I'd like to know this as well, I was confused by that unless it hasn't happened yet
Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?
Yeah Hawkeye is superb and requires little to no foreknowledge of the character or Marvel Universe (it's basically what he does on his day off from being an Avenger). I can't speak for Batgirl but when I had a similar query to yours about getting into superhero comics I was recommended to look at the Marvel Now titles, they're all designed as jumping on points and it worked well for me!Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?
Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?
last page of Avengers should be familar to New avengers readers!. fun seeing how its all coming together
So Avengers Arena #7 was pretty good.
The new Hawkeye comic has basically nothing to do with the character as he's been portrayed before. Hop right in.
With Kang being there, I just chalked it up to time-fuckery.
Thor was pretty awesome this week. Really like the interaction between the 2 thors
Thanks for the responses! I'm gonna start with Hawkeye and Batgirl and see how that goes. Then maybe one of the Spiderman series, because the Spiderman movies are great.
Source (CBR)
Mark Brooks has been KILLING with these Fearless Defenders covers.
Source (CBR)
Shame about the interi- OH SH*T STEPHANIE HANS ARTWORK ON #7! :O
As a rule, I try not to read Bendis comics anymore but the way people have described Age of Ultron - that Bendis and Hitch bring out the worst in each other - makes me curious. Not about to take a 20 dollar bullet to verify that tho.
That Weird Stories variant is worthy of a wall.
I'm liking Age of Ultron just fine
is Fearless Defenders any good? Is it worth reading?
I'm getting into it now. The first couple of issues were horrendous, but its gotten better.
Firestorm #-
Firestorm #-
why is Ronnie in the driver's seat, and why is Jason in his head?
I think its because if the situations were reversed, Ronnie would be completely fucking useless.
I'm getting sick and damn tired of reading the adventures of this lunkhead and disembodied ghost. How many adventures are going to be based on him plunging ahead recklessly endangering everything with a screaming floating head?
They might as well just get sick on a glossy cover and give me that. That's basically what they've done to this book.
Okay, I just got home and breezed through it again really quick, and my recollection of the story was pretty accurate. The Stepford Cuckoos were revealed to be Weapon XIV, created by Dr. John Sublime as part of the Weapon Plus program. Emma Frost's eggs were harvested without her knowledge or consent, and grown into a thousand psychic daughters of which five were released into the real world, and the others kept in stasis chambers in The World. They were designed to be a psychic weapon capable of killing anyone with a thought, with the five acting as a conduit and focal point for the remainders' power. At the end of the story, Sublime tries to use their hive-mind to contain and control the power of a Phoenix fragment that had taken up residence in Celeste, but Celeste uses the Phoenix's power to destroy her sisters then split it amongst herself, Mindee and Phoebe.
Any web comic developers in ComicGAF? I am starting my own and need some pro tips. PM me.
There's only one pro tip about webcomics: Don't.
This is fresh from Joe Abercrombie's blog ...
"The thing thats of particular interest to me about this project, and probably will be of some interest to you as well, is the method of distribution. Mainly that were giving it away to anyone with an internet connection.
Yes, you heard me right. Were serialising it, free, at www.firstlawcomic.com.
The first twelve pages are up there now. You can go look at them. For nothing. And therell be new pages added every monday, wednesday, and friday, if things go according to plan, for years to come. And youll be able to look at those too. For nothing. The hope is, that when weve finally completed this project, therell be well over a thousand pages of high quality First Law graphic novel up online. For nothing."