Anticitizen One
Is that newsarama about dark horse adapting the original script of Star Wars into a comic real or April fools?
The Beat, actually.
For a second I thought Newsie grew a pair.
But of course they didn't.
The Beat, actually.
For a second I thought Newsie grew a pair.
But of course they didn't.
Is that newsarama about dark horse adapting the original script of Star Wars into a comic real or April fools?
Is that newsarama about dark horse adapting the original script of Star Wars into a comic real or April fools?
Is that newsarama about dark horse adapting the original script of Star Wars into a comic real or April fools?
Theirs is coming. Click to launch viewer for the april fools prank sorted into a list of 10 items.
Yeah, I dunno guys, I think this one might be legit.Are we sure this is a joke?
I like this
Considering that Abe Sapien book, hmmmmm.
I really should read Batman Beyond.
Is that Cassandra Cain??
I really should read Batman Beyond.
Everyone should be.
Beyond is like 20-30 years in the future. My money is on Max.
Action Comics #19
Detective Comics #19
Earth 2 #11
Green Arrow #19
Legends Of The Dark Knight #7
Worlds' Finest #11
You should. It's been stellar.
You'd think. But she doesn't have Max's lips.
There's a short time skip to college that's going to happen when the writers change for the book later this year. So it's not outside the realm of possibility.
Wait so it's actually the future of this current DC Universe? Like "in continuity"?
Wait so it's actually the future of this current DC Universe? Like "in continuity"?
*DC editor asks a magic 8 ball* The answer for today is maybe! Come back next week for you regularly scheduled installment of "Continuity? What's that?"
No. It's the future of the Beyond Universe. It's its own Earth.
Earth 12, I believe.
Wait so it's actually the future of this current DC Universe? Like "in continuity"?
No comic is more schway brahI need to start reading batman beyond it sounds pretty schway
DC Comics
Action Comics #19 (get hype for one good issue then two shitty ones based on Diggle's notes but written by Daniel)
Animal Man #19
Batwing #19
Detective Comics #19 (Hoping 'Tec 900 shows these motherfuckers how to do a milestone issue right YES I AM STILL BITTER ABOUT AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700)
Dial H #11
Earth 2 #11
Green Arrow #19
Green Lantern #19
Phantom Stranger #7 (seriously, now that Didio is only plotting, it's good! try it)
Stormwatch #19 (no idea what the fifty-two to expect with Starlin, but hey, willing to try)
Swamp Thing #19
All New X-Men #10
Deadpool #7
Indestructible Hulk #6
Thanos Rising #1
The Third Category
Snapshot #3 (more diggle yay)
Uber #0 (maybe? I mean it's a kieron gillen joint but I'm not sure what the #0 means)
Too much DC, fuck your dumb list.
Stormwatch has been shit. Don't know if I should check out #19 or throw the $2.99 in the fucking trash.
Don't know if Phantom Stranger #7 is going to be an acceptable jumping on point.
Need someone to explain to me why I should give Dial H a chance. It looks fucking stupid.
Batwing is just dumb. It's a plane. Not a dude. (Why should I check #19 out???)
Superior Spider-Man 7:Inb4Peterlosesthefightforhismind
From the pages Stegman released just now, it looks like. Literally.Otto takes the fight to Peter
From the pages Stegman released just now, it looks like. Literally.Otto takes the fight to Peter