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COMICS! |OT| April 2013. Trapped in humorless world, Prankster decides to end it all.

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Pizza Dog
Saga was great, as was Hawkguy. Never changing my avatar again! Will dig in to the rest of my haul tomorrow most likely.
Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?


The new Hawkeye comic has basically nothing to do with the character as he's been portrayed before. Hop right in.

I'd like to know this as well, I was confused by that unless it hasn't happened yet

With Kang being there, I just chalked it up to time-fuckery.


Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?

The current Hawkeye series requires no knowledge about the character beyond "He's an archer and an Avenger."

For Batgirl, you could try the current New 52 series which is very easy to follow from the beginning. If you want to get the origin story for the character first, there's Batgirl: Year One. I would also recommend Bryan Q. Miller's Batgirl. It was the first Batgirl series I ever read and I had no trouble with it. I should warn you that it stars a different Batgirl than the one found in the New 52 series.

Are there any other characters or types of stories you're interested in? I don't want to recommend something you'll probably hate. lol


Pizza Dog
Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?
Yeah Hawkeye is superb and requires little to no foreknowledge of the character or Marvel Universe (it's basically what he does on his day off from being an Avenger). I can't speak for Batgirl but when I had a similar query to yours about getting into superhero comics I was recommended to look at the Marvel Now titles, they're all designed as jumping on points and it worked well for me!
Hey Comic-GAF. I've been wanting to get into superhero comics for a while now, but it seems like a rather daunting task because of all the history and the way they cross over. I don't want to start reading a new series without understanding what's going on because they're referencing things from comics I haven't read. I'm interested in Hawkeye and Batgirl, but am I going to run into problems like this if I try to read them? Is there anything else really good that I can find a starting point to jump in at?

Well, first off, read what appeals to you. I find that Wikipedia is a great resource for filling in any gaps where it relates to the plotlines of longer-running series.
last page of Avengers should be familar to New avengers readers!. fun seeing how its all coming together

Mind blown. I recognized it but until you mentioned it, I didn't realize it was from NA.

So Avengers Arena #7 was pretty good.

Amazing how incredible this book is.

This week's Must Have Magic:
Uncanny Avengers
Avengers Arena
Thor God Of Thunder
Fantastic Four (where did this bagley come from????)
Sledge Hammer '44 (war hellboy comics ain't supposed to make me choke up)
Thanks for the responses! I'm gonna start with Hawkeye and Batgirl and see how that goes. Then maybe one of the Spiderman series, because the Spiderman movies are great.


The new Hawkeye comic has basically nothing to do with the character as he's been portrayed before. Hop right in.

With Kang being there, I just chalked it up to time-fuckery.

Uncanny Avengers 6:

I was thinking the same, but the "Present Day Brazil" threw me off.

the bit with Thor and his axe has changed some aspects of the current day, which ended up having a bad ripple effect for Mordo. Wiki doesn't mention any event in which he died


No Scrubs
So anyone bother to translate the code speak in the Avengers books yet? I saw the key in the latest issue and was wondering if anyone used it yet.

Also Batman and Saga were straight up awesome. As was Hawkeye.
Thanks for the responses! I'm gonna start with Hawkeye and Batgirl and see how that goes. Then maybe one of the Spiderman series, because the Spiderman movies are great.

If you hop right into Batgirl it may take some small token of research to catch up with what Barbara has been up to. But nothing too hard. And the recommendations for Batgirl: Year One are good too. And it's very easy to branch out into the other Bat family books too. They are all pretty much good to great, though you can avoid Dark Knight and Detective Comics unless you really want more Batman. But Batman, Batman and Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood and the Outlaws are all really great titles. And while not always directly connected, the Bat family tends to intermingle more than others. Oh, and Batwoman is consistently great.
Mark Brooks has been KILLING with these Fearless Defenders covers.


Source (CBR)

Shame about the interi- OH SH*T STEPHANIE HANS ARTWORK ON #7! :O



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Saga didn't catch my from the get go, it's kinda weird. I feel like the magic was sorta lost on me, but I've fallen in love with it over time. I was definitely a fan by issue #6, but I can't really pinpoint when I started liking it. I just remember not "getting" the hype at first. And I love BKV. This week's issue was great though, as expected. Can't believe there was so much drama over such a small little picture. I knew what to look for going into it and still almost missed it.

Hawkeye #9 - I follow Fraction on Tumblr and he is obviously a fan of The Rockford Files. I'm only 26, so I completely missed that show, but I started watching a couple episodes on Hulu this week. NOW I see where he got the inspiration for this comic. And the answering machine stuff this week has to be an homage to that. Oh and that last page...FUCK.

I still need to read Thor God of Thunder, Sex and I picked up some old issues of Mind MGMT. I don't know why, but I'm not in the mood for Fantastic Four or Avengers this week. Doubly so for Age of Ultron, I'm ready to drop that outright


As a rule, I try not to read Bendis comics anymore but the way people have described Age of Ultron - that Bendis and Hitch bring out the worst in each other - makes me curious. Not about to take a 20 dollar bullet to verify that tho.
As a rule, I try not to read Bendis comics anymore but the way people have described Age of Ultron - that Bendis and Hitch bring out the worst in each other - makes me curious. Not about to take a 20 dollar bullet to verify that tho.

Not sure if hitch has a worst . But it has been talking heads the book. Vintage BENDIS. Couldn't drop it faster
Bendis and Kirkman have a special talent, only they can make a book about the end of the world a complete bore. I can't believe BMB thought it was a good idea to have the first issue about Hawkeye raiding a crack house.


Mega Man, Saga and Batgirl have been pretty great this week. The Star Wars ongoing is still a bit of a drag, though. I may just drop it for Legacy. I've yet to finish my whole haul, but it's been awesome so far.


Picked up a few today -

Saga 12 - liked it
Hawkeye 9 - liked it a lot. Saddened by the last page.
UXF 3 - liked it
Finally found nowhere men #2 - liked it a lot
UXM 4 - disappointed. I think I might drop it and just read ANXM and UXF.
Constantine 2 - liked it


I'm getting into it now. The first couple of issues were horrendous, but its gotten better.

I think the last two issues were clearly better than the first three. I like the set-up of where it's headed now

Batman 19 was a little wordy and formulaic but Capullo was killing it


Batman is just so fucking good

I havent enjoyed reading a Batman series (not counting one-offs) as much in a loooong time


Hawkeye 009

I know he is a fictional character, but after the Hurricane Sandy issue, I feel bad for Gils dad :(

Also, GAF pseudo-spoiler statements about that last page ruined that someone died. But I totally thought it would be the redhead until Grills and Clint were talking.
Hawkeye #9: Awesome, just awesome.
Avengers #9: Yep, this was great and loved the last page (recognized it too thanks to NA)
UXM #4: I like where this is going. Good stuff.

Need to read still:
Thor #7


Firestorm #-

why is Ronnie in the driver's seat, and why is Jason in his head?

I think its because if the situations were reversed, Ronnie would be completely fucking useless.

I'm getting sick and damn tired of reading the adventures of this lunkhead and disembodied ghost. How many adventures are going to be based on him plunging ahead recklessly endangering everything with a screaming floating head?

They might as well just get sick on a glossy cover and give me that. That's basically what they've done to this book.


was that pre-New52? I'll agree with you that everything after the reboot was horribad. I only kept up with it because I hoped it would improve.

But this was a good read a few years ago with Jason as Firestorm. I liked that they brought Ronnie back to life, but goddamn, without him teamed up with the professor, he's a goddamn horrible character and they write him that way. Stupid and not sympathetic at all.


I'm talking post-new52. Anyway, not important.

IMPORTANT AVENGERS #9 QUESTION: So, Blackmask and Starbrand are locked up on the Stark Sphere from New Avengers, right? I'm not just seeing things and this is all part of the plan, right?


Firestorm #-

why is Ronnie in the driver's seat, and why is Jason in his head?

I think its because if the situations were reversed, Ronnie would be completely fucking useless.

I'm getting sick and damn tired of reading the adventures of this lunkhead and disembodied ghost. How many adventures are going to be based on him plunging ahead recklessly endangering everything with a screaming floating head?

They might as well just get sick on a glossy cover and give me that. That's basically what they've done to this book.

I thought that book was canceled?
I think it could have been interesting had they used the changes to the character from Brightest Day. The whole Firestorm protocols thing turned me off of the book before it even started.

Jedeye Sniv

Okay, I just got home and breezed through it again really quick, and my recollection of the story was pretty accurate. The Stepford Cuckoos were revealed to be Weapon XIV, created by Dr. John Sublime as part of the Weapon Plus program. Emma Frost's eggs were harvested without her knowledge or consent, and grown into a thousand psychic daughters of which five were released into the real world, and the others kept in stasis chambers in The World. They were designed to be a psychic weapon capable of killing anyone with a thought, with the five acting as a conduit and focal point for the remainders' power. At the end of the story, Sublime tries to use their hive-mind to contain and control the power of a Phoenix fragment that had taken up residence in Celeste, but Celeste uses the Phoenix's power to destroy her sisters then split it amongst herself, Mindee and Phoebe.

Oh Jesus, what did they do to New X-Men??
This is fresh from Joe Abercrombie's blog ...


"The thing that’s of particular interest to me about this project, and probably will be of some interest to you as well, is the method of distribution. Mainly – that we’re giving it away to anyone with an internet connection.

Yes, you heard me right. We’re serialising it, free, at www.firstlawcomic.com.

The first twelve pages are up there now. You can go look at them. For nothing. And there’ll be new pages added every monday, wednesday, and friday, if things go according to plan, for years to come. And you’ll be able to look at those too. For nothing. The hope is, that when we’ve finally completed this project, there’ll be well over a thousand pages of high quality First Law graphic novel up online. For nothing."

Tons of good books this week (I even loved this issue of Fearless Defenders*), but my book of the week, and I'm as surprised to type this as you are to read it, is Batgirl #19

Taut, intense storytelling, and just about a perfect issue and wrap up to the story of her brother. Gail understands how to write a WTF issue, with heart and drama. I am now back on board, or rather completely invested in this series for the first time.

Damn, woman. Damn.

* hearing the Jimenez news pleases me. Dani Moonstar = goddess.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
There's only one pro tip about webcomics: Don't.

Hahaha, its a pretty thankless world with a million contenders all trying to get ahead and giving their best shit away for free. Of course if I could get a sniff of a publisher, its a route that wouldnt feel like the only one open.


Unconfirmed Member
This is fresh from Joe Abercrombie's blog ...

"The thing that’s of particular interest to me about this project, and probably will be of some interest to you as well, is the method of distribution. Mainly – that we’re giving it away to anyone with an internet connection.

Yes, you heard me right. We’re serialising it, free, at www.firstlawcomic.com.

The first twelve pages are up there now. You can go look at them. For nothing. And there’ll be new pages added every monday, wednesday, and friday, if things go according to plan, for years to come. And you’ll be able to look at those too. For nothing. The hope is, that when we’ve finally completed this project, there’ll be well over a thousand pages of high quality First Law graphic novel up online. For nothing."


I'll have to check it out since I'm a big fan of his novels.
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