Secret Avengers #22 comes out this Wednesday, by Remender and Hardman. Now that's a hell of a creative team, but Hardman can only do the first four issue story arc before...blargh...Renato Guedes comes on board. I asked him on Twitter if he's coming back after the tie-in and he said yes; the book comes out every two weeks so he can't draw every issue.
And for a minute, I thought about that. I love getting some of my favorite books twice/three times a month, but I think I would take X-Force once a month if that meant Jerome Opena was drawing it. Yeah, its a pain being left on a cliffhanger for a whole month, but its gonna look soooo good when it finally does come out, and its gonna look all the better for it in the collected format when you re-visit it years later, release dates being totally irrelevant at that point.
On the flip side, good rotating artists makes it easier to bite the bullet on your favorite being gone for months. Despite TTOB's lamentations, I LOVE Nick Bradshaw's Wieringo-meets-Adams art style, and I think he's a solid alternative to Chris Bachalo. He doesn't have Chris' unique storytelling, but he can still fill the book with character and humor, and can make space-age tech sitting alongside Wolverine sipping coffee seem natural.
What say you, GAF? Would you rather wait for your favorite artist once a month, or would you take Amy Reeder filling in for JH Williams III for a few months a year?