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Come Back to Camelot a Success

Well they got me back. Fucks. The catacombs expansion sounds really cool, and I like DAoC a lot anyway.

Damnit, stop laughing Frag.

Anyone playing Dark Age o Camelot?




I used to play Camelot. Played for about 2 years...50 Cleric on the Igraine server. I quit playing last november when I got in the WoW F&F Alpha. Ive kept up on the game though and have to admit that they are doing a good job. Catacombs looks interesting for sure. So did you sign up for a just a month or are you going back for good?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
DAOC is a good game, but make sure you give WoW a try before you go back completely. :) The Open Beta should be any day now (If God still loves me, anyway)


Gold Member
New Frontiers was awesome and made the PvP better than any other game can dream about. Catacombs sounds extremely cool, and the new character models are awesome.

Plus, the free levels they are handing out are great as well :)


I have a lvl 35 Bonedancer on Percival and i can make a lvl 20 on any sever i want because my brother has a few lvl 50s


Gold Member
AeroGod said:
I have a lvl 35 Bonedancer on Percival and i can make a lvl 20 on any sever i want because my brother has a few lvl 50s

I have a 31 (almost 32) Thane on Percival. Running around Wilton right now killing Albs.


Sometimes Im half tempted to play. Someting deep inside me still really likes Dark Age, but I still hate the battle system(sorta, too much downtime) and most of the world design seems shitty after having played WoW.

GTA comes out tomorrow. Meh. My PC will be collecting dust for the next 2 weeks. :)
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