I'm wanting to get into comics...
Anyone recommend any good ones?
Preferably related to Batman, but also other ones in general.
Makes sense. Not sure what we're going to get out of it if Age of Ultron does take place in 616...
edit: Given that he's not imprisoned,I guess we can assume that nobody's found out that he's Otto yet, though again with AoU...
Isn't the speculation that AU takes place in another universe and the surviving heroes are going to jump (eventually) to 616?
Never heard of that one myself. If that's the case, I'm not sure why Spider-Manstarts off with Peter dialogue which is later rectified to be Spocks to conform to the current ongoing Otto story.
It's because Bendis can't write Otto pretending to be Peter, he just doesn't know how.
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I'm wanting to get into comics...
Anyone recommend any good ones?
The Last of Us looks pretty cool. Might be the first video game comic I've picked up in, uh... what was the last good video game comic?
I'm wanting to get into comics...
Anyone recommend any good ones?
Preferably related to Batman, but also other ones in general.
Pretty great read.
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner sat down with a room full of people and just talked about their personal and professional relationships at Wondercon (Bleeding Cool)
I'd buy a Tigra series drawn by Amanda. Steal her away from DC, Marvel.
Yeah, seems likely.
It was just solicited. 7 comes out on Wednesday.are we up to issue 9 of Superior already? Damn I need to catch up
Rafa why do you hate yourself?Holy fuck why are you giving Nick Spencer work? Gonna buy it though.... This punishment.....
You'd think they could bust out the B-list villains and not some Secret Six nobody gives a fuck about
I like Lieber but not so much Spencer. I'll wait and see.
If only Bendis were writing it, we could watch them eat pizza.
I don't, it kind of interests me and Avengers AI does. I get inspired reading books from crappy writers like Spencer and Kirkman. I feel like I can touch the sun when I'm reading their works.Rafa why do you hate yourself?
You picking up Invincible Universe?I don't, it kind of interests me and Avengers AI does. I get inspired reading books from crappy writers like Spencer and Kirkman. I feel like I can touch the sun when I'm reading their works.
I don't, it kind of interests me and Avengers AI does. I get inspired reading books from crappy writers like Spencer and Kirkman. I feel like I can touch the sun when I'm reading their works.
I think that's out next week or the one after.You picking up Invincible Universe?
I like that for as much shit as we give one another, sometimes we can all agree that Nick Spencer is a fucking hack.
HOWEVER, maybe this is the kind of book Spencer can make. He's got a great artist in Lieber, and he's got a bunch of D-Listers, meaning only hardcore nerds could know that he's fucking up. Maybe he can finally bring himself back to the level of his Cloak and Dagger mini.
HOWEVER, who the fuck am I kidding it'll blow chunks.
"How did we all end up in this new lair?"
Find out in thirty-one issues!
has moring glories gotten that bad, i enjoyed the first trade when i read it.
had a bit of a lost vibe to it.
What in the 616 f**k is going on with Age of Ultron? Thus far there's a schizophrenic Spider-Man, deaths on a global scale, and supposedly it takes place in 616 and in 2013.
Pretty great read.
Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner sat down with a room full of people and just talked about their personal and professional relationships at Wondercon (Bleeding Cool)
I'd buy a Tigra series drawn by Amanda. Steal her away from DC, Marvel.