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COMICS! |OT| April 2015. Everyone's burned out and looking for an excuse to quit.


No Scrubs
Read Batman #40 this morning and still processing everything about it.

But what sticks in my head from the issue is the way Batman is just straight up mocking the Joker at the end with the "I'm sorry I didn't believe you" and he keeps going with "Please forgive me," like DAMN, Bruce is about to die (yeah right) and this is the moment he decides to have a laugh. And his last message "HA" just confirmed it.

Also, of course Dick Grayson continues to be the best of Bats subordinates.

Spoilers, duh

Everything about this book is amazing, just when you think Snyder and Capullo are about to take the whole thing off the rails and jump the shark they pull this shit. I want them to be on this book as long as they want because goddamn dude, they're killing it arc after arc.

EDIT: The fact they managed to get DC not to spoil this chapter is straight up amazing, DC's editorial can't help but spoil shit but somehow this stayed under wraps. The fact you
never see it coming makes it that much better. The whole ending sequence I spend thinking, how's he going to get out of this. When he doesn't all I can do is say, "Oh, fuck."
New New Avengers #01: Ultron Forever 2 of 3

Y`know, i thought Ewing was a very competent geek. I thought i had him figured out.

Halfway through this ish i realized just what he was doing, how the fucker was throwing around absolutely mesozoic references with both cohesiveness and ease, and then telling the artist to draw the whole thing, poses and all, with *very* heavy inspiration from 4+ decades ago.

God damn that man, he truly is on the express route to become one of the greats.


So Silver Surfer was great and all, but it was nothing you need to buy in print if you normally buy digital. Just lock the screen to keep it from auto rotating and you're good.
And man print just doesn't do Allred's art justice, digital forever.
I wonder what the percentage of comics are purchased digital vs paper. Especially YOY. Add trades In the mix too.

Digital fo life!

I can't remember the last comic I read that had an ad in it


I wonder what the percentage of comics are purchased digital vs paper. Especially YOY. Add trades In the mix too.

Digital fo life!

I can't remember the last comic I read that had an ad in it

I read a paper comic today and when I seen ads I was like


the fuck are these doing in here.


Sorry guuise.. I also think think they need to made Danny Rand asian american dude in netflix series, also the rumored guy is too old.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Mighty Avengers has grown on me, very much so in fact. Digging the street level Avengers thing, cool cast too. Trying to catch up on all things (modern) Avengers, the only I haven't started is Avengers Undercover because I haven't read Arena yet.
Read the entirity of Ultimate Spider-Man(took me less than a week, don't judge me). I really liked it, I'm going to write a more extensive post about it tomorrow.

One question though(ending spoilers):
Did he or did he not die? They never found his body so I thought it was a bit ambiguous, I'm assuming he's dead though as they never found him.

Also I always thought the concept of Spider-Woman was weird but knowing how she came to be really cleared things up for me, pretty interesting.

Edit: Wait fuck apparently I didn't read them all????? It doesn't end at #133?


Read the entirity of Ultimate Spider-Man(took me less than a week, don't judge me). I really liked it, I'm going to write a more extensive post about it tomorrow.

One question though(ending spoilers):
Did he or did he not die? They never found his body so I thought it was a bit ambiguous, I'm assuming he's dead though as they never found him.

Also I always thought the concept of Spider-Woman was weird but knowing how she came to be really cleared things up for me, pretty interesting.
That's at the end of Ultimatum right?

You should


Read the entirity of Ultimate Spider-Man(took me less than a week, don't judge me). I really liked it, I'm going to write a more extensive post about it tomorrow.

One question though(ending spoilers):
Did he or did he not die? They never found his body so I thought it was a bit ambiguous, I'm assuming he's dead though as they never found him.

Also I always thought the concept of Spider-Woman was weird but knowing how she came to be really cleared things up for me, pretty interesting.

Have you read Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man volume 2? The story continues from when Peter dies and such. After that it's Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man.

Both pretty good runs.

EDIT: OH SHIT! You didn't read Ultimatum? Good luck.
That's at the end of Ultimatum right?

You should

Have you read Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man volume 2? The story continues from when Peter dies and such. After that it's Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man.

Both pretty good runs.

EDIT: OH SHIT! You didn't read Ultimatum? Good luck.

Ultimatum is the last thing I read, thinking it was over after that. Honestly I'm glad it didn't end there, it was an unsatisfying ending(even though #133 was pretty well done). Guess I'm reading more then lol.


Ultimatum is the last thing I read, thinking it was over after that. Honestly I'm glad it didn't end there, it was an unsatisfying ending(even though #133 was pretty well done). Guess I'm reading more then lol.

Oh no, it definitely continues after that. Up to 160 I believe. And after that it continues on with the runs I previously mentioned as well.
Ultimatum is the last thing I read, thinking it was over after that. Honestly I'm glad it didn't end there, it was an unsatisfying ending(even though #133 was pretty well done). Guess I'm reading more then lol.

Oh no, it definitely continues after that. Up to 160 I believe. And after that it continues on with the runs I previously mentioned as well.

Ultimate Fallout is a must-read as well


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any
Wally west
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any
Wally West Flash

e: beaten


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
What smaller team did he make the jump from? Titans?

My DC-fu is weak

Edit: also I guess I should read Avengers Academy before Arena since it seems it's a direct sequel
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any



So I go to the LCS and the latest Batman issue #40(normal cover) was already 100% marked up ($10)? The first day it's released onto shelves? I honestly don't think I've ever seen that happen for a book. Did anyone else's stores do this?

Must be a good issue, lol. Can't wait to read it!
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any

New Mutant to a X-Men starter.


Howard the Duck # 2 was fairly disappointing. For one, i think the second issue being devoted to a team up with the Guardians is a bit soon if it wasn't going to be exceptional, it reminded me of Wolverine having a team-up with Ms. Marvel that I thought felt forced and underwhelming. Also, everyone like, uh, talks the same and I'm wondering if this was done on purpose for some reason. Everyone but Groot. Random 4/10 for one fun page about
Cosmo con and I liked some of Howard's dialog and the acid spitting from Rocket


So I go to the LCS and the latest Batman issue #40(normal cover) was already 100% marked up ($10)? The first day it's released onto shelves? I honestly don't think I've ever seen that happen for a book. Did anyone else's stores do this?

Must be a good issue, lol. Can't wait to read it!

Its a great issue but your store was being incredibly shitty and gouging on the price. I wouldn't go back if my store did that to me.
Howard the Duck # 2 was fairly disappointing. For one, i think the second issue being devoted to a team up with the Guardians is a bit soon if it wasn't going to be exceptional, it reminded me of Wolverine having a team-up with Ms. Marvel that I thought felt forced and underwhelming. Also, everyone like, uh, talks the same and I'm wondering if this was done on purpose for some reason. Everyone but Groot. Random 4/10 for one fun page about
Cosmo con and I liked some of Howard's dialog and the acid spitting from Rocket

They really should add a rule where new writers can only use elements of the character's own sphere for the first six months of ressurection or so. Either survive on your own legs and find your voice or fuck off back to the grave.


So I go to the LCS and the latest Batman issue #40(normal cover) was already 100% marked up ($10)? The first day it's released onto shelves? I honestly don't think I've ever seen that happen for a book. Did anyone else's stores do this?

Must be a good issue, lol. Can't wait to read it!

What the hell, that's shady as shit.


Shazam was great. I wasn't exactly floored by the writing, but that art is perfect.

So I go to the LCS and the latest Batman issue #40(normal cover) was already 100% marked up ($10)? The first day it's released onto shelves? I honestly don't think I've ever seen that happen for a book. Did anyone else's stores do this?

Must be a good issue, lol. Can't wait to read it!

There would be bloody murder if my LCS tried any of that shit.
Howard the Duck # 2 was fairly disappointing. For one, i think the second issue being devoted to a team up with the Guardians is a bit soon if it wasn't going to be exceptional, it reminded me of Wolverine having a team-up with Ms. Marvel that I thought felt forced and underwhelming. Also, everyone like, uh, talks the same and I'm wondering if this was done on purpose for some reason. Everyone but Groot. Random 4/10 for one fun page about
Cosmo con and I liked some of Howard's dialog and the acid spitting from Rocket
I know exactly what you mean. It was way way way too soon for a team-up issue that took up a whole issue. Very disappointed with it, hopefully the third issue is more like the first.
So I go to the LCS and the latest Batman issue #40(normal cover) was already 100% marked up ($10)? The first day it's released onto shelves? I honestly don't think I've ever seen that happen for a book. Did anyone else's stores do this?

Must be a good issue, lol. Can't wait to read it!
That is fucked up


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

Good one


New Mutant to a X-Men starter.

Nah, she's been in Uncanny x-men for 1 run, I bet most people still think of her from new mutants first

Edit: yoooooooooo Loki Agent of Asgard is awesome. Loved the first issue and now the second starts with a speed dating segment, this is amazing
Trivia time:

Has any younger hero that made the jump to "the big leagues" aka your Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, actually stayed in the big leagues for any considerable amount of time and is actually more known for for being in those teams than in smaller ones?

I can't think of any


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
So, that Batman story. The fucking balls on those Batman storytellers. Also, Capullo is still the hardest working big-2 artist out there.
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