titles. That these titles are now tucked away on one platform (particularly one that has near-zero support in Japan and fans of Japanese content) is what causes frustration.

It's always like if MS doing one thing they can't do other things at same time,right



Dreams in Digital
It's almost as if MS were given false information, ran with it prior to Sony's E3 showing, only to find the rug pulled out from under them by Sony ... Could there be someone leaking false information to MS?


The Finnegan's Wake's Citizen Kane of industry leaks.

I appreciate this post.

The platinum game is probably going to be a dating/waifu/moeblob type of game, that I really doubt will be of any importance.

Great for simulating your virtual GF with the kinect though, I'm sure.

I don't know, what Platinum developed game springs to mind that is of the dating/waifu/moeblob milieu?

Those mammatus clouds, lol.

thanks for the info Geoff Keighley , in cboat we thrust !!!

I loled.

I hope you love Idolm@ster.

I do, but thats really not here nor there.

The perk of not being tier 1 country: you can get kinectless and cheaper Xbox at launch :p

Welcome to tier one.


People would prefer MS grow their own internal studios to crank out exclusives than to moneyhat 3rd parties that would otherwise be working on multiplat titles. That these titles are now tucked away on one platform (particularly one that has near-zero support in Japan and fans of Japanese content) is what causes frustration.

No shit? People didn't get mad when third parties were making exclusives for Sony throughout the PS1 and 2 years. Hell it was pretty much why those consoles were as popular as they were, sure as hell wasn't for their first party efforts. If MS is footing the bill and Platinum can do what they do with minimal risk, i really don't see the problem with it.

This is the most infuriating concept I've thought of all year. It's like the protagonist having sex with the super villain.

Ugh...Let me guess, you're an expert on Japanese culture.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
So Kinect is quite useless, that still make nonsense for me to bundle it with the console (and to invest so much money in R&D)

I think it's about apps, not about games. You need some substitute for a mouse and touch controls if you want to bring desktop/tablet apps to the TV. And that seems to be the point behind Kinect. Its there as an enabler to extend a unified ecosystem of applications and services to the TV. It's not just part of Microsoft's entertainment devision anymore:



Neo Member
1. It said there were whispers of them maybe dropping Kinect, meaning they may or may not.

2. I don't automatically take Cboat's word for the gospel, regardless of what everyone on GAF thinks.

If I had to guess it will depend on how people like or dislike the Kinect in the launch window.


Neo Member
October release is very tempting...

but I'm still leaning with the XB1 for other reasons. If Sony drops some huge bombs on Tuesday I might come back to the Playstation.
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