I'm glad Ivan Reis is making Aquaman a top seller and getting paid. Dat talent!
I think Marvel's history is one of its defining elements. I just don't believe they're gonna throw all that away for a short-term sales boost. Their numbers are still pretty competitive just doing what they always do. There's a bunch of rumors about a reboot after Avengers vs X-men, or a reboot/death of Spider-man after ASM #700, which I don't want to happen, either.
In the mean time, Spider-Man has decided to become the Red Hood
Stefano Caselli is the Lebron James of comics.
I was super hyped when I found his work on G.I.Joe, then Marvel poached him; and didn't put him on any good books. Now he gets his chance at Spiderman and it's full of the shittiest re-designs this side of 90's Bat books.
What the fuck is wrong with Doc Ock?
Where the fuck is Electro's sweet starfish mask?!
So much wasted potential. At this point I'd be better off hoping he'll get stuck on a good book and just seek out his foreign language Playboy work. :|
If they reboot Marvel, I'll just go back to indies. So it'll be Batman, Superman, and indie books. And whatever the Black Panther's into.
Marvel Nu Universe 2012!
Nightmask returns to protect your dreams!
Definitely. When he tries, the man is jaw droppingly talented. He doesn't often try.
Byrne doesn't need to. He has a legion of fanboys that pay his crazy prices to have him redraw their favorite pages or do series of sketches for them. A guy I was in line behind at Mid Ohio Con was showing off all the Byrne classic Spidey villains he was having drawn for him - I think it was $250 a pop for a single figure. I'll have to double check and see if my friend recalls.
It's crazy, but a lot of old timers are just raking in money doing work for fans. I believe somebody had a Dodson drawing of Amethyst they brought with them to MoC this past year and paid Karl Kesel to ink for them. So yeah - the crazy fanboy comic shop dream is going to the next leve. They're taking their income and crafting their creative team wet-dream art projects at conventions.
John Byrne was no joke back in the day.
Anywho. . . read a Deadpool team-up today, the one with the racoons. Glad I read it on MDCU, because that was a shitty ass comic. Deadpool as Bugs Bunny is full of fail.
Finished World War Hulk, another Mighty Marvel Misfire. Only marginally better than Civil Bore and brought down tremendously by the involvement of Sentry, the worst fucking character ever.
Next up Black Panther by Priest and Infinity Gauntlet.