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COMICS! July |OT| - Independents Day

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Does anyone else find the Red Hulks to be a little too...90s? I just don't get their appeal. The evil twin thing seems to cliche.

I can see that.

Especially with that one storyline they did where AIM was shitting out little clone Hulks. Completely like all the shitty 90's symbiotes.

Then again Venom and Carnage have their own books again and North Star is artificially boosting D-tier series sales with his gay shenanigans.

Today's Marvel is more like 90's Marvel than you thought! :O
Secret Avengers by Remender is great too and do not compare the current Carnage and Venom stories to the old Venom/Carnage stories. These have character development and growth.

I so miss cocky Pym and a She Hulk solo.


I can see that.

Especially with that one storyline they did where AIM was shitting out little clone Hulks. Completely like all the shitty 90's symbiotes.

Then again Venom and Carnage have their own books again and North Star is artificially boosting D-tier series sales with his gay shenanigans.

Today's Marvel is more like 90's Marvel than you thought! :O

I'm ready for foil and hologram covers to make their glorious return!

the chris

I'm ready for foil and hologram covers to make their glorious return!

Bring it on!


with all this comic talk going on with SDCC i decided to do something weird and read comics:

Swamp Thing #10 and Animal Man #10, oddly with my Rot hate i liked these issues, especially Swamp Thing for the Francavilla art, story for both were just okay, still moving slowly, actually really really really really really slowly.

Uncanny X-Force #24: enjoyable issue, sticking with the book.


Just started reading Uncanny X-Force (I am on issue 6 right now) and all I can say is that it's without a doubt my favourite Marvel series at the moment. I never knew why I didn't give it a chance any sooner.

If anyone is looking for a great Marvel/X-title, I would highly recommend this.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Just started reading Uncanny X-Force (I am on issue 6 right now) and all I can say is that it's without a doubt my favourite Marvel series at the moment. I never knew why I didn't give it a chance any sooner.

If anyone is looking for a great Marvel/X-title, I would highly recommend this.

Uncanny X-Force #24: enjoyable issue, sticking with the book.

smart men

and remember, if you want more amazing Remender goodness, read his brilliant 32 issue book FEAR AGENT now available in omnibus format!



Fear Agent made the elite dcbs pre-order last month Xo. I've read the first volume and really liked it so i want it allllllll oversized.

Also...i think it's time to sell an omnibus to try to raise ipad hd funds :( Daredevil Brubaker vol 1 likely suspect.
Fear Agent made the elite dcbs pre-order last month Xo. I've read the first volume and really liked it so i want it allllllll oversized.

Same here. Read and loved volume 1 months ago but I've been patiently waiting for the Library Edition. The wait to read the rest of the saga is killing me.

Also...i think it's time to sell an omnibus to try to raise ipad hd funds :( Daredevil Brubaker vol 1 likely suspect.

Just out of curiosity, how do you sell your old hardcovers? eBay?


Same here. Read and loved volume 1 months ago but I've been patiently waiting for the Library Edition. The wait to read the rest of the saga is killing me.

Just out of curiosity, how do you sell your old hardcovers? eBay?

Usually ebay, sometimes half.com, one or twice amazon but since all my feedback is on ebay/half.com i stick to that. Amazon has some weird fees the last time i tried to sell a book, but the previous two times were normal. Cool half.com selling: It took 2 years to sell my copy of Banjo Kazooie N64.

I don't have any rare rare omnis, Daredevil Brubaker vol 1 is probably my most valuable at around $200 presuming it actually sells, it's brand new so we'll see. My larger omnis are having problems with sagging pages that i tried to remedy by putting some paper underneath the pages, i prefer Absolute editions.

i'm starting to slowly lose enthusiasm for physical comics altogether, even my beloved OHCs. I blame page sagging, glued bindings, and other things that generally annoy me. Digital Codes + Print floppies for 2.39 at dcbs is something i can really get behind. Every issue, that has this promotion at least, of Hickman's New Avengers/Avengers and Remender's Uncanny Avengers etc will be stored on my tablet, whichever tablet i own since it's all linked to one main account. No boxes to dig through, no waiting 3 years for an 1000 page omnibus to release that can crush babies and have page sagging/binding issues. Hmmmmmm sounds good. Overly expensive Absolute editions are nice, i like the Hellboy Library editions, and the Buffy OHC is of better quality than the comic itself. Those glued bindings! Premiere hardcovers for 4 issues! Omniproblems!


Does anyone else find the Red Hulks to be a little too...90s? I just don't get their appeal. The evil twin thing seems to cliche.

I would hate the Red Hulk if he did not actually have a great personality in Avengers books and in several storylines. In that regard, Red Hulk >>>>> Hulk, for me at least.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Here's that Gary Whitta project... a four issue mini that puts a sci-fi take on Oliver Twist... ultimately there are three miniseries planned.

Oliver, scheduled for release in Summer 2013," brings these two creative heavyweights together and focuses on a futuristic world in which the government created a legion of clones to fight a war that has since ended. Given second class citizen status, the clones now live in their own sectors separate from regular humans. That is until a young man named Oliver who happens to be a half-human, half-clone Hybrid with special abilities decides to find himself.



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Aw man, the blind fanboy in me is rising up due to that deadpool trailer. I didn't realize how bad he's become until that trailer.


I need to re-read Morrison run one of these days. It's sort of sad to see a lot of that run reversed or forgotten these days. At least they are making good use of Quinten Quire, Fantomex and a few others.

Speaking of stories that are losing relevance in current continuity. Remember when Mark Millar said that Civil War would define the Marvel U for the following 10 years? It's been 5 now, and almost everything from Civil War has been reversed or forgotten. Basically a few dudes are still grumpy over the OMD stuff that followed in the Civil War fallout and the Thunderbolts re-imagining stuck.


I loved Warren Ellis' Thunderbolts that came after Civil War....i still think Civil War itself was terrible though. All hype no substance, like most events :(
I would hate the Red Hulk if he did not actually have a great personality in Avengers books and in several storylines. In that regard, Red Hulk >>>>> Hulk, for me at least.

This is epic Vikings riding out from the clouds on dragons true!

Especially considering how bad the Hulk's comic has been since Pak left.

Red Hulk über alles.


What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Savage Dragon, Atomic Robo, Green Lantern Corps (the Tomasi / Gleason run).

Ultimates is ass. Seek out a proper Avengers book and not Mark Millar's Watchmen fanfic featuring Avengers characters.

We argue on a lot of things(like your like of savage dragon and dislike of gambit) but the millar hate runs through the both of us.
What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?

Here are some recently launched ongoing series that I would recommend to anyone:

X-O Manowar
A fifth century warrior becomes host to a sentient armor after being kidnapped by aliens.


Conan the Barbarian
The title says it all. Superb artwork and fun, visceral adventures.


Imagine a more realistic take on Professor X, only he's a teenager and his powers are giving him more trouble than anything else.


Justice League Dark
A terrific superhero book with a bit of a twist, the recent issue 9 works as a good jumping-on point.



*wonders if Conan the Barbarian will get an oversized hardcover* probably not...but it would be bought without hesitation.

And The Ultimates was fun, especially Ultimates 2. I draw the line at Loeb though, and i didn't like Millar's recent return to Ultimates either. If Millar's original Ultimates run looks good to you, definitely check it out.
What comics/series do you guys suggest for someone that wants to get into comics?

I'm waiting for my Nexus 7 to be shipped and am hoping for something to read on the train to school and stuff like that.

So, what comics/series do you suggest? I heard good things about the Ultimate series. That's good, right?

Read Saga. Best book out right now and a truly wild take on sci-fi
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